2012 Election [All discussion here]

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Forget the presidential election...Colorado just legalised pot. This is 'change that i can believe in’!
^^Except that is directly against federal law. That'll probably last for a couple weeks.
Federal law does not trump state criminal law.

There are really two separate issues:
- criminal laws of possession, cultivation, etc.
- commerce

The federal government can regulate commerce, but not criminal laws. States have full authority to repeal their own criminal laws, states have no obligation to enforce federal laws, and the Controlled Substances Act does not fully “occupy the field.” It’s a salient point to remember that during Alcohol Prohibition, the federal government prohibited commerce but could not with possession, and a dozen states repealed their own laws before Alcohol Prohibition ended on the federal level.

The feds can send in all the DEA agents all they want but they don’t have enough agents. It’s salient to remember that 95% of drug prosecutions are done at the state level. Now with Colorado and Washington out of the picture, the DEA will have to work 20 times harder. With so few DEA agents, it’s de facto legal. As time marches forward and more states legalize, it will be exponentially more difficult for the federal government to deny the legalized markets and underground economy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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^^That would have been nice. Ron Paul seems to be cut from the same cloth as Washington, Lincoln, etc.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Thank god the election season has come to a close. Four years with no annoying political advertisements. I'm not against politics or talking about them, that's very important, but I'm so ready for my friends and coworkers to get back to making my life tolerable and work efficient.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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backbreaker said:
the only people that the GOP platform really caters to is married white couples.
Except more than 50% of single white men voted for Romney.

backbreaker said:
you aren't going to tell women that rape was intended to happen by god..
You seize one one statement by one republican and ignore all the nutty statements coming from Obama's supporters (i.e the pastor who prayed at Obama's inauguration and who was subsequently awarded the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" saying that all white people are going to hell).

backbreaker said:
and african americans that the only reason they vote for obama is beucase he's black
To the best of my knowledge, Romney never said that, even though it is undoubtedly true. There's about 5 five African Americans out of a total of 40 million who voted for Romney (or for McCain in 2008). Don't tell me that Obama being black had nothing to do with him getting 99% of the African American vote.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
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Danger said:
This is EXACTLY the kind of point I try to make and get subsequently attacked for it.

I saw a news item this morning breaking down how whites voted between the two candidates, with the news anchor saying that the election has been influenced by racial division. It then went on to show how whites were less likely to support Obama now than they were four years ago.

The ridiculous thing is that the network then failed to show how blacks voted in both elections.

Why? Why show only one race and their breakout? So we can accuse whites of being racist of course And how blantant would that spin seem if they posted how blacks voted in both elections.

Then you get news articles like this, which refuse to publish the race of the attackers.


Political Correctness has gone absolutely bonkers and people need to start getting pissed off at that fact. As long as white men feel guilt both for feeling white and for being men, then there is no chance at fixing this.

RationalMale has a great post today referencing a commenter who unfortunately has it completely right in regards to where society is headed, and why.

It's not political correctness. Blacks and Latinos voted for Obama by huge margins because the GOP is openly and nakedly hostile to both groups.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Mike32ct said:
I get what you are saying.

The only part I'm not clear on...

How does the GOP alienate single white men?
Well it’s not really a ll that hard to figure out

first, while the “official” stat of gay men in America is 4 million, the actual number is much much higher than that. It does not include people who are still in the closest, or bi curious males who might or might not have had a male on male sexual experience before. Just about all these men are single. When you factor in all of that, the real number is closer to 12-15% at least. And all these males are single, and 3/4th of them are white males.

Married people don’t’ do drugs. Married people life style and single people life style are usually totally different. I’m the only married guy I know who smokes weed from time to time (with the wife). The, very very vast amount of people who do drugs are going to be single males. There goes more white male votes

And last but not least, half the posts on this forum now are about feminism and how we don’t have any rights. And the same guys who will **** at the mouth about how we don’t have rights, are the same guys here who blindly support a candidate who wants to wipe abortion off the face of the earth. You don’t have any rights now lol how bad it is gonna be when the woman who “forgot to take a pill” CAN’T get rid of the baby lol?

and see right here, i know exactly what you are gonna say... while this is important to me, there are some things tom e that are more important. that's fine.. so it's okay for you to have some priorities that are more important to you but it's not okay for me or anyone else to have prorites that are more important than taxes or the economy? game. set. match.

I’d have 3 kids now if not for abortion. And the first 2 were total screw jobs; one girl poked a hole in a condom and the other I think just lied about being pregnant to try to get me back but still I paid her to have an abortion/go away. I never orgasmed when we had sex but still, few hundred bucks in the grand scheme of things, not worth it. Married men don’t give a **** about issues like this. Single men, do . It’s a tough world out there; I don’t’ want to make my job any harder by or your job any harder by taking away what few options we have to control bat **** crazy single women.

That’s another thing.. there should not be one person not his forum if he posts in the MM section and talks about men’s rights that votes GOP. Not one. You talk about what’s wrong with the country yet vote against your best interests. Why I don’t take half the **** I see here seriously it’s hot air.

That’s why single white males get the boot. Not as a whole but issue after issue cherry picks away at the whole

Romney won the Christian middle /deep south of the country where religion rules all. And lost literally, everything else. And you can say “well that’s where all the black people life” but that’s a red herring. Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Oregon, Nevada, Washington, No one is going for this ****. Not even beucse of him, the GOP party has to change with the times.

So why would a single white male be interested in voting for a guy who says that I can’t have sex with other men, I can’t get a girl pregnant and take care of it if it’s not wanted and I can’t do drugs lol?

20 years ago it was the economy stupid. Now it’s the social issues stupid.

To the best of my knowledge, Romney never said that, even though it is undoubtedly true. There's about 5 five African Americans out of a total of 40 million who voted for Romney (or for McCain in 2008). Don't tell me that Obama being black had nothing to do with him getting 99% of the African American vote.
I’m pretty well off. I don’t need the government to give me ****. But as an African American, why should I vote for the GOP? And this coming from someone who voted for bush in 04 (I couldn’t vote in 2000 I was 17). Why should I vote for a party that wants to give poor black women no option to abort kids they can’t manage to keep? Why should I vote for a party that doesn’t want to do anything better education in urban areas? Why should I vote for a party that wants to kill medicare and Medicaid for (not just, but including) African americans who, with no chance to have a real formal education are just now hitting the golden years in their life and want to retire, and not only cut it, but at the same time call them lazy and stupid, for no other reason than being born in the 1940’s-50’s. Why should I vote for a party that does nothing for gay people, when it’s my people more than any that sees the ill effects homosexuality ; African American gay men are 30% more likely to contract AIDS than their counterparts. Why should I vote for a party that wants to continue the war on drugs as is with no changes, when my people are getting tore up and locked up and aren’t getting the help they need to turn their lives around? That more than any is an issue I am fiercely passionate about as I deal with it on a daily basis. Why would I vote for a party that wants to end welfare, but wants to promote middle class welfare (i.e military spending) by drumming up more wars and sending more people overseas, giving people more unnecessary jobs?

So don’t come to me and tell me the only reason I or anyone else voted for Obama is because he is black; I’m sure there are some that have, but I’m sure there are some people that voted against him for the exact same reason. I can’t answer for my entire race and I’m not going to try to. There are ignorant white people just like there are ignorant black people, you shouldn’t have to defend the KKK nor should I have to defend stupid black people nor should Muslims have to defend extremist . A as an African American man in America there isn’t a viable other option. Yeah 96% of African American voted for Obama, look above. Why shouldn’t they? Just to say they aren’t racist?

You don’t get it. The avg American, either way the tax break.. with obama or Romney, with or without the bush tax cuts, is going to be minimal in comparison to the **** I listed above as far as effect on daily lives. My mother last year made 107,000 dollars.. so let me ask you this.. which do you think is more important to my mother.. the 2-3 thousand dollar difference between the tax plans she will get, or the idea that her mother , who worked her ass off her entire life to put my mother in college, won’t be able to pay for health care? Or the fact that she has 2 nieces (my cousins) that are both in the military and one of them hasn’t been home (anywhere in the US) for more than 6 months the last 3 years and the other just had a baby girl a month ago and she wants them home not going to iran?

96% of African Americans didn’t vote for a black president. They voted for the democratic nominee which in their/our eyes, is vastly superior than the GOP nominee . the quicker you can accept that, the better off the GOP will be in the 2016 election, though I think Christie has the field over a barrel.

The thing is, this is a bad thing for the GOP (saying that black people only voted for Obama because he’s black). Untrue excuses isn't going to do any good for them. It's just going to make it worse for them because it's not reality.

These aren’t issues that you give a **** about but they are issues I give a **** about. I got a grandma who is 63 who worked 3 jobs her entire life and doesn’t have a dime saved up, she busted her ass to get my mom in college and to make her a better lfie and I got to listen to people tell her she’s a POS because she can’t afford health care or retirement. I probably donate more time than everyone o this forum combined dealing with drug and alcohol prevention and it’s ugly out there.

The entire GOP platform can be summed up by saying we want to go back to the 50's. There's just one problem with that; this ain't the 50's. In more ways than one.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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backbreaker said:
I’m pretty well off. I don’t need the government to give me ****. But as an African American, why should I vote for the GOP? And this coming from someone who voted for bush in 04 (I couldn’t vote in 2000 I was 17). Why should I vote for a party that wants to give poor black women no option to abort kids they can’t manage to keep? Why should I vote for a party that doesn’t want to do anything better education in urban areas? Why should I vote for a party that wants to kill medicare and Medicaid for (not just, but including) African americans who, with no chance to have a real formal education are just now hitting the golden years in their life and want to retire, and not only cut it, but at the same time call them lazy and stupid, for no other reason than being born in the 1940’s-50’s. Why should I vote for a party that does nothing for gay people, when it’s my people more than any that sees the ill effects homosexuality ; African American gay men are 30% more likely to contract AIDS than their counterparts. Why should I vote for a party that wants to continue the war on drugs as is with no changes, when my people are getting tore up and locked up and aren’t getting the help they need to turn their lives around? That more than any is an issue I am fiercely passionate about as I deal with it on a daily basis. Why would I vote for a party that wants to end welfare, but wants to promote middle class welfare (i.e military spending) by drumming up more wars and sending more people overseas, giving people more unnecessary jobs?
Then why did you vote for Bush, of all people, in 2004??? I'll tell you why: BECAUSE THERE WAS NO BLACK CANDIDATE IN 2004. In a rare moment of honesty, Obama's inauguration pastor, who received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, was quoted saying "I don’t know what kind of a n*gger wouldn’t vote with a black man running". The vast majority of African Americans, rich and poor, from Jay-Z to your average bum in South Central LA, share that sentiment. As politically incorrect as it may be to say that, it is 100% percent true. So please spare me the cynical nonsense about being concerned about poor black mothers who are supposedly denied abortions or gay black men being 30% more likely to contract HIV (I guess that's GOP's fault too..) You didn't care about that in '04 and you don't care about it now. You just want to see a black man in the oval office, even if he makes for a p*ss poor president (how's that for being politically incorrect?)


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
BB, did you hear the Obama commercial bragging about giving women free contraceptives at the expense of men? " Insurance companies must give contraceptives and they are not allowed to charge women more than men for health care". That is naked discrimination against men but they know that enough AFC men will look the other way or rationalize it.
If they really wanted to reduce unwanted pregnancies, they would be giving out free condoms to men. But try to sell that idea to the feminist lobby.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Bokanovsky said:
Then why did you vote for Bush, of all people, in 2004??? I'll tell you why: BECAUSE THERE WAS NO BLACK CANDIDATE IN 2004. In a rare moment of honesty, Obama's inauguration pastor, who received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, was quoted saying "I don’t know what kind of a n*gger wouldn’t vote with a black man running". The vast majority of African Americans, rich and poor, from Jay-Z to your average bum in South Central LA, share that sentiment. As politically incorrect as it may be to say that, it is 100% percent true. So please spare me the cynical nonsense about being concerned about poor black mothers who are supposedly denied abortions or gay black men being 30% more likely to contract HIV (I guess that's GOP's fault too..) You didn't care about that in '04 and you don't care about it now. You just want to see a black man in the oval office, even if he makes for a p*ss poor president (how's that for being politically incorrect?)
your post is the exact reason that is the problem with the GOP.

I voted for bush because i honestly thought he did a pretty commendable job with the 9/11 stuff, i approved (At the time at least) the wars we were fighting as well, and I didn't like the idea of Kerry running the military. \

this thread brings up an interesting memory. I remember this day vividy beucase it was the day I finally ended up nailing a girl i had been after. I was going to an Arkansas / UL Monroe Football game at War memorial stadium that day, it was the beginning of September. Me and 2 friends had parked like a mile away form the stadium and we were walking to the stadium and there was this old fat white guy passing out bush 04 stickers. I wanted one, i knew then i wanted to vote for bush. The guy woudl not give me one. I sat there for 2 minutes trying to get the guy to give me a sticker and he wouldn't give me one, beucase he assumed i just wanted to do something stupid with it.

that's the GOPs problem. Good thing for him i didnt' give a **** about his bigotry and voted for bush anyway.

You assume because I'm black, that's all i give a **** about. i'm done with this thread, not wasting my 10 a day on race baiting.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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Let me put it into perspective for you guys and gals. this is what the GOP was up against last night, this is who put Obama back in office. a 33yr old single mom of FIVE kids, no job, "hopes to finish school" as long as you're paying for it why the hell not, wants to meet a man with a southern accent in WASHINGTON STATE of all places (hopefully geography isn't her major in college), and who the hell puts Obama as one of their likes on their profile? wtf is that about? an Obama fanatic? hey I'm a Chicago Bears fan but for fvcks sake, they don't have sh!t to do with who i date or not.


now you know why we lost last night. I feel better already, don't you?

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
BB, did you hear the Obama commercial bragging about giving women free contraceptives at the expense of men? " Insurance companies must give contraceptives and they are not allowed to charge women more than men for health care". That is naked discrimination against men but they know that enough AFC men will look the other way or rationalize it.
Would you buy a chick drinks if you KNEW she was going to leave with another guy? Of course not. You wouldn't (knowingly) pay so she could F another guy.

When men pay for women's pills via higher health insurance premiums, they are paying her to F other guys.

It's not like you're giving money to your gf or wife for pills. You are paying some strange women to get laid. Odds are, it's not with you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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backbreaker I agree with your entire post. Well stated. Except for:

Why should I vote for a party that wants to continue the war on drugs as is with no changes, when my people are getting tore up and locked up and aren’t getting the help they need to turn their lives around?
You are around my age right? You grew up in black neighborhoods during the late 80s and early 90s like me I assume. Do you remember how tore up they were back then. As bad as they are now they were war zones with the mortality states of failed 3rd world states. Since the Drug War started crime has dropped like a rock. Quality of life of black women, older black people, black kids, and law-abiding black men is far less violent and short. Just saying...

Ending illegal immigration (and reducing low-skilled legal immigration) would help working class black people too!


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
when i stated war on drugs, that is not what i was necessarily reffering to.

the war has shifted battle grounds and we aren't compensating.

the war now isn't so much on the streets as it is pharmacies, institutions and prisons.

African Americans now generally have enough imperial data to come to the conclusion that crack is bad. I'm not saying that war is over by a stretch but it's been around enough to where everyone knows what it is and what it will do and what it will lead to.

The war now is that it's tooooo easy to get a script. not only easy it's virtually encouraged. I remember when I was in rehab, and they made me go to a shrink who "diagnosed" me with borderline personality disorder and wanted to give me a script and i told him to **** off i don't want any pills. and eventually he was like "wink wink" come on man what's the worse that can happen you get a little buzz mots addicts would love a script (and it was for xanax).. then when i told him i didn't want xanax he offered me Zoloft i'm like WTF dude this isn't' let's make a deal lol i dont' want any. I want to try being clean and go to a shrink for a while before i come to the conclusion that i have to stuff my face with pills to be normal. \

the more scripts they right the bigger kickbacks and perks they get, the more pretty little sales reps come and see them and make them feel special and **** lol. do you know how ****ing easy it is for a normal person to get a script? i can call my doc up right now and come up with some bull **** and be popping xanax by the end of the night. that's the war on drugs i'm talking about. no one wants to touch it.

i'm talking about there being no real type of rehabilitation but AA and while I still believe int he core message of AA id on't believe in it at all as a rehabilitation tool. I don't believe addicts know how to live normal lives. Do things that normal people do without drinking or drugging. get a normal job, take getting rejected, take getting sex, without drinking or drugging. I believe the real reason people relaspe as much as they do is even when they do want to quit, they dont know how to live any other way. AA doesn't teach them. the just for the day bull**** doesn't work in real life.

When I was in AA and I took a sponsee that had a cocaine addiction out of my own pocket, i would go to the store and buy these pills called NAC ( N-Acetyl-Cyrsteine) because I know for a fact they help curb cocaine seeking behavior, yet no one in the recovery community will tell you that either because they don't know or they see any type of thing that helps you as a threat to AA/NA/Drug Treatment Facilities which the latter is a real cash cow.

If you are a herion addict there is methadone to help you get off of it. If youa re an alcoholic there is a siht load of stuff out there to help you get off of it. if you smoke cigs there are patches and gum to help you get off of it. if you like to smoke crack (or meth for that matter) lol you are SOL. cold turkey brah. that needs to be fixed. if there was a crack patch they wouldn't keep them in stock. I laugh my ass off as guys who smoke cigs and want to stop but can't and then they go buy these 100 dollar patches and gum and **** and still keep ****ing up but then thumb their nose at someone who can't stop dealing with a drug that is 10x more potent and 25x more addicting cold turkey.

every person i sponsored who is still in AA, i think it's 5 of them in all, took those pills. they all do the same thing with their sponsees now. it works. **** like this is what i mean the war on drugs. education, information.


The UK is obsessed with the United States and you'd be mistaking in thinking there was an election in the United Kingdom. Obama-mania has been everywhere today, I even had work colleagues asking me if I watched the election results last night. The Prime Minister of the UK should just sign our sovereignty over to the United States and become the 51st state, because this sh*t is ridiculous. I couldn't care less about Obama or Romney. Obama, Romney or the Green Giant, the United States of America is as dead as a dodo as far as being a Superpower is concerned. It happens to all large nation states, all great Empires come to end at some point, this is the time for the US to fall and make way for BRIC to take over.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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perseverance said:
The UK is obsessed with the United States and you'd be mistaking in thinking there was an election in the United Kingdom. Obama-mania has been everywhere today, I even had work colleagues asking me if I watched the election results last night. The Prime Minister of the UK should just sign our sovereignty over to the United States and become the 51st state, because this sh*t is ridiculous. I couldn't care less about Obama or Romney. Obama, Romney or the Green Giant, the United States of America is as dead as a dodo as far as being a Superpower is concerned. It happens to all large nation states, all great Empires come to end at some point, this is the time for the US to fall and make way for BRIC to take over.
You are right. What's going on in the US today is analogous to what happened to the UK in the 50s and 60s. The handout seeking underclass elects a government running on a "gimme gimme" platform and it all goes down the toiler from there.

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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Throttle back on the race discussion guys.

There is merit on both sides in the points being raised in that regard, but its discussion is not tolerated on this board.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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State by state, the % of vote for each party was pretty much the same as 2008. Incumbents running for reelection tend to make for reruns. Dissatisfaction over the economy should have pushed it a couple of % more Republican than last time. But Romney was the wrong candiate if the Republicans actually wanted to win.

Romney wasn't different enough from Obama. To most voters, Romneycare = Obamacare. Both loudly support "a woman's right to choose." Both are bad for job creation and both are in the pocket of the financials. Both have church affiliations that most voters distrust.

The GOP lost a percent or so of Christian conservative vote due to distaste over voting for a Mormon. The Dems were able to keep their big increase in black vote from last time. Forget the "permanent demographic shift" nonsense. Colin Powell would have produced the same effect for the other party had he run.

Without a spearhead presidential candidate to bring out the vote, Republicans lost Senate seats.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Down Low said:
State by state, the % of vote for each party was pretty much the same as 2008. Incumbents running for reelection tend to make for reruns. Dissatisfaction over the economy should have pushed it a couple of % more Republican than last time. But Romney was the wrong candiate if the Republicans actually wanted to win.

Romney wasn't different enough from Obama. To most voters, Romneycare = Obamacare. Both loudly support "a woman's right to choose." Both are bad for job creation and both are in the pocket of the financials. Both have church affiliations that most voters distrust.

The GOP lost a percent or so of Christian conservative vote due to distaste over voting for a Mormon. The Dems were able to keep their big increase in black vote from last time. Forget the "permanent demographic shift" nonsense. Colin Powell would have produced the same effect for the other party had he run.

Without a spearhead presidential candidate to bring out the vote, Republicans lost Senate seats.
you obviously haven't seen Dave Chapelle's racial draft. The white people drafted him lol so he doesn't count anymore


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
the turth is, african americans have been overlehmly democratic since 1945 and even more so with the voting rigths act of 1965 was passed /lbj election who was the champion of civil rights form a presdential point of view

i don't like to talk politics because frankly just about everyone here is ignorant, but i will drop some knowledge on you guys. the 1960 election with nixon/jfk was the closet in history, with JFK winning by a little bit over 100k votes, African Americans voted 85% in favor of JFK and that is even without southern states allowing African Americans to vote, in short, blacks won election for JFK

my point being that even if i gave you that black people won the 2012 election, it wouldn't be the first time in history this has happened.

the GOP's problem is on many fronts. The Voting rights act that was passed in 1965, increased the amount of voting African Americans by a considerable in a span of 22 years in combination with just urban development/groth/birth rates

In alabama 1965 there 19 thousand black registered voters. by 1988 there were 68 thousand. in the same state, in 1965 there were 70 thousand white voters and in 1988 there were 75 thousand

Georgia 1965
white= 62k black=27k

Georgia 1988
white= 63k black 56k

Louisiana 1965
white= 80k black=31k

Louisiana 1988
white= 75k black= 77k

mississippi 1965
white= 69k black= 6k lol

mississippi 1988
white=80k black= 74k

just so you don't think I'm pulling these numbers out of the crack of my ass


African Americans have been in the democratic bloc for damn near a century. The problem isn't the racial divide.

The REAL GOP problem, now that i have broke down the above, is quite simple... the game plan that worked in the 60's and 70's, is not political fiesable in 2012... there are too many black/Hispanic voters. In the 60's and 70's and even into the 80's you could win a presidential election off pretty much the conservative white vote. you didn't have to cater to anyone else beucase the numbers that everyone else had didn't matter.. white couples were the predominant voting power of america and if you made them happy, you pretty much were gonna win

The problem is not one but a few, and the GOP has not done anything to offset this. The new aforementioned black vote, the GOP never bothered catering to, so they stuck wtih party lines. That really isn't even the biggest deal. The worst decision in GOP history IMHO is to tell immigrants to **** off. That was the beginning of the end.

and ****, i don't have to tell you dudes this, this is ****ing sosuave, people aren't' getting married as much today. id don't have to feed you any bull**** either on why they aren't getting married you guys know. and the ones that do, are doing so much later. So not only are you not getting the black vote, not only are you not getting the Hispanic vote, you are also not getting AS many white voters beucse you are still using the 1980 conversvale value formula that worked so well then, in a 2012 hipster chick look at me i am a slut bucket on facebook let's see how many men i can **** before i'm 30 and then find a guy to take care of my ass when i'm used up dating scene.. you're gonna lose some of these guys and girls. not even to mention the new gay movement.

in laymen's terms, the GOP probelm is that in 1982, it was poltiically fiesable if not prudent to ignore just about everyone but conservative american vote, because there weren't enough of anyone else that were registered voters that mattered. In 2012, it's not politically fiesable to ignore everyone else but conservative votes, and that's exactly what they are doing. the plan simply won't work. no matter how you slice it no matter how high your fox news ratings are, there are too many minorites and single people to not cater to any of them.

it's not one thing. The GOP is really, really ****ed. not beucase of black people. beucase it hasn't done anything to change anything since well.. ever.

There are good republican candidates who from time to time can sway a block of minority voters, but the GOP really needs to change the game plan to account for the new playing field or this **** will continue.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
My dad told me that white people who vote for Obama are traitors to their own race. If he thinks that, I would guess that millions more uneducated white people feel the same way. It's not any coincidence that Romney won every state of the Confederacy except VA. What I like about Obama is that a lot of racist people vote against him because he's not white, but he still wins anyway.

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
