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    On Self Image: No 'Self' Exists.

    The concept of 'Self' image is a false idea of the 'self-help community' pandered from the perspective of the ego. To make this widespread and simple will be my goal, as once it is understood, you will achieve greater clarity, and perhaps a new found interest in religion, spirituality, or...
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    What You See is What You Get.

    In life, all existence has its opposite. Heads has tails. Up has down. To exist impliess non existent. Rich must have broke. Black must have White. Masculine must have feminine. Positive has negative, and so forth. With that in mind...anything you see in life shall be found. If you're...
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    Decipher this AIM chat with a HB9, what are my pros and cons here?

    Re: 1. First off, she'a club-hoe. She won't be coming down from her party high until 25. NOT relationship material. Maybe a quick f*ck. 2. ...based on this statements, she's 17 to me. 3. To convey an attitude of not caring, you can't care period. *Saying*things to a girl who...
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    The pretty boy attitude gets no respect

    Who cares? Girls only treat you the way they do based on how you let them. Some girls say "you're a pretty boy, huh?" And I'm usually saying..."what, you date lots of ugly guys don't you?" Not out of C&F, because the 'labels' are so weak that women, and society has. One girl...
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    The 'Big Lie' that the 'dating gurus' are teaching......

    That's from "How to Succeed with Women" I got the same email. It's just a marketing hook, which is to a degree, 'right'. The glut of dating advice has STILL not helped mankind in the true quest, which is MORE successful dating. More dates does not equal more success. Nor does more numbers. More...
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    What is masculinity and femininity

    2 Things you laid out.: First, the natural condition for all human beings is 'comfort'. We seek to be comfortable, because our internal make-up desires comfort, stability, and equilibrium. This balance enables survival, but not necessarily LIFE, which we are all capable of. Remember...
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    What is masculinity and femininity

    Whether they're suppressed or not, they still exist. Most have ALLOWED them to be suppressed by giving into the whims of everybody but themselves. It's not easy getting down to the core of who you are, and people will want to place *their emotional debts* on you, but you must thrust them off...
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    What is masculinity and femininity

    Re: The cart before the horse syndrome.... Many take an OUTSIDE look in and say "Gee, what qualities does a man possess." And then copy them. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. You say... "I am man, these qualities are merely the RESULT of who I am. They are not the PIECES of who I am."...
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    Confidence Only Gets You To The Plate.

    Re: Thank you, someone who gets it. Now i don't have to keep posting on my own post. A-Unit
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    Confidence Only Gets You To The Plate.

    Re: Attraction, according to David D is the unchosen reaction to a specific set of traits just long enough so that 2 species mate. I've heard it said that "a person notices traits or is found hott when that person wants to mate." Traditional thought suppoeses that "a person wants to mate...
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    Confidence Only Gets You To The Plate.

    Re: Hormones don't equal confidence. On most occasions, excessive hormones can be likened to arrogance. An over juiced joke might neglect common sense and do something stupid, like a PCP freak would and not realize the error in his ways. If you're not sitting at a club, "wondering"...
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    Confidence Only Gets You To The Plate.

    Confidence will only get you to the plate, it won't help you 'hit' the ball. It's NOT attraction. It's only the belief in oneself that you no better and no worse than anybody else out there, and that you should approach a female. Confidence is infectious, but it's not always attractive...
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    We Fall In Love With The "IDEA"

    Market Your Love Life. If you have self love, all else will take care of itself. What does that mean? Your outside world is created by your inner world. One must gain clarity from the berage of sensory hits you take each day. Ask yourself: "To which woman could I entrust my...
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    Friends first?

    Re: View all prospective women as "friends" from the perspective of a guy. A guy who treats all his ladies like he treats any other friend... never placed her on a pedastal... evaluates her rationally... maintains your grounding and power... allows you to next her w/out getting caught...
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    I think I got LJBF and I confronted her on it

    Re: I also feel bad you moved further north to New England. While the land and country and atmosphere is great, as far as women go, it's the land "where women expect more and provide less, where their clothing style is wearing less, while carrying more." When it's cold 50% of the year, a...
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    I think I got LJBF and I confronted her on it

    Re: 1. Ditch the ego. You can be ****y, but letting yourself be egotistically bruised is something in the realm of AFC or worse. 2. Always LBJF first. Always. If you see the relationship heading downhill, revert to just friends. All girls, from a guys' perspective should be friends...
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    player image good or bad

    Re: I. Don't be afraid to lose. If some person didn't like you based on who you are, or want to be, move on, they have bad tastes anyway. II. First impressions count as everything. That's because we're a time-starved world that doesn't 'buy into' alot of crap, and the image is the quickest...
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    I dont agree to this.. What do you guys think?

    Re: Is this post a joke? Girls don't want their problems fixed, generally, they just want someone to listen to them. Unless they're desperately pleading with you...."HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME" MAYBE you do it. However, if she doesn't learn to do it on her own, and she's not your girl, then...
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    Fictional> Bl0wjob Report: Don't mess with ALPHA!!!

    Re: I fail to see how casting aspirsions makes you anymore "alpha" than the supposedly low "betas" on here. What makes it more pathetic is that a person mistakes dominance by subverting someone else. You wouldn't assume a position of leadership by acting controlling, condescending, or...
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    Women are garbage.

    Re: I'm of the mindset that the moral fiber of peoples' views on relationship has deteriorated to the point where it's a commodity, not a necessity. When did a career path or job become more fulfilling than love or relationships? When do objects mean more than subjects? It...