Listeing to Jim Rome on ESPN 1400, one caller said something to the effect of, 'she's a stripper in front of a bunch of horny, white guys who are like a fraternity, what did you think was going to happen?'
I'm not suggesting it's right, nor SHOULD such things happen, but when you're a stripper, CERTAIN occupations INVITE MORE danger than OTHER's. That's a BASICS fact of choosing a career and also one that INSURANCE companies use to evaluate life insurance ratings and even disability ratings or declines. So if it's WIDELY accepted, then why does raising this point up make it sound callous?
It's not. It's a fact. A male stripper is definately much safer than a female one. Without question. Most male strippers are in fairly GOOD shape, so were he at risk, he should be able to handle SOME women if they attacked him. But send 2 strippers WITHOUT male bodyguard protection, and you're inviting them to drop drugs in drinks (shyt, this happens to NORMAL, clothed girls @ college, how about strippers who work for money, trade their body, and are considered worth less by a good segment of the population?). MOST stripper parties I ever knew of had a bouncer or 2, cost the guys some $400+, or $200 per stripper, and are very 'regulated.' Especially since it occurs on school property or close to it.
Again, this IS general thoughts, and doesn't tie to reality, totally, but a LARGE % of the time, THIS IS WHAT occurs.
A girl was killed in New York, and they found the bouncer at the club might have something to do with it. She was killed at 2-4 am, ALONE, as she was fairly drunk. She abandoned her friends. It's a horrible tragedy, but what do you think happens to a girl, ALONE, drunk, and LATE at night. NOTHING good happens past midnight, even sex occurs during the day, and is better imo. I don't blame her, but if we're dealing with RISKS and EXPECTATIONS, I expect more automobile drunken crashes at night, than during the day. I expect women alone to be accosted. Sad but true.
I highly doubt she was a "HIGH class" escort, one with prudence and intelligence to suggest she had any sort of common sense. For crying out aloud, she went into a horny den of men for money with NO PROTECTION. Most guys here know girls, regular, NON stripper girls who were abused/accosted by a group of men in such a place. Does this not dawn on anyone?
However, it could swing either way. The outcome will be decided, but it's pretty dumb to make this a race issue, even if the lax kids were shouting racial epithets. Again, she's a stripper, which is only legal because she pays her taxes. Otherwise, it'd be illegal like hooking. If the gov. can control, regulate, and tax it, it will legalize it. Case in point, pot, they can't, so they don't allow it. If you grew pot, then you wouldn't buy it, and they couldn't tax it. Tobacco. They can tax and control, since you can't grow it easily enough or produce it to smoke. Alcohol. Again. You can't easily and affordably make it. So its regulated and taxed. They're always looking for new avenues. The internet is the next one.
It isn't right for 1 person to demean another, i don't condone that, but we're regulating MORALS here. She went into their place. If she couldn't withstand the fact they were racial bigots, SHE goes. By staying, being demeaned, and accepting their money, she demonstrated how desperate she was for it, and what a hoe she is. I love all races, but plenty of people don't. And if she doesn't like the racial epithets, GO. She's in their place, taking their money. I say this b/c I heard she called the police or 911 based on the guys yelling racial slurs. Well, if I'm white, and went to some black people's place for business, or even pleasure and I didn't like it, I WOULD LEAVE. I don't have to stay, because it's not public. In the home, we can't regulate morality. If she's threatened, go. Quickly. Leave. But what do you expect?
Did they do it? I don't know. I don't live there. I'm not part of the frat/lax team. And both parties are very sketchy to me. I'm skeptical of BOTH sides.