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  1. J

    The Horrible Lies of

    Civilization exists today because a whole bunch of people went out and tried something and then through trial and error, discovered that it worked really well: that his new spear worked much better than the spears before. But then he had to go back to the village and teach people how to make...
  2. J

    Valentine's Day gift ideas???

    Two principles for Valentine's Day: 1. Doing nothing is the Kiss of Death. 2. Doing too much is the Kiss of Death. And Kiss of Death should be interpreted as something you cannot recover from. It is over. The most important thing is that when she tells her friends about what you got...
  3. J

    Please Help LONG

    Do a search on "attention wh0re" and you will start to understand what has been happening. But what this girl has done to you has gone way beyond attention wh0ring. It would be impossible to explain to you what has happened here since you understand women so little. Do the attention...
  4. J

    DJ's aren't Mysogonists right?

    First, other than Madame Currie, Joan of Arc and Margaret Thatcher, no woman in history has ever done anything of note other than having babies. Second, there are differences in women by age groups. Little girls for instance, other than the occasional manipulation of daddy, are geniunely...
  5. J

    Does it ever seem fake to you?

    There are lots of things that women just find very attractive and appealing, that for some reason, we guys don't feel natural doing and being. I think deep down, most guys would rather be nice guys. It might even feel fake to be what women consider as a real man, a player. But, for a...
  6. J

    And so the dance continues...what should I do?

    I called a girl one full year after getting her number. Her response "Why don't you come over and we'll watch a movie." Yup nailed her that night. If a chick really likes you, it doesn't matter how long you wait. If she's only mildly interested, on the other hand, waiting too long puts...
  7. J

    Telling a girl shes intimidated, bad move?

    Clearly, she wants to have an affair with you. Take her to lunch. Continue to play up the intimidation angle (a little not a lot). Get her in an isolated in a one-on-one situation somewhere (your place probably) after a "lunch" or two together (she will need to feel a little more...
  8. J

    Gunwitch method. THE way to get LAID.

    Great stuff Gunwitch. 100% agreed. Everyone should read this through several times till they get it. I've often thought about posting your treatise here but I know it will get lost in the continuing AFC shuffle. (I think it actually has been posted a few times.) Stick around. Post some...
  9. J

    Just found out my exfvck buddy is on drugs...

    She wouldn't be the first model to be on heroine. Have you seen any tracks? Given that she passed out, she was probably just drunk. But given the aids and hepatitus viruses amongst injection drug users, its time to leave her alone for good now. Get yourself checked out as well.
  10. J

    Trusting with her guy friends

    Be good to yourself and go with what's good for you There are lots of chicks like this. Some really are cheating on you behind your back and some are not. The point is you never really know which ones are and which ones aren't short of massive snooping missions. You can lay down the law...
  11. J

    The Horrible Lies of

    Funny how DDV and Destini have the exact same writing style. Incomprehensible that is.
  12. J

    should i accept weeknight date?

    Reinforcement Female Tracy's first post should reinforce for you guys that initial dates should be on weeknights only. She just hooked-up with this guy online, hasn't even met him yet, and now she is already "concerned" about the other women he is doing on the week-end. She just assumed...
  13. J

    Dealing with women's sh*t

    Sh1t Test ALL women will try messing with you to see if you are a real man. They want to see how much sh1t you will put with before you stand your ground and put her in her place. This is called the "sh1t test" and almost all women (usually subconciously but sometimes on purpose) will use...
  14. J

    This Girl is a Better Don Juan Than than I am

    Chicks like this, like the verbal sparring match. They think they are hott sh1t and only the guys with the quickest wit are up to their standards. You have to give back as good as she is giving. She gives you sh1t, you give it back twice as hard. Instead of putting her on a pedestal (like...
  15. J

    Winning Girlfriend BACK!

    Education You will PASS the biggest challenge / test so far in your "education" when you decide to cut this b1tch loose. You haven't learned a damn thing yet if you haven't learned that. You are just like one of those chicks that only falls for jerks that treat her like sh1t. Your...
  16. J

    G/F having dinner with HS Friend

    More-or-less A Friday night dinner with a guy she more-or-less just met IS a romantic date. She went on a one-on-one Friday night dinner date with a guy she just met because he's new in town and wants to meet new people? Sorry, even a 20 year old chick doesn't think this illogically...
  17. J

    People need to stop fooling themselves

    edit: sorry posted in the wrong thread somehow. carry on.
  18. J

    Working Past Her Denying You

    Here is a good discussion on the topic.
  19. J

    Caught her lying. Questions about trust. Anyone?

    Slickster, she obviously lied to you to protect your feelings or to cover up a past that she is not proud of / doesn't want you to know about. This is just one of those "little white lies." Everyone tells these kind of lies and it is not a major problem. But you handled it right in...
  20. J

    Stood up, what went wrong?

    This is from Doc Love but to the point nonetheless. You ask 30 girls for their phone number: - You will get blown off by 20 of those girls (some will have boyfriends, some will not be at all attracted to you, some will like you but always blow off guys in general.) - Of the 10 numbers...