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    Shocking Interview with X-Playmate Reveals...

    Re: Do I have 7 Days? That was fawked, and I was working. Damn. A-Unit
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    Is real estate still a good investment?

    Re: Regarding "is it a good investment." As long as the Fed can expand and contract the money supply at its own will and raise rates or lower them at their own whim, TANGIBLE, PHYSICAL, unmanipulatable assets WILL retain their value. Gold, centuries ago, would have bought a man a suit...
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    On Maturity and Growth.

    Some Thoughts to Ego. 1. I can always count on you to post just behind me. 2. If you put up a book, provide references, otherwise you're waiting until I may or may not read it. So, cite passages. 3. No 1 book operates as my 'bible', so I wouldn't belief that 1 book can provide all...
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    On Maturity and Growth.

    Civilization has come a looooongggg way since the early days of what we know about life. Recorded history paints man, having risen from amoeba, to ape, to humankind, as having endured much hardship in his life. He supposedly created the 'wheel', which can be considered one of the greatest leaps...
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    What Is Wrong With This Site.

    Re: The only thing wrong with anything is the fact it just doesn't fit your reality (beliefs, values, ideas, expectations, etc), but it MAY fit the other 5,999,999,999 people on the planet, making it OK. -I don't agree with all the posts, and some might be children, disinformation...
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    I am ruined by foreign women

    Re: It's as much a culture thing as it is a market thing. Culture. The American culture has long since our independence day been 1 bent on being the Supreme Leader of the World (though we have a smaller population than most Emerging Countries). We enabled this by being free to all...
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    Boys Lagging Girls IN School

    Re: I'd long felt education should be privatized, but hadn't worked out the 'planning' of doing it. I would teach, but there's no where near enough $$, nor do I like the restricted program. Who says what I should learn? Learning is fundamental to life, and what you learn determines...
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    Shocking Interview with X-Playmate Reveals...

    Re: Who else would write it, Gay Porn Actors, His Butler? If you were engaged in sexual trists, it's highly unlikely you'd make to so public that anyone but a woman could speak out about it. And since it would seem Hef is desperate in his old age, I doubt a playmate would feel scorned...
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    Who will win Super Bowl XL?

    Re: OF COURSE the NFL would say the calls were right, THEN issue a behind-the-scenes apology to Holmgren. You honestly think a BILLION dollar organization would state publicly we fawked up? HELL NO. Millions of advertising dollars were spent on an apparent sham, Holmgren was duped, and the...
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    Shocking Interview with X-Playmate Reveals...

    I never saw any of it. Nothing ever happened in the Grotto. The only time anything ever exciting happened in the Grotto was when I was at a golf party. It was a private party that Hef was not involved in, and I got 20 girls to take off their clothes in the Grotto. Guys were in the Grotto, but...
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    Shocking Interview with X-Playmate Reveals...

    After the two minutes are up what happens? The main girlfriend wipes off his penis. She's the girl who actually shares the bed with him. She sleeps there all night. She's around 22 years old. He uses all the same girls. She's been there for three years now. So she was just a teenager...
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    Shocking Interview with X-Playmate Reveals...

    It's been a fascination for decades. What really goes on inside the very private and privileged walls of the Playboy Mansion, particularly in the master bedroom? Well, up until now, all we could do is imagine with a little help from the pages of Playboy magazine and some titillating stories...
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    Shocking Interview with X-Playmate Reveals...

    Re: Write it into your browser. For some reason, I'm having the same problem. Otherwise it's all good and I'll post more links. A-Unit
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    Shocking Interview with X-Playmate Reveals...

    ...Sexual Orgies, *****s, and Sex-Paid Slaves who become Centerfolds. Jill Ann Spaulding wrote a book "Jill Ann: Upstairs." She had a brief stint as a playboy playmate, but balked at furthering her career as she witnessed the innumerable...
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    Fitness vs. Health?

    Re: The question is wrong, the thinking isn't. LOTS of guys do steroids, or super supplements, look great, drink quite a bit, or binge eat, but aren't internally healthy. Yes, they'll live well during their 'physically fit' years, but they'll also decline quicker. However, there are...
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    Boys Lagging Girls IN School

    Re: Couldn't be more succinct. A few of my opinions... >> Is it any wonder women would succeed? The emphasis in school isn't about intellect or intelligence or learning; if it was, they'd utilize MULTIPLE styles of LEARNING and TESTING so that all had a fair and level playground from...
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    Boys Lagging Girls IN School

    Re: When Brian Johns hit seventh grade, he never admitted how vulnerable it made him feel. "I got behind and never caught up," says Brian, now 17 and a senior at Grand River Academy, an Ohio boarding school. When his parents tried to help, he rebuffed them. When his mother, Anita, tried to help...
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    Boys Lagging Girls IN School

    By Peg Tyre Newsweek Jan. 30, 2006 issue - Spend a few minutes on the phone with Danny Frankhuizen and you come away thinking, "What a nice boy." He's thoughtful, articulate, bright. He has a good relationship with his mom, goes to church every Sunday, loves the rock band Phish and spends...
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    The OTHER Rat Race.

    Re: Destroy the system, the thought form still exists, so engaging in anarchy IS NOT the way. It begins with doing what you do, how you want to do it. If you want a college degree, go for it. You don't have to answer to anybody for it, but don't GO based on the promises of people OUTSIDE...