Mike32ct said:
I get what you are saying.
The only part I'm not clear on...
How does the GOP alienate single white men?
Well it’s not really a ll that hard to figure out
first, while the “official” stat of gay men in America is 4 million, the actual number is much much higher than that. It does not include people who are still in the closest, or bi curious males who might or might not have had a male on male sexual experience before. Just about all these men are single. When you factor in all of that, the real number is closer to 12-15% at least. And all these males are single, and 3/4th of them are white males.
Married people don’t’ do drugs. Married people life style and single people life style are usually totally different. I’m the only married guy I know who smokes weed from time to time (with the wife). The, very very vast amount of people who do drugs are going to be single males. There goes more white male votes
And last but not least, half the posts on this forum now are about feminism and how we don’t have any rights. And the same guys who will **** at the mouth about how we don’t have rights, are the same guys here who blindly support a candidate who wants to wipe abortion off the face of the earth. You don’t have any rights now lol how bad it is gonna be when the woman who “forgot to take a pill”
CAN’T get rid of the baby lol?
and see right here, i know exactly what you are gonna say... while this is important to me, there are some things tom e that are more important. that's fine.. so it's okay for you to have some priorities that are more important to you but it's not okay for me or anyone else to have prorites that are more important than taxes or the economy? game. set. match.
I’d have 3 kids now if not for abortion. And the first 2 were total screw jobs; one girl poked a hole in a condom and the other I think just lied about being pregnant to try to get me back but still I paid her to have an abortion/go away. I never orgasmed when we had sex but still, few hundred bucks in the grand scheme of things, not worth it. Married men don’t give a **** about issues like this. Single men, do . It’s a tough world out there; I don’t’ want to make my job any harder by or your job any harder by taking away what few options we have to control bat **** crazy single women.
That’s another thing.. there should not be one person not his forum if he posts in the MM section and talks about men’s rights that votes GOP. Not one. You talk about what’s wrong with the country yet vote against your best interests. Why I don’t take half the **** I see here seriously it’s hot air.
That’s why single white males get the boot. Not as a whole but issue after issue cherry picks away at the whole
Romney won the Christian middle /deep south of the country where religion rules all. And lost literally, everything else. And you can say “well that’s where all the black people life” but that’s a red herring. Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Oregon, Nevada, Washington, No one is going for this ****. Not even beucse of him, the GOP party has to change with the times.
So why would a single white male be interested in voting for a guy who says that I can’t have sex with other men, I can’t get a girl pregnant and take care of it if it’s not wanted and I can’t do drugs lol?
20 years ago it was the economy stupid. Now it’s the social issues stupid.
To the best of my knowledge, Romney never said that, even though it is undoubtedly true. There's about 5 five African Americans out of a total of 40 million who voted for Romney (or for McCain in 2008). Don't tell me that Obama being black had nothing to do with him getting 99% of the African American vote.
I’m pretty well off. I don’t need the government to give me ****. But as an African American, why should I vote for the GOP? And this coming from someone who voted for bush in 04 (I couldn’t vote in 2000 I was 17). Why should I vote for a party that wants to give poor black women no option to abort kids they can’t manage to keep? Why should I vote for a party that doesn’t want to do anything better education in urban areas? Why should I vote for a party that wants to kill medicare and Medicaid for (not just, but including) African americans who, with no chance to have a real formal education are just now hitting the golden years in their life and want to retire, and not only cut it, but at the same time call them lazy and stupid, for no other reason than being born in the 1940’s-50’s. Why should I vote for a party that does nothing for gay people, when it’s my people more than any that sees the ill effects homosexuality ; African American gay men are 30% more likely to contract AIDS than their counterparts. Why should I vote for a party that wants to continue the war on drugs as is with no changes, when my people are getting tore up and locked up and aren’t getting the help they need to turn their lives around? That more than any is an issue I am fiercely passionate about as I deal with it on a daily basis. Why would I vote for a party that wants to end welfare, but wants to promote middle class welfare (i.e military spending) by drumming up more wars and sending more people overseas, giving people more unnecessary jobs?
So don’t come to me and tell me the only reason I or anyone else voted for Obama is because he is black; I’m sure there are some that have, but I’m sure there are some people that voted against him for the exact same reason. I can’t answer for my entire race and I’m not going to try to. There are ignorant white people just like there are ignorant black people, you shouldn’t have to defend the KKK nor should I have to defend stupid black people nor should Muslims have to defend extremist . A as an African American man in America there isn’t a viable other option. Yeah 96% of African American voted for Obama, look above. Why shouldn’t they? Just to say they aren’t racist?
You don’t get it. The avg American, either way the tax break.. with obama or Romney, with or without the bush tax cuts, is going to be minimal in comparison to the **** I listed above as far as effect on daily lives. My mother last year made 107,000 dollars.. so let me ask you this.. which do you think is more important to my mother.. the 2-3 thousand dollar difference between the tax plans she will get, or the idea that her mother , who worked her ass off her entire life to put my mother in college, won’t be able to pay for health care? Or the fact that she has 2 nieces (my cousins) that are both in the military and one of them hasn’t been home (anywhere in the US) for more than 6 months the last 3 years and the other just had a baby girl a month ago and she wants them home not going to iran?
96% of African Americans didn’t vote for a black president. They voted for the democratic nominee which in their/our eyes, is vastly superior than the GOP nominee . the quicker you can accept that, the better off the GOP will be in the 2016 election, though I think Christie has the field over a barrel.
The thing is, this is a bad thing for the GOP (saying that black people only voted for Obama because he’s black). Untrue excuses isn't going to do any good for them. It's just going to make it worse for them because it's not reality.
These aren’t issues that you give a **** about but they are issues I give a **** about. I got a grandma who is 63 who worked 3 jobs her entire life and doesn’t have a dime saved up, she busted her ass to get my mom in college and to make her a better lfie and I got to listen to people tell her she’s a POS because she can’t afford health care or retirement. I probably donate more time than everyone o this forum combined dealing with drug and alcohol prevention and it’s ugly out there.
The entire GOP platform can be summed up by saying we want to go back to the 50's. There's just one problem with that; this ain't the 50's. In more ways than one.