What I find totally humorous about the "party" phase is how kids, teens, and the early 20's figure that's ALL you'll ever do.
Honestly people, do you know guys/girls over 30, 40, or 50 who are successful and have get-togethers, parties, wine tastings, bonefires, etc??
YES!! In fact, my reality says they only GET BETTER. As you age, sure you're not likely to go to a party where you're single and there's tons of HOT bytches, unless you're 40 attending a sorority party (which might be gross unless you're down south). But the guys/girls I know, own homes, vacation spots, have raging 30, 40, and 50 year bashes. They have superbowl, red sox, christmas, and even 4th of july parties.
The parties of our youth take place at bars, clubs, and raves. The parties of your "more mature" years take place ANYWHERE, and maybe in another country if you're smart.
But those people who HOARD their partying years like NUTS to a SQUIRREL, are the ones who burn out, get fat, get bored, maybe have kids, contract diseases, get in fights, or worse, die. They go full boar, and never die out. Fine. Do it however you want, but my world says it NEVER ends, it only gets better.