I've never read the book, but from what it's widespread readership appears to be, these "rules" are disseminated in more ways than just the book. Think about how us men impart our knowledge in various ways to friends until they 'specifically' ask for what our source is?
If you juxtaposed our basic info versus their's, a severe difference would emerge between both camps. While each is wildly selfish (aren't we all?), the rules come from a very contrived, rigid, and vindictive path wrought with pain, problems, and heartache. No to mention, it debases men into such a subservient position. Then you come to the DJ books, the seduction material, etc...
Not that some aren't just out for azz, but it's hardly so ill as what is put forth by vindictive women. I would wager most women have been exposed to the rules directly or indirectly via friends, or direct ownership of the book. If a girl is hurt or frustrated enough, she'll cave to it. The girl who employs such tactics is the one's to be wary of...