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  1. M

    Booty Grabbing

    Sexual Harrassment?
  2. M

    how does one pick up a chick in an elevator?

    Nothing really special about it... It would probably work though becuase of the confidence shown at the end. Just make sure the comment is on something really unique and nothing cliche.
  3. M

    How do I make my butt smaller?

    If it is extrememly of of proportion then liposuction is an option... i mean if you are a skinny **** and you have a fat ass... that is what lipo was invented for.
  4. M

    Suggestion: Make a Board for Guy Relationships

    You're all a bunch of fags.:rolleyes:
  5. M

    Remember....God made Adam first!!!

    womb 1. A place where something is generated. 2. An encompassing, protective hollow or space. Obsolete. The belly. you guys are thinking of a womans uterus.... although in todays world they are generally acepted as the same thing, technically they are not.
  6. M

    "I'm so lonely i could cry"

    What was this book called?
  7. M

    i love you....

  8. M

    Do you compliment?

    ya, compliment her on something unexpected like pimpsicle said. You could also compliment her on something that she went out of the way to do to herself such as multi-colored paint on her toe-nails/fingernails.
  9. M

    Is this good whey protein?

    Iso is most efficient becuase it is the fastest absorbing... but if money is an issue then just get some cheaper stuff becuase it would still get the job done.
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    Swimming is labeled as the best all around workout that exists.
  11. M

    when to call for a second date....

    I think you have fallen into the friends zone. You made a big mistake by not initiating any kino or making a move on her. If you want to try and revive your chances with her, you must take her out alone, not with friends. And lay heavy kino on her.
  12. M

    how long to wait to call after first date?

    A DJ would call her whenever the hell he feels like it... ... but i good rule of thumb is 3-5 days.
  13. M

    Interesting day in class

    you are only 17? She is probably 17 too if she just finished highschool. If Bill thinks you are an ok guy i dont see any problem with you taking her out. Just have a convo with her and ask for her number.
  14. M

    instant messages

    Most likely no! You cant use Kino and will most probably fall into the LJBF zone. Only use them to set up dates.
  15. M

    How FAR is 2 FAR for to go for a DATE???

    Just meet at the pool hall
  16. M

    WTF!!! AFC's bagging lots of women?!?!

    read the high school bible... it states that high school girls really dont know what they want... their just horny and curious.
  17. M

    Never Go On A Date Without IT.

    supplication??? .... maybe worth it because of the fact that it does make her feel closer to you?
  18. M

    I just got asked out!!!!!! What should I do???

    I think ur a bit nervous anyways