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  1. A

    Taxes are Illegal.

    Re: That's just it, property, earth is all commercialized, if you can't pay, BUH BYE. Here, this land is our's, the governments, you can walk on it, but only during SPECIFIC hours, you can't light a campfire, walk a dog, ride a bike, have a picnic, or sit and kiss. Just look, and walk through...
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    Taxes are Illegal.

    Re: I agree with Nocturnal. Around my area, a company did over the highway IN EXCHANGE for the rights to plow, sand, maintain, build, and utilize it for some 20 years. They borrowed big dollars to fund it, and then HAD to complete on time according to the government's plans, or face steap...
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    Taxes are Illegal.

    Re: Nothing is inherently good or evil at the source. It's the use of it that makes the end evil, or good. If we live together, SOMEONE must subsidize firefighters, policemen, military protection (to an extent, not to the extent of EMPIRE building), some public works services, and that's...
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    Taxes are Illegal.

    re: I'd respond to that post, but then we're getting too political, and off course, so I'll digress and offer the same suggestion, READ the history of it, the taking of lands from Palestine, and the fact the aid payment subsidize much of the killing going on. Oh, and that the aid, per person...
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    Taxes are Illegal.

    Re: I don't have personal familiarity with the Canadian constitution or govenmental style. I'd be happy to look at it, since the Constitution, state Consitution, and Bill of Rights, as well as Amendments are your keys to living within the boarders you choose, though so few even take a gander at...
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    Taxes are Illegal.

    Re: I'll take note of going to the Supreme Court and do so. To me, no problem is big enough to be tackled. I'm not saying handouts Str8up. I don't believe in the social programs that we have, which are more like a resort, encompassing FULL benies for all, with little contribution. But why...
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    Taxes are Illegal.

    Re: I never said you shouldn't LEARN how to diminish them WHILE avoiding imprisonment (though I find that laughable, too) did I? In fact, I work in doing just that. However, the problem we have here gentlemen is that people JUST GIVE UP, say what can I do?, or worse, believe the propaganda...
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    Taxes are Illegal.

    For the unelightened individuals, the Powers to levy taxes are kept by the US Treasury. However, the collection arm, the IRS is not legally ALLOWED to take receipt of taxes. You might think I'm crazy by now, but I'm not. Just ask any Accountant "willing" to get into it. Most of them dodge...
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    Financial Responsibility

    Re: Separate bank accounts. Take advantage of a Credit Union. By splitting them, you're overall wealth is the same, but psychologically not seeing the same LARGE balance leads you to being more conservative. Also, it helps create a CASH debit card, rather than using a credit card...
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    Reply. I had my father keep his insurance, because he's 52 (almost 53), one open surgery, still a smoker, and drinker, and can't afford term, even if he could qualify. When I discovered the error back about 6 years, he'd already been opened up and smoked for many years. Initially, he'd bought...
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    Is real estate still a good investment?

    Investments are ALWAYS Good. Buffett/Graham used to say..."A rising tide floats all boats." A rising stock market, when it's public HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. That means, much of the REAL MONEY has been made. When it's public, sure, you can make 10, 20, 30%, but there are WISE investors already...
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    My Experiences. I've been recruited, as well as had some "incidents" occur with my family. First my dad...Primerica for those not in the know is a financial service multi level marketing company. They're a sales arm for Citigroup, and will often use that as substance to back up their...
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    Advice on Computer Performance?

    Ok. I'm not quite computer/tech handy in the regard, I don't know what to do when performance with computers begin to decline. Such as: [] Begins freezing using programs like Word, Excel, and Adobe acrobat. [] Loading times are slow, despite having a T1 connection. [] When too many...
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    Is real estate still a good investment?

    Re: True enough, al77. But, the "we have it the best of the worst" attitude isn't cutting it in America. How the Fed works. 1) Originally, banking was fractionalized. Money was backed by gold. So the only budget that could be spent, was that collected by taxes, and to add another tax...
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    Boys Lagging Girls IN School

    Re: As stated before, the American system is NOT anything new. In fact, it's hundreds of years old, with early beginnings in Prussia, where rulers sought to build the best military by disciplining children from the get-go. They found if MOST kids could be broken down mentally and spiritually...
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    Re: I agree on the meat portion. To me, there's more of a craving to eat meat, even though we weren't necessarily designed for it, we've found ways to adapt. It's long been a LUXURY in most countries, until mass production and affluence struck America. In other countries, meat isn't a...
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    Is real estate still a good investment?

    Re: Forgive me, what word is bleeped out that ends in an -E- ? A-Unit
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    Where girls outnumber boys, moral standards will slip

    Re: For those who've been to college, this isn't anything new. It's not shocking, and it's NOT the college atmosphere doing this. It MIGHT be the encouragement of college: freedom, no strings, booze, female competition, etc, BUT, for a woman to FIRST take that step toward PROMISCUOUS...
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    Is real estate still a good investment?

    Re: Their raise in rates is only to fvck with the American public. Money made from nothing, which has no inherent value, is still hit with interest. Rate rises MIGHT be bad for those seeking to get more house for the buck, but overall, it's not bad for the consumers who over by, borrow...
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    Re: I'm in the NON-dairy camp, if only for small quantities. However, the American diet is very much based on dairy products. -Lots of food products require milk or cheese. -Meat from cows -cottage cheese -Milk by products *What consumers have to grasp is the logic of drinking another...