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  1. W

    She wants me. I want her. But this isn't your average love affair. "Women over the age of 40 are not prevented from childbearing, nor is anyone suggesting they should be, despite an equivalent risk of birth defects," "The laws against cousin marriage are archaic, outdated and counterproductive,"...
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    She wants me. I want her. But this isn't your average love affair.

    I will not judge you, but the vast majority of people will and it is because of cultural/social programming. Statistically, mating with a cousin is not even close to how bad it is made out to be. You are not a freak for feeling attraction toward her, especially if you did not grow up with...
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    Shattered reality

    my father attempted to use emotional blackmail on me many times to get money he wanted to bet. I basically told him that I would cut him off further if he continued to do what he was doing. He backed down, and finally started to work correctly when he realised he couldnt manipulate me.
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    Shattered reality

    btw dont give him a ****ing cent, sometimes it has to get worse before it gets better, for them to see reality. take care of the rest of your family
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    Shattered reality

    I can relate... My dad has serious gambling issues leading him to dump $100,000 AUD in a week-long session (this is just one example, he was a very big gambler who was professional and then turned into addicted degenerate). No im not kidding, I watched him do it. We're not rich either. Our...
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    "You're a nice person"

    "You're a nice person" "**** YOU *****" *Headbutts her in the face and walks off*
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    Explain HB9's behavior please?

    i dont know much but... people/girls respond to perceived competition differently some will give up some will lift and try harder she was internally conflicted by that flirty interaction with the 7 obviously. she said she had no money on card (when she did) because she wanted you to validate...
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    Female perspective of online dating, most guys are clueless

    *deletes all accounts* thanks clearly when you remove fear of rejection and add liquidity to approaching, you **** alot of things up. all women skyrocket in value. all men plummet in value. then you need to be brad pitt to talk to a 7-8
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    "You have competition"

    im new to this but I would do think like this "You have competition" "...and you think you don't? :) what's your point" OR "You have competition" "so do you, what's your point? :)" OR "You have competition" "and you just lost ground to yours, haha ;)"
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    very eye opening for me, especially the part where you mention that a true alpha is excused for equal behaviour because the multiple girls gain in status
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    Interesting video: "The Effects of Emasculation".

    I felt the urge to get up and dance at the end of the second video and sean connery is a ****ing legend
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    Rate my looks?

    thanks for the positive comments again I know I have work to do but I feel better *hugs everyone*
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    Rate my looks?

    "I don't know your personality, but some smart people can be a bit dry." Yes I am very guilty of this. Ive always made jokes with dry delivery. Alot of the time im not that animated. Im not the guy who enjoys small talk. I can be funny though. "Speak with some enthusiasm to help counter...
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    Rate my looks?

    Okay, I have the nicest guy on the planet look, this is established. (I actually am a nice guy, so much for 'being yourself') Now how do I fix it? - working out and building up testosterone levels - shorter, or different hair? - facial expressions and projected attitude - style of...
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    Rate my looks?

    Hey everyone, thanks for all the feedback. ive never gotten a young nick cage but ty :P All of the comments are on the money pretty much. Ive generally lacked confidence for ever since I can remember. I only get confidence when I drink too much, sad I know. Now I realise, as long as I...
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    Rate my looks?

    I actually thought I was very ugly when I was 17-19. "Girls are very tough on looks, much worse than us guys are" - thats interesting, is it because theyre obsessed with looking good themselves?
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    Rate my looks?

    im very smart btw...but that doesnt count for much as ive learnt
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    Rate my looks?

    I dont tend to get complimented on my looks. Pretty much only complimented was on pof by a psycho stalker girl in the making, who was like a 6 or 7 Ive been complimented by girls on my clothes sometimes. I dress a little bit more stylish lately. Not afraid to wear a shirt that is different or...
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    Rate my looks?

    yea, I typically dont clean shave anymore, and I feel good about it. I am asking opinions because girls never seem to think im cute in my mind at least.
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    Rate my looks?

    yea, its actually my main dp for pof lol doing my puppy dog eyes