how does one pick up a chick in an elevator?


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
ok. this is how i think you do it

1. girl gets on your elevator
2. you both go up
3. you say hi
4. she says hi back
5. you tell her she has nice shoes or some other unusual but nice comment.(the girl will be shocked that you noticed and think that you are the man)
4. she leaves to get off the elevator.
5. You stop the doors from closing
6. You say, "umm... you can't leave."
7. She turns around and looks at you and says, "ok why not?"
8. You say, "because how am i going to get your phone number or ask you out on a date?
9. You work her sassy little ass untill you get it.

any comments?
any improvements?
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Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
Nothing really special about it... It would probably work though becuase of the confidence shown at the end. Just make sure the comment is on something really unique and nothing cliche.

Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK
re: how does one pick up a chick in an elevator?

Its a lot easier when the lift starts accelerating downwards.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo New York baby!
Hi I'm Anthony GRRR, would you like to be my friend? What are your credentials?


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2002
Reaction score
Managed to pull one off several months ago. Well, not quite but still a theoretical score.

This wonderfully voluptuous Latin MILF entered the elevator where I work and we established immediate eye contact. I simply asked where she was from, she smiled and said Venezuela and she responded by asking the same, so I knew she was interested. I had to cut the conversation short, because the elevator stopped at my floor, so I asker for her number which she gladly gave to me.

To make the long story short, I never ended up seeing her again because she confessed to me several days later when I called that she was married and could not go out with me. She was very nice and apologetic about it and she clearly gave the impression that she would have gone out with me but for the fact that she was attached. My gut told me that she was not BSing me.

Elevator pickups or the like where you have little time to establish rapport with a girl are quite difficult and requires skill. In my case, it was just one of those rare instances where two people are physically attracted to each in an instant and not much needed to be said.

I think in order for this to work she has to be physically attracted
to you and you must immediately know how to pick up the signs because you only have so much time to make your move. Once you know she is attracted, you smile at her, maintain eye contact and start a conversation. Something simple as saying hello and introducing yourself is usually suffice. If she smiles or is otherwise receptive, then that is your cue to continue. But since you have little time, just say something like, "Well I have to go, but I would love to continue the conversation someother day, give me your number so that I can call you sometime".

This method for number closing on girls is simple yet quite effective when there is really not so much time as in an elevator pickup situation. The success rate really depends on how much of an impression you gave the girl to begin with.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by violator
Managed to pull one off several months ago. Well, not quite but still a theoretical score.

This wonderfully voluptuous Latin MILF entered the elevator where I work and we established immediate eye contact. I simply asked where she was from, she smiled and said Venezuela and she responded by asking the same, so I knew she was interested. I had to cut the conversation short, because the elevator stopped at my floor, so I asker for her number which she gladly gave to me.

To make the long story short, I never ended up seeing her again because she confessed to me several days later when I called that she was married and could not go out with me. She was very nice and apologetic about it and she clearly gave the impression that she would have gone out with me but for the fact that she was attached. My gut told me that she was not BSing me.

Elevator pickups or the like where you have little time to establish rapport with a girl are quite difficult and requires skill. In my case, it was just one of those rare instances where two people are physically attracted to each in an instant and not much needed to be said.

I think in order for this to work she has to be physically attracted
to you and you must immediately know how to pick up the signs because you only have so much time to make your move. Once you know she is attracted, you smile at her, maintain eye contact and start a conversation. Something simple as saying hello and introducing yourself is usually suffice. If she smiles or is otherwise receptive, then that is your cue to continue. But since you have little time, just say something like, "Well I have to go, but I would love to continue the conversation someother day, give me your number so that I can call you sometime".

This method for number closing on girls is simple yet quite effective when there is really not so much time as in an elevator pickup situation. The success rate really depends on how much of an impression you gave the girl to begin with.
Yes, I agree, an elevator is a great place to test a womans interest level. The key is just to be friendly. The reality of the matter is that you don't want a woman that isn't attracted to you. The elevator pick up is a great way to find this out quickly. You can work her over time if you see her at the same time every day. Just by being friendly and saying hi a few times can break the ice for that final line.

The other thing that is important to remember is that women don't like silence. Being in a quite elevator with just you can be nerve racing for a woman. If you break the silence you will have more of a chance to catch her eye. The one thing that you must never do is fail to say bye when she leaves, even if you have no plans to pick her up at that time.

The other day, I actually had a girl get mad at me for leaving the elevator and not saying goodbye back to her. We said nothing the entire way up. Sometimes, i just don't care anymore. Being a DJ can have it's drawbacks in this regard - you just don't care for mediocre when you have a few dozen numbers in your cell phone already.