The Light at the End of The Tunnel.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
I don't recall how I found SoSuave, specifically, what I do know is, such things are a significant portion of your journey, through seduction, women, and more importantly life.

When I began dating, it just 'happened.' In HS, I pretty much did what all guys do, what I wanted. There was never a concern for image, never a thought to clothing; I wasn't conscious or anxious about the 'outside' world, or metrosexuality. I just did me things, things that made me happy. And like most youths, I maintained 'baby fat' until 16 or so. At that point, I decided being a 'baby' wasn't for me, so I took to weight-lifting.

It only took a few months for results to be dramatic, and that was when 'buying signals' started cropping up. In fact, my first 2 gf's approached me, both athletes, once they saw the 'new me.' I never used C&F, I didn't concern myself with Kino, nor do I worry about knocking her off her pedastal. I just did me things. And it worked. Sure, when we broke, I didn't have the maturity to handle it well, and I whined over it, but in time, like all things, scars heal.

I moved onto college and found girls I genuninely liked and watched for their buying signals. Because I was genuinely interested in the time I would soon spend with them, my own CHARISMA came off quite naturally. The chemical reaction was pretty much a given, and relationship would last awhile, even amidst college times. All the while, I focused on me. And when I least expected it, life would toss me someone great to date or to hookup with or to formulate a LTR with.

It was my senior year of college that sent me on 'QUEST' to score hotter chicks than I had before, and rather than continue on the path I had, I diverged. I bought EVERY seduction book out there, just shy of seminars. The more I bought, the more egotistical I became. "I know have more books, more knowledge, more theory, therefore I KNOW MORE!" HAHA!

I'd next girls when the timing was wrong, I'd be demanding, almost self-righteous, and yet, my friends ALL HAD girls, even the guys who were known hookup artists had settled down at 21, 22 into a more serious relationship. They were able to focus better as a result. Weekend weren't consumed with pleasing their 'little' head. Instead, they made plans with friends, or girlfriends, or even made extravagant plans to go away. I, on the other hand, was taking business trips stag. Sure, I'd meet a cute gal here and there, but only *I* would truly remember the joy. Retelling the story never seemd as fun with no one else there.

As time passed, I happened upon SoSuave and various other sites commanding attention and theorizing "NEW HOOK UP STRATEGIES." During several summers, I'd go with different guys to the clubs REGULARLY. From Boston to Manchester. My cell phone over flowed with numbers; I needed a secretary at one point to catalog the numbers and sort of the women.

It seems things have a way of falling into place.

I'd worked hard and garnered the social results I personally wanted. And in the midst of it, I met some cool guys on here, too (Jvesti being one of them). Others, I've chatted on AOL IM with. The insights are unique and quite enjoyable.

Yet, as I dug more, I realized less and less, like most of those who mature, that all that junk is worthless. At one point, dating, and women, and even seduction used to be such a great trip, so feeling-based. Now, it's cold, analytical, and almost TOO emotional, because each phrase, each article of clothing, each spray of cologne, and date are analyzed to see that the optimal results are maximized.

At my young age of 24 I can tell you the dance has become Unfun. Not by my own doing, but from the perspective of how analytical everybody is. Even when I was a beginner, I never knew what AFC meant, and I still had fun no matter how naive I was. I took pleasure in just learning, in meeting a new girl. I didn't care if she'd flake, or scoff for giving it out. All that matter was each moment of life was enjoyed. And with some women it came so natural, with others it didn't. I've come to learn the "system" of life does not afford clear, cold, calculating answers as many of you want.

In fact, when you boil it down, NONE of us know one another (save me knowing Jvesti and a few others) so I cannot count the validity of what you speak. Perhaps you're a complete novice, geek, too meak to tackle the world only speaking theory, and perhaps others are studly super-seducers speaking the truth; all-in-all, I just don't know. And that is alarming for many because, your perceptions of life and on dating maybe totally warped.

The more you visit the boards, or the net for that matter, the more you shape perceptions. I can't tell what you guys believe or feel of these results, and does it really matter? Does it matter that some chick gave you a glimpse in school, but yet you did nothing about it? How can you tell if it was effective? If you spit some serious lines at her, and she laughs because it was C&F, was it effective? Did you get the date? Do you feel MORE ALIVE? Did you get the lay?

It seems like an odd coincidence to say "we're not supplicating or being AFC" and yet, many of us, myself included have nearly 300+ posts on women. On critiquing, on pickups, etc. Wouldn't that be AFC to be so obsessed as to post or read about it daily? Wouldn't that be pandering to the opposite sex?

Guys never did this because guys had the power of CHOICE. When did we let that go? When did we begin accepting slutty women who'd been with multiple guys? I know girls who have fvcked over 20 you want her as your wife, as the mother to your children, sharing you eternal bed? There's some seriously flawed in a person that must get gratification from that many people. What value do you get from it after that many times?

In a book titled "The Taboo: On Knowing Yourself," Alan Watts talks about how a system is not in fact separate pieces combined together. What this means, in terms of the body is that, if you remove the brain, is it still valuable? No. Unless it has a body, it has no value. Sure, you could transplant it, but it must be transplanted into another body. Follow me?

Likewise, the current dating/relationship environment is similar to that analogy; it's a host of factors resulting in what we have:

*MTV, Reality shows, and Spring break allow women complete freedom to break loose.
*Birth control pills decrease the liklihood of pregnancy.
*Feminism has given power to beliefs that women are equal to men [misleading, it's only equal rights, not equal essence].
*Access to jobs.
*Societal beliefs.

One factor isn't to blame, but as you can see a total environment has in some way, put us men into almost a supplicating position where WE accept less FEMININE, more loose women, near the standard. Sure, she gets her fill of fvck friends now, but when it comes time to settle, she picks a guy less whorish.

Which brings me back around to where I started...many of you don't need any of this. It was only when your conscious awareness was sparked you came to BELIEVE you did. You heard guys talking, perhaps elaborating, and figured THEY MUST know something you don't. And then off down the Rabbit Hole you go...

"True freedom and confidence is not experienced through the addition, but through the subtraction of needs."

I got that out of a book I read. The book wasn't on confidence either, it was on spirtual awareness, about enjoying life more, and seeking the good things. See, when you UNencumber the spirit, the soul, the essence, you really become confident, because you're not shaken by anything. Guys here are still rattled about the 1st date, about the 1st kiss, even about their own confidence that all they do is study it RATHER THAN DO IT.

I'm realizing that this whole thing on women is less about women, and more about life. If you don't have the ballz to get what you want in life, then women will fall far down that list, too. Generally the meak AFC will all lack respect for, is also the guy whipped around by life, by his employer, and his family. It's not totally his fault, it's only his BELIEFS of himself and of society. He see's this whole societal thing AS REAL. It's a joke. One big joke. Isn't it?

I mean look around? We're here for what, a fraction of a second of the world's existence, and we worry about the dumbest shyt. Don't we? Money. Cars. Fame. Fortune. Women. Buying signals. IOI's. FWB'S. It's like a big game, and some spiritual body is seeing who wins and loses based on how stressed we become.

Without love, nothing else matters. With love, nothing else matters.

Many people are persuing MATERIAL/EXTERNAL possessions to make up for internal desires. They want love, comfort, security, so they seek gains in income, in cars, in looks, in clothes, food, drugs, tvs, yet they seek the long route to their goal. Aren't these all addictions or obsessions? The obsession of pleasure? The obsession of shopping too much?

You guys here, need less romance training, less seduction input, less everything, and then you will find you. Many are TRYING so badly to convert disinterest into interest and getting frustrated at the same time. JUST STOP. If you really like the girl, go for her, if not move on. The hardest reality I accepted was that it's almost gross to want to fvck every girl I see. If sex wasn't so obvious, I dare think guys would act that way. One study on MTV concluded they showed over 3,000 images and said the word sex over 2,000 times in 1 month. Talk about programming. And you're deluded if you don't think it's happened.


By GOD, Gentlemen, ACT.

In life, all that matters is acting, moving, and doing. Leave the thinking to women.



Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
This is a great post and should be bumped up to the top.

I found this site a few months back after getting out of a bad LTR. At first I felt a little insecure about getting back out in the game. Really I was in the game for a long time before that and I enjoyed it.

I think the most of my replies as of recent, aside from a few obvious tips that I have used in real life, have dealt with people not enjoying what they're doing. For me the cold calculating manuevering just inevitably leads to pent up sexual angst. When I start to try too hard, which I did even without this board, nothing works. My best pick-ups/relationships always seem to be when I'm just out having fun.

Right now I'm actually on a sabbattical from women so I can get myself ahead and get back with some old friends. Just going out enjoying myself with friends, being friendly and smiling has had me wind up with a lot of girls recently. I'm not being an arrogant ass sitting in the corner waiting for eye contact so I can pounce I'm just out enjoying whatever happens.

I really do wish people would lighten up and just have fun with this stuff.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Right now I'm actually on a sabbattical from women so I can get myself ahead and get back with some old friends. Just going out enjoying myself with friends, being friendly and smiling has had me wind up with a lot of girls recently. I'm not being an arrogant ass sitting in the corner waiting for eye contact so I can pounce I'm just out enjoying whatever happens.

This is a great attitude to have, too. You do what you do on your time. Sure, I used to hit up a club, like many, and scope as many broads to bring home, but is that the place you want to really meet someone?

In any event, my post was meant to highlight the fact that, this is a journey, not a destination. You don't END somewhere picking up girls. It happens all around, at every facet of your life.

The more you get your shyt together, the more life will give back. I found as I matured and grew, people felt good just handing me ladies, either ONS or for a LTR. They trusted me. I don't reply on society, or friends, or family to do that, but in time as you care for yourself, others will, too.

Where you're at 25, belividere, are you reshaping your thinking on women? On life?

In some way, maturity, growth, etc, is more of an awakening of the mind. It's not that, as you grow you GROW out of things, but that your MIND wakes up and releases you from the mental and hormonal prison you're trapped in at such a young age. This is why some people appear MORE mature. Their mind is a little more 'awake' to possibilities and to realities than others.

It's not that you have to learn to love ALL women, it's that you have to learn, THAT'S HOW THEY ARE, and until they love you, they're not changing. They will piss you off, they will test you, and they will rattle your cages. And on the flip side, when they love you, they're your bigges supporter, kinky porn queen, and devoted girlfriend. However, if you're out pullin tramps without regard for common sense of their background and red flags, then you have no one to blame but yourself.

Looking back, EVERY situation I didn't enjoy, or didn't maximize, wasn't the result of some strategy, or tactic, or gameplan, or seduction technique, It was the result of not taking advantage of the moment, of not taking action, of being too cautious, of fearing the results, of fearing not handling it. We're already packaged with all we need, but there's so much clutter of bad beliefs, old theories, and strategic theorems most guys are too paralyzed to act.

When I attened UMAINE, I had a girl at a college in NH. She played me back n forth, would drunk dial while partying with guys, and was a downright bytch. When I'd go home for breaks, she'd be all warm and fuzzy. However, MUCH before all that occurred, I should have had the foresight to STOP the nonsense and live where i was, live in the moment, and keep my mind focused on where my body was. I had 2 girls that desired me, not just flirted with me, but DESIRED to sleep with me. One was Canadian, and literally asked me if I was 'gay' because I didn't make a pass at her. The other, was a fairly religious girl in search of a relationship, easily declared one of the TOP 10 hotties on campus as a freshman, whom my buddy ended up getting with for a while because I let that go, too.

I mention these moments to any and all who would heed them because life will present the opportunities insofaras you make them occur. They'll be right before your eyes, and the biggest challenge won't be sorting out demons or the your attire, but you just approaching.

You see, the only thing that endures is you. Your personality, your masculinity. Sure, sure, if you want trite pick-ups of women, do a few dozen approaches, and throw in some seduction techniques, and you'll land her. That works. I don't use them, and I do ok. But how much happiness comes from that?

What i'm advocating is a detached attitude from many of the societal programming we've all been given. You're given the...

*don't settle young.
*party hard.
*meet girls at bars.
*all women are slutz.
*go to college, get a job.
*girls don't want nice guys.
*let her chase you.

They're all forms of social programming that are NOT, I repeat, NOT 100% infallible. For a short-time I dated a cutie who was around 19. As she called me, I called her. We hooked up, but if she flaked, I didn't call. She knew the error of her ways and would make up for it. I'd ignore her so interest died. One day I call her out of the blue, she's excited to hear from me and we start seeing each other again. We've been pretty consistent since then, and getting closer.

Now, I could have dumped the whole thing off and just NEXTED her, or I could have just gone with the flow of life and dealt with what was present. Thus far, such things have worked in my favor.

I truly want the lot of guys who desire to succeed, to succeed. Not for my sake, but because I know you can. Because the journey IS not perfect and it won't be, but it is fun. It's fun to fumble, and laugh, and not be so scripted.

And the poster is right, it isn't about self-improvement. Since the dawn of time, man has always, ALWAYS sought betterment for himself and his family and friends. He's sought to gain skills, power, wealth, health, love, happiness. He's sought to conquer, his small environment, or space. We are on the same journey. Now, you can get side tracked chasing weak pvssy at skanky bars, getting flustered every time a hot girl walks by, and engaging in widespread sex putting your future at risk, OR, you can approach girls with a genuine interest in mind. BE MORE SELECTIVE NOW. Not when you meet them, but if a girl really doesn't attract you, don't fake it.

We've all been on both sides of the coin. I've dated girls with sh!tty personalities who have great bodies, and despised the sex we had, because it was so mechanical NO MATTER how kinky she was. And I've dated girls with awesome personalities who have so-so bodies. It sucks to be there, too, but when the flury of passions subsides and you're not horny, you might feel awful.

Dating, sex, relationships are about being with someone you TRULY like. You don't feat the emotion, because it's as worth having, as it is losing.

Even if it's short-term, you should still like the girl enough to respect her. Why else waste your time on her? This will also enable you to keep your negativity in check. Alot of times we date a cute chick just for her looks, then get pissed when she flakes, acts immature, or has nothing to say. Who do we blame for that?

US. OURSELVES. Don't get mad at her for who she is. She was made that way, she knows no better. You brought her into your life, accept that fact. Don't go on about this or that. You HAD a choice EVERY step of the way.

So invite positive situations into your life and you'll find your life increases.


FM 3321

Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2004
Reaction score
This is funny because I feel like I've just entered the tunnel at my age. I guess from what I've learned growing up, I've been afraid of women which was the reason I never dated in High School and didn't even attempt to start pursuing women until college. I pursued my first girl who was the type of girl every guy wanted and got rejected. I grew some thicker skin, lost my virginitiy and kinda eased on and messing up alot until bought "How to Succeed With Women" in late 2003.

Around that time I was hanging out with my sisters best friend who happened to be a beautiful sweet black girl (I'm black and prefer black girls and plan to marry one in the future) and I had her in my frindzone because she was my sisters friend until I realized her buying signals. Anyway, come summer we had our first kiss then dated until November 2004. We kinda talked and she became interested in someone else but I haven't talked to her since she didn't return my call on January 1st and I honestly still miss her.

Now it seems when you post a situation on this forum poeple tell you to get rid of the girl, NEXT her, move on, forget about her. Still when you read that advice it makes some sense, your feelings for the girl dwindle but then some reminder of her pops up and you're back here posting so you can get rid of the feelings or get the girl back. At the same time you post something about a girl you're interested in and have real feelings for and it almost seems like you're made fun of for whining about a girl you want. LOL, I'm whining as I type this.

So as I sit here today, I'm really confused. It's sad to say but aside from what I do in life, I have gone out to clubs, bookstores and just in public to see if I could find a girl that seemed to compare to the last girl I dated. I just recently saw her on IM and I was advised to ignore her which really feels like the wrong thing to do. I'm trying to think of these girls as learning experiences but maybe we have to go through these learning experiences so we can really get the success we want in the end.

I saw another post by someone else kinda talking about how being a PUA is something he doesn't want to do anymore. To someone "starting" out like me thats very discouraging. Your post is different because it seems to talk about making yourself happy. What would make me happy today is something that would be adviced against by what we study and practice here. I want my girl back which is the only reason I started posting here.

So it looks like I've missed something here and I have to admit that when I read all this material, I can't help to think about how to use it to get this one girl back, or use the material to find another girl to get over this previous girl, or get laid so much that I won't feel pain when a girl loses interest in me in the future.

So I know that everyone wants to see the light at the end of the tunnel or hell even get out of the tunnel. So maybe I should re-read your post again but are you saying that all this unemotional stuff and techniques are unnessessary? I'm 24 and feel like I'm just starting out n this journey. I had my first relationship under my belt, think I've learned alot but still processing information, now I'm kinda lost but I think I need to learn how to get laid like a rockstar, then fall back into another relationship or even try with the previous girl. Anyway, I'm very glad to know that we're all here for the same thing "success with women", but with all this information it can confuse a brother. Sometimes you find comfort in a book like for me "Gunwitch's Dynamic Sex Life." So when I see the light at the end of the tunnel I hope I don't find all this stuff useless.

I meandered alot in this post but I guess it's just my morning confusion. Like I said, I'm still hung up on a girl like I bet many people here are and we're just trying to do what we can to succeed with the women we want.


Guys here are still rattled about the 1st date, about the 1st kiss, even about their own confidence that all they do is study it RATHER THAN DO IT.
I think this is the downfall of most people here and especially me. We learn this stuff but never practice it. It seems like alot of us are still very afraid of women. I would think that DO IT is the hardest part but I think this is key. The only reason I got my first relationship with the girl I've been posting about because I memorized the attraction techniques and applied them.

Yes, I did need to re-read your post A-Unit.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Happy Hunting Grounds
This site is just an airbag for those who have crashed and burned.

There are no concrete turths in life. Spend less time trying to find them and more time trying to create them.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Hmmm interesting mindset...

This post has reminded me of something A-Unit, actually a few things. Same deal with your post FM3321.

Now i know how i found this website. After i got fkd over by the 4th girl i was trying to date (i actually forced myself i believe) because everyone i knew (majority) had gfs at the time, my friend showed me this universe and i realised what i was doing wrong. SO i devoured all of the information i wanted to read... Mostly Pooks posts and Anti-Dumps ones i read excessively. I then did get a girl and well that went sideways after awhile because respect was lost.

My 2nd attempt to get another one was my biggest learning experiance... She told me exactly what went wrong... well what i wanted to hear really...

"the one reason why we ddnt start, it was because you kept on testing me..."

I fixed myself so i wouldnt let just anyone in... i failed! I also found out why i failed in other aspects... I over analyse everything! WHen i started doing door to door knocking sales, it was more of a scripted Nightspark then a flowing one at first. After a while i created my own pitch and i was loving every minute of it... except i had to quit... financial problems... (cost more to get to work than what i was gaining). ANd i learnt that if there's stress with something, it's best to let it go then continue to suffer. My point is that i fcuked up because i was following the DJB too stringently.

It was only last week that i decided that enough was enough and i discontinued analysing everything that people do and just let my instinct run on it... and from that i was able to pass the 1st week of the DJBC, as opposed to my 1st attempt which failed at 5 ppl because i was constantly caring what they thought of me... well i say fcuk the world!


Now FM3321, your post brought up something that i made up a while back... i was observing three friends of mine : one girl who lost an ex 6 months (at the time .. last year sometime) ago, another who had developed a love interest in me but i never went for her, and my friend and his car (no he ddnt fcuk it! lol)... I came up with a conclusion that we miss people for only one reason... feelings, but the trick is that we are not missing the person. We're more or less missing the feelings that this person gave us and made us felt during our time with them. It makes sense, but it's completly debatable... and it WAS something i came up with at 2AM... (and what a fcuked up day that was!).

I see that the whole point of this was just to have fun... i lost that somewhere and it became all mathematical equations... Ive stopped the math and now im running on my insticnts now... :D

Thanks A-Unit for reminding me again about having fun with this whole thing... with that in mind... i can complete the week 2 tasks of the DJBC... of course it's all for fun! :D

-- Nightspark


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

You need to have your own values and stick to your guns. I can't tell one person WHAT they should do, anymore than they can tell me.

If you need to go out and bang tons of girls to find who you are or what you want, go for it. If you need to settle down with one girl because you're very religious and purity of matrimony matters, do it.

Who's to say what's right or wrong in life?

Not I.

What I am saying is that there's a variety of ways to exist on this planet and a variety of ways to structure relationships that MAKE you happy. Ultimately, that's the purpose of a relationship, to make you happy.

I've read most of the major and minor books out there, tried some tactics, and found that 50% of the time, they don't work, while 50% of the time they do. What did I gain from that? That there's no RIGHT answer as DEARSAPPHO stated. There isn't.

Another point to be made is...if you feel that there's a whole other world of seduction tactifs, C&F, etc out there, that you have to be a master and you NEVER internalize that you CAN do this, then you'll always be struggling to be someone else. What if YOU have the golden key?

My friend made a comment the other day...

"I've enjoyed reading the biographies on other's people's lives very much. But I'm finding it far more interesting to observe and live my own life and record thoughts and ideas I have, rather than research someone else's."

That gets to the heart of the matter. You have to listen to yourself. Only you truly know you. No guy on here can offer perfect advice that will get you some everytime anymore than you can do it for me. And if you're ignoring the inner you for the sake of tactics written by someone else, you're missing the critical component of life. YOUR OWN INVOLVEMENT. YOUR ABILITY to EFFECT the world around.

It's like being handed a guaranteed playboy, executing, getting results, yet feeling empty because none of it was what you wanted.

For instance, what if your thing is to golf, travel, ride motorcycles, etc be outdoorsy, yet you're meeting girls at clubs, taken them to clubs, and doing 'indoor' activities because that's where your 'tactics' work best?

You're missing the life force in you that would land you mega women. I'm a golfer and I ride, so I'm purest when I'm in my element. I love women who love that, too, and there are women who like that. I'm not saying don't step outside your comfort zone, but don't ignore who you are deep down.

My brother is a musician who loves B movies and has a penchant for old, quaint bars. He typically dates the beautiful hippy-type or the down-to-earth punk girl. Yet, if I took him to a club, just b/c he looks like me, he wouldn't have fun. Some might call him AFC at a club, but put him in the band environment and he'd be the best PUA there.

Alot of times, all the material teaches you 1 way, as if there's one way to ski a mountain, or live life, or swing a golf club. Now, from observing any one of the previous 3, you would realize, there isn't. This is why 'systems' are advocated, because if you adhere to defined rules, you'll weed out some great ones and some awful ones, but you'll protect you. Anti-Dump does a great job of this, because he FINDs you the girl who will make YOU happy. He does not concern himself with wasted energy on girls who may only like him 70% or 50%, which we've all dated those, too.

Pick whatever you choose. I do know this...for guys who truly aspire to BE SOMETHING in life. To be magnificent on all grand ways, time is of the essence. You can't be slopping it up at the bars, or scoping malls everyday of the week, trying to fill the black book while trying to make something of your life. Even though it's habit, I make a point telling my friends in their 20's, don't squander them on pvssy. Make something of your self. By 30's, you'll be settling down or even dating hotter more mature women. Sure have fun, but NOW is the time you get your life kick started. You get ahead now. Don't put it off.

A remark was made about being a Titan, but every guy has a different definition on that. To some, it's fabulously wealthy, to other's its CEO of their own company, yet other's it might be a general in the military. THIS is your primary responsibility. Women are always secondary to it. ALWAYS. Even at marriage, a man will be off kilt if he does not have control of this avenue.

Guys like Mystery found their calling. He has a natural ability to teach guys how to improve with women. And maybe some guys like that are on this very board. Yet others could be the next Michael Dell, Bill Gates, senator, porn star, pro body builder, etc.



Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
I really think there is a lot of important info in this post and it should be read and re-read. I've seen a lot of bashing on self-improvement around here. Everyone is here for different reasons though I realized after I found this site that this was what is most important for me.

My sabbattical isn't to change my outlook on women. Although I've always kept a dynamic opinion and learned regardless of what phase of life I am in. It is more that when I see women taking far to much time that I step back and re-evalute the rest of my life. I like to maintain a homeostatis regarding work, hobbies, friends, women and free time. Right now after I got out my relationship I realized that a lot of my oldest friends are/were getting married settling getting busier and all that. I am in the same way as I moved out of my hometown a few years back to start on a grad degree I will finish this summer. I figured I should spend time with them before we all end up in different parts of the world. New girls will always be around I dont see the need to constantly need them.

FM I think A-Unit and Nightspark said it best. You gotta do what you wanna do and think will work for you. I think there is a thread in the tips section regarding being in love with the "idea". There is a lot of truth in that as when I look back now at old relationships I often was in love with the "idea" of what a girl was. Of course whenever I've been dumped I tend to at first get angry followed by depressed where I glorify the "idea" of my ex. Really though I am happy that I am no longer with them because it wouldn't have lasted.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2001
Reaction score
Awesome Post A-unit and nice additions from night spark and Belividere .

As you guys see here , I used to come and read all the sh*t but i realized that this shouldn't be the way to life thanx pook and others who made me focus on the mindset on , on nature and it's already set system . I banged alot of girls using this fun attitude and not analyzing anything but the problem that im now facing is about pressurizing myself . I don't like this at all . This happens when i get busy doing anything in my life and forget about girls , or when i haven't gone out for a while etc.... You know this inner you when it's keeps on saying "Have fun , be happy " then it forces me to have fun and try to prove to myself that i can still pick up chicks , talk to them , approach , or the kind or pressure that tells you "fine , focus on the habit not the girl " "talk to many girls" to the hell to the procedure , technique , just have fun" then to find myself not taking action and getting depressed .

I have found that the best thing is improve yourself , your world and live in it but at times your mind is blank or you don't know exactley where you are heading . I don't like to pressurize myself to act this way or that way , to set goals .

I like to have fun , enjoy my life , embrace my sexuality , let it go , learn , follow my nature . I don't like to pressurize myself like before to approach , talk , be social , etc.... I would you like to listen to you guys about this especially A-unit and his deep insights .


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
A-Unit, i read most of your posts and all were pretty good but this is just awesome. you got me very emotional as i saw the errors of my ways. in the last weeks i was often thinking hmm even the AFC's are having more fun than i have, how come? not only made me the sosuave techniques lose some good girls but more important this sh1t placed my focus totally on women. i can't go just shopping and just shop. no i have to scan the environment, getting IOI's, thinking about approaching lines and other stuff. at partys i cant just party i have to do the same stuff. it is like people can sense it and tell me hey double approach this one, or ehh double do ya take one home tonight. But for me, i have enough of this sh1t. If a girl puts herself near me so that i can easily approach and i like her than fine. But i don't want to think all the time about IOI's and sh1t, it is so pathetic.That is what i currently am, pathetic.
And if i want a relationship with a girl.....i dont wanna think uhhh now let's wait some days, than some rapport, than some C+F, blablablabla. I just want to enjoy the moments and to see if we really like eachother or not. no neg hitting fvck bla and no advanced fvcking kino techniques.

I regret many things i didnt do and i regret many things i did.

But that ain't going to help me. So i am changing my ways and developing new habits. One of these is not wasting my time on this website. In no way i want to bash this site...there are some veryveryvery good posts that changed much for me. but there are also too much technique's posts here. and i dont wanna have anything to do with that kind of submission to women.

Thanx for the thread, A-Unit!

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
A-Unit, you truly now have earned my respect(how much is it worth anyways?) after this. Your other posts were good, but this is just fukcing fantastic.

I realised the all this worry about pvussy was distracting my mind, distracting me from my real goals. As soon as i got those straight and filled my life with substance, you know, made something of myself, i found myself meeting girls that i really liked to be with, not just t and a. I was always worried about girls and putting them first, and not taking care of myself first.

Right on, bump this to the top for everyone to read.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2004
Reaction score
Great post! I've never had a girlfriend and ever since coming to this site that's all I have been thinking about / trying to accomplish, it's just the way I am. But maybe I am just trying to hard.

jean laurent

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by dearsappho
This site is just an airbag for those who have crashed and burned.

There are no concrete turths in life. Spend less time trying to find them and more time trying to create them.

I don't know whether A-unit has "crashed and burned", or what his story is, but I certainly couldn't make head or tail out of that meandering diatribe.

The only thing I managed to nail down is:

What i'm advocating is a detached attitude from many of the societal programming we've all been given. You're given the...

*don't settle young.
*party hard.
*meet girls at bars.
*all women are slutz.
*go to college, get a job.
*girls don't want nice guys.
*let her chase you.

They're all forms of social programming that are NOT, I repeat, NOT 100% infallible.

A-unit, is this the crux of what you've been trying to say? If not, I really don't understand what your point is. The rest of your post lacks clarity. You need to tighten it up a little if you want your message understood.

Or, perhaps, you're not sure what you're message is. Maybe you're just a stage of life where you're beginning to realize "the world ain't what they tell you it is". Generally, that's a good thing. But there can be a tendency to throw the baby out with the bath water.

One problem that can arise when beginning to realize "the world ain't what they tell you it is" is to assume everyone else's experience, prior to the realization, matches yours. Thus you assume people will know what you're talking about when you start a thread like this one. That is not necessarily the case, which is why it pays to write clearly.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

My post maintains clarity insomuch as life does. I believe I'll always be at a point where life lacks clarity, and for simplicity's sake, to keep it simple, I hope it will.

It's that, we try to fit nice, neat, tight strategies into a world, much like my post, meanders are quite a bit. I felt, much like other guys felt, that one's whole world becomes women, and if you look around society, you'd see that this is true. Why did we let that happen?

It's great to approach women, but a relationship, women, etc, aren't meant to be some bain, some pressure, some pain in the proverbial arse. It's to be fun. If she flakes, do what you want as longs as it makes you happy. Just be also prepared to deal with the consequences. I've stayed with girls I knew were useless at the time because it FELT GOOD. If you want to do the same, do it.

I want people to think when they read my thoughts and come to their own conclusions. I'm no more an authority on women than you, my friends, but I do know what's worked and what hasn't.

But I also do know that there's 24 hours in a day, that we have lives to lead, and that not every minute of them should be so consumed with women. On top of the profuse reading we might do about them, we also do the approaching. Is there a point in one's life where you can say you're complete? I'm Done? It's over?

No. It's a talent, a process, on a road to mastery. In the Book "Mastery", you're taught to love "the plateau" as much as you love "the peaks". And in American culture, all you're shown on TV are the "peaks." Hard orgasms. Hard bodies. Big money. Big clubs. Big lights. Big Weddings. Beautiful women. The glitz, glamour, and gaudy clothes. It's appealing to the sense and the ego, and I personally had had enough of the mental prison created by fluctuating emotions.

I would suggest getting the book and putting some fresh material in your minds.

The DJ bible is a great foundation, and romance, dating, attraction, and even sex, is a journey, not a destination.

It's like lifting. Sure, we constantly find improvements that make supplements and workouts more efficient to gain mass or drop weight quicker, but honestly, if you stick with working out and monitor your progress, you'll get there. After 6 months, your body will be much different, and after 1 whole dedicated year, you'll be a whole new person.

I ran into a kid who was a shrimp during H.S. that I've known for much of my life, and hadn't seen in awhile. He looks as if he did steroids, and when I asked him what he was doing, he said "just protein, and I lift alot. I've been lifting for awhile."

He enjoys lifting. So naturally getting shape is a byproduct of that. I'm not saying throw the towel in, but realize, EVERYTHING takes time. You weren't born knowing how to walk, you weren't born running, you weren't born with muscles the size of canteloupes.

Most of us, when we hit a wall, just need a reframe to reality. If you're overly upset about a girl, a situation, friends, dating, etc, its best to just let it go. Learn from it, observe it, but let it go. Don't let the pain linger. Move on. As I made mention in a post, that was for the most part a summary of my life (very short one, too), the biggest mistake made is not not having the skills, but just, not taking action. Even if you'd totally bomb approaching the girl, AT least you know there's nothing to lose in learning. Don't mistake the value of the lessons right now. And who knows, maybe after so many approaches, you get tough, and a few say yes. Now you build momentum. Now you have something.

If you read anything on psychology, most of it says we're all nuts. Truly. Either by parents, by beliefs, by any standard. That there's no PERFECT background or education or person, and that every person is unique and equal. So what's that mean? All life is one big game. These people stressing about so much stuff, money, women, problems, etc, are stressing one big game where all the game participants are nuts.

I'd make it a practice of adding 30 minutes a day of reading the DJ bible and a book related to your goals. DEFINE THEM! If you're not a PUA, then don't be. It's ok! Build YOUR LIFE. Buying into someone else's plan is a sure bet to wake up 5 years from now going "what the hell."

Working alongside people twice my age and consulting with people twice, sometimes three times my age, I come to one conclusion...

We're creatures of habit.

While standard theory suggests that after 22 days we can reform any habit, I think that's pure BS. A smoker of 15 years won't quit in 22 days, nor would a person who's 300 lbs drop bad dieting in 22 days. Those 22 days have to be meaningful sacrifices, not just 22 days of 30 in a month.

What's that mean?

That what you do today will shape who you become tomorrow. If you neglect promises to yourself and to others, a sense of guilt and mistrust builds in your self-image. Done long enough, you'll be accustom to it, you'll be looked at as someone who can't be trusted, AND, develop a reputation that way. And when you care to be invited places, or counted on, or even recommended to girls, people won't do it because they think they know you.

Likewise in a job. From a financial standpoint, we have an ability to accept whatever we're given and not ask for more. Or if we ask for more, we don't offer more than we're worth. You fall into a job, expenses catch up to income, now you're required to work the job you do because you have bills that chain you down.

And maybe I'm biased because I operate with older crowds of guys. Executives and the like, 35+, some 40+, and I've seen how hard they worked to get what they got. I've seen how a man who gives INTO his primary purpose ATTRACTS to his life what he desires, and doesn't have to persue it like some stiff. How when you age, things change, how you grow out of it because you realize it was just.

My post was aimless because there's no definition for life.


jean laurent

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
A-unit: you could have just said, "don't make females the centrepiece of your life" and left it at that. The rest is just, basically, incoherent. You're trying to say 357 different things at once. You're not the first 24 year old to reflect on the mind-bending incomprehensibilities of life; many other writers have done so through the centuries -- and even managed to maintain coherency while doing so, despite there being "no definition for life".

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
