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  1. Q

    2012 Election [All discussion here]

    That's a fair point and I'd have to agree. I wouldn't call myself Libertarian, but people understand that world slightly more than the term 'classical liberalism', which is how I pigeonhole myself. I think human nature is fine, 99% of people are normal and influenced by their parents, culture...
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    I think alcohol--in significant quantities--can distort the rhythm of your life, both physically and neurochemically. And the affects of that distortion makes people depressed. And depressed people often turn to escapes or temporary 'fixes' for their neurochemical/behavioral imbalance...
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    Facebook, POF & Text Game - Tip Compilation (Ongoing)

    Good thread, I was about to make one myself. We are interested in adding worthy Facebook/TXT/POF tips and articles to the DJ Bible, so worthy 5-star threads on this subject matter will be reviewed with interest. Thread stickied for now.
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    In my opinion, Crossfit is a great "First six weeks" program. Personally I find it hard to successfully jump into a strength training / powerbuilding program from Day 1 (coming off a hiatus) when my work capacity and conditioning is low.
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    2012 Election [All discussion here]

    The words 'inflation/deflation' are academically meaningless without the requisite prefixes: Monetary or Economic --- Monetary Inflation =/= Economic Inflation Economic deflation =/= Monetary deflation With respect to this discussion, the word 'Depression' is related to...
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    2012 Election [All discussion here]

    Throttle back on the race discussion guys. There is merit on both sides in the points being raised in that regard, but its discussion is not tolerated on this board.
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    consider being a mercenary, 150k a year.

    Depends on the person. Talked to some guys who have done sanctioned/sponsored/ordered killings. It affects everyone differently. Some people have no problem with it, others get PTSD and suicide a few months later.
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    Read THE 4 HOUR BODY, by tim Ferriss

    What are your lifts? Bodyfat percentage? Current status in relative to your goals? How can you claim he knows what he's talking about? I'm not saying he doesn't, but you are adament that his method works. How are you so sure? Not saying you're wrong. Theres so much variation in this world...
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    Read THE 4 HOUR BODY, by tim Ferriss

    Anybody who has actually paid their dues in the gym understands that everyone who builds a great body through hard work (rather than winning the genetic lottery or pharmaceutical assistance), follows the same principles. I was intruiged by some of his methods and ideas, and respect his...
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    2012 Election [All discussion here]

    Until America reforms its electoral system to prevent "winner takes all" elections, the only semblance of choice Americans will have is voting for "the lesser of two evils". The historic outcome of a 'winner takes all' election is that both parties become two competing factions under the same...
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    If you are american, who you are going to vote for ?

    1. America is (was) a Republic, democratic only in its election system. 2. The disenfranchisement with voting is the result of "First Past the Post" winner-takes-all election system. It encourages strategic voting (voting Against, rather than voting For) and inevitably results in a Two-Party...
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    If you are american, who you are going to vote for ?

    Current school system is biased toward Statist Socialism. Is it any wonder? Individual = bad Government = good Obama revealed his hand on Day 2 when he re-appointed/promoted the same Bush staffers/incumbents who created the problem. Namely Paulson, Bernanke, Geithner, etc. Just chooses a...
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    If you are american, who you are going to vote for ?

    may i ask where you acquire your information from?
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    Read THE 4 HOUR BODY, by tim Ferriss

    Have read it ... Its about 25% accurate and 75% inaccurate. Read it with a mouthful of salt.
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    Gays have the right to marry

    I always hesitate at this "should gays be allowed to marry" discussion. Simply because its phrased in a way that suggest you should have dictatorial control/authority over another person. The question should be phrased: Should you (or anyone) be allowed to prevent someone(s) from getting...
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    Looks fvcking matter!!!!

    We've had this debate over and over and over and over and over, since I joined this site. Here's my conclusion on the debate, and why it keeps getting repeated: The term 'MATTERS' is entirely subjective, and means something different (and to a different extent) to everybody...
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    Hurricane Sandy

    How are our affected brothers doing? I hear things are getting a little restless. Everyone freezing their butts off in the dark? long gas lines, government response, etc. Please refrain from discussion of conspiracy theories and other tangents like global warming. Not a warning, just a...
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    AH909s Stronglifts 5x5 journal

    good stuff keep it up
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    Hurricane Sandy

    Anyone here affected by the weather event occurring on US East coast? Post your stories, thoughts, etc. Related links:
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    What do you guys eat?

    heres a simple one... go out and buy a bunch of chicken breast. buy a bunch of spices/garlic salt/chicken salt/etc. go home, preheat oven to 225C cover the chicken breasts in spices/salts. put them in the oven for 45 minutes on a grill (oven tray underneath) with aluminum...