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  1. A

    Rate my progress

    Re: Set goals, but committ to the long-term. Committ to the big lifts. If you feel fatigued, eat more and rest between your workouts. Get up early, get the muscles flow. REGARDLESS of age, just committ to getting your body in shape. Committ to it for life. That way, even if you...
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    How do you know how good looking you are?

    Re: This is really a mute point and post. There's girls I know who haven't found me attractive, but then there's girls who've slit their wet meat hole up and down my d1ck in the very same night that other girls wouldn't look once at me. What's the point of wondering what the "market" thinks...
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    big chest but smaller shoulders

    Re: I'm naturally broad, and when younger, shoulders were my strength over chest, and pretty much anything else. Thank God because when i was younger, i was chubby, so it hid some of that. However, as of recently i've gained significantly in my shoulders, and the biggest reasons I've found...
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    does weightlifting stunt growth?

    Re: Weighlifting for the goal of increasing mass does put undue stress on the body, and can weaken the immune system in the short-run if you OVER-train based on your genetics, but the idea it stunts your growth is a myth. In fact, that's 1 reason kids are so lethargic these days. What was once...
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    Re: :nono: So wrong. Everyone I know of who's considered or done them, was wrong or did them wrong. Personally I never tried them, and may or may not. That said, MOST guys I know "considering" them, want them like a fat person wants a super pill to cut them up. I know genetics suck as much...
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    Has anyone used the new gillette fusion razor blade?

    Re: It's so fawking expensive for a 4 pack, i need a mortgage to get 8. I'm nearing the point of REFUSING gillette products for the sheer abomination they are for the man with strong stubble. My razors lose their "orange line" in about 4-5 days of shaving, maybe less. I drop about $20/month on...
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    Mendacious B*tches, The Hyprocrisy of Duke University, and Silly People

    Re: Listeing to Jim Rome on ESPN 1400, one caller said something to the effect of, 'she's a stripper in front of a bunch of horny, white guys who are like a fraternity, what did you think was going to happen?' I'm not suggesting it's right, nor SHOULD such things happen, but when you're a...
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    Badass Classical that Pumps you Up (No Joke)

    I am a BIG fan of long classical/operatic songs/overtures. For instance I just happened upon the production: Requiem for a Dream - Lord of the Rings Soundtrack I know people have heard alot of the underlying tracks to it, but it's fantastic if you're lifting, playing games, driving, or...
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    Anyone else get their balls busted because they don't follow the norm?

    Re: What I find totally humorous about the "party" phase is how kids, teens, and the early 20's figure that's ALL you'll ever do. Honestly people, do you know guys/girls over 30, 40, or 50 who are successful and have get-togethers, parties, wine tastings, bonefires, etc?? YES!! In fact...
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    A-Unit: Nutrition + the "right" stimulus = growth.

    Re No i missed something, that was my dyslexia. It's crept up since the SATS for some years now. Correct, a 5lbs increase over 50 weight sessions, is minimal, esp if you recover weekly, and should be PSYCHOLOGICALLY feasible. It's when you want to bump from 155, to 180 , to benching your...
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    A-Unit: Nutrition + the "right" stimulus = growth.

    Re: How you break out Deads, Squats and Bench are up to you, but because they're more intense than say, Arm Curls, you won't hit a max out on them. And by max out, I don't mean 1 super forced rep. I mean go balls out to 10 or 15, or even 20 reps. Check out for info on...
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    Online Poker !?

    Re: I did the $50 (.50/1.00) limit games and they're only a MINOR upgrade from free tables. For those who are ENTERING into poker at .50/1.00, it's a lot to lose money. The calls are cheap, so people call and catch anything. I've done it from time to time, play balls out, bully people and walk...
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    salary statistics and feminism, I need your help

    Re: It's rarely EVER an APPLES to APPLES comparison, even for men to men or women to women. Put another way, unless a man applies for the SAME job, in the SAME city, with the SAME experience, how is that to be expected to be the same? Having hired and let go of people, a specific position MIGHT...
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    What wealthy people don't tell you.

    Re: Here's the catch, and EGOIST is 100% is about what you love. Only, schools DRILL into you and me that it's good to work for "the Man." Ask yourself BEYOND what you need to live (which is really little when you put it on paper), what do you need money for? Most people buy...
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    Help! I need to bulk up and KEEP IT ON

    Re: Nutrition + the "right" stimulus = growth. If there's anything I learned from my Powerlifting coach, Iron Addict (at iron, from Nutrition guru's (Tom Venutto and Doggcrap, and Semag, and Warboss, and Manuva)'s this. For the NON roidheads, focus on BIG lifts. BOTTOM...
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    Truly, Feminists AND Women Have Gone Mad Now.

    Please note the referenced article:,,10655-2112998,00.html Written by Feminist Author, Caitlin Moran. First found at: And I'll add this section to a nicely linked article...
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    Women as they age?

    Re: This is what I would call "the Great Conspiracy." Maybe it isn't so much a CONSPIRACY...but the 'model' of older guys (maybe 8-15 years) with younger girls WORKED. It still DOES work. Absolutely gorgeous women in their mid 20's are found with the Benz-Driving Millionaires who are aged...
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    how I can be a leader among men?

    Re: Leaders do not care about accolades. They're part of the solution, not the problem. They're the 'doers', not the waiters, thinkers, analyzers, or anything else. They find a way. Make a way. And work on the fly. A leader has a "can do" attitude. Nothing is impossible. A...
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    Need some advice

    Re: Well, first things first. When you've gone through what you have with this girl, she's going to assume you want to be around her the MOST of anything or anyone. The girl I'm currently seeing watches all the girls around her with the b/f's who want to spend time with them first. That's a...
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    Anyone else get their balls busted because they don't follow the norm?

    Re: For some, it's how they'll always be, for other's it's a temporary thing because they haven't found anything they're passionate about. I was sort of like that when I finished college. I worked 50+ hours/week self employed, and when not with friends or golfing or lifting, I was working...