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  1. S

    Why we shoul not tarnish all with the same brush. Meninism on the rise

    ^^^Approved shaming language from the cult of MGTOW?^^^ :crackup: Bro with all due respect you need to actually interact with women, drop the entitlement issues and work on yourself instead of taking what you read on the internet as "universal truth".
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    Why we shoul not tarnish all with the same brush. Meninism on the rise

    I'm sorry you and Poon have women troubles. Countless other men do not. Because they aren't running around complaining about women as a whole with ridiculous generalities like you MGTOW do. Oddly enough you're whole movement is a sham pretending to go their own way yet going nowhere but doing...
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    Why “Men Going Their Own Way” Is No Way For Men To Go

    Why “Men Going Their Own Way” Is No Way For Men To Go. The creeping cult of male loserdom. In the past few months, Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) has completed its devolution from a sensible philosophy of...
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    Why we shoul not tarnish all with the same brush. Meninism on the rise

    Everyone wants what's in the best interest or they THINK is in their best interest. Your ridiculous attacks trying to pin blame solely on women that can apply to anyone shows you to be nothing more than an angry MGTOW who dislikes women period and would be better suited to stay in the company...
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    Return of Kings

    Roosh isn't happy with himself seeing as he needs women (prostitutes from overseas) to make him feel like a man. And still isn't happy. Roosh is a real "trailblazer" as if no one else has ever traveled abroad and gotten a hooker before in any country. LMFAO. The dude is a clown and a...
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    Return of Kings

    Roosh is a sex tourist who tries to rip off desperate prostitutes because he can only sleep with women who sleep with anyone for payment and passes it off to other desperate loons as "game". The same desperate slobs who delude themselves that by doing the same thing they are "ladies men". :crackup:
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    POF Profile Rules & Tips

    Guru your online tips are good but this I find ridiculous. Let's get real. If a chick doesn't find you attractive to reply in the first place nor finds you attractive in person because your pictures are photoshopped etc. Your "game" isn't going to mean diddly squat. Now "game" goes through...
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    Another uneducated fool.

    Cool projection instigator. Face it. Its over for your mentality. The US has grown past it. Rant on a board that offers whole hearted agreement with you or are you bored of those impotent echo chambers?
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    Another uneducated fool.

    The same "victims" who despise the media as being just as guilty want the media to protest for them. Otherwise they'll take their protests to online seduction boards. :crackup:
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    Another uneducated fool.

    And you typing nonsense makes you "intelligent"? Lmao. Youre mad as hell you have to resort to spelling to "win" a debate. Your posting history shows you to be the retard.
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    Anyone else tired of Political Correctness?

    Righto "victim". The US is moving ahead regardless of your way of thinking. Youre being phased out and cant learn to accept it. Enbrace change or be left behind.
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    Anyone else tired of Political Correctness?

    The duke boys werent obssessed over race like you david duke boys.
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    If the Confederate Flag is About Southern Pride and Heritage, Please Explain This...

    So Suaves previously banned race instigators will be along shortly to pretend they are "victims" denying their past posting history on SS as if it didn't exist much like they deny their own agenda and that there are still white supremacists in the US.
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    Another uneducated fool.

    According to the white "victim" squad it's impossible for white people to be racist and they are victims. These posters will blame liberals and everyone else for doing exactly what they're doing.
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    Another uneducated fool.

    What does it matter if we show who we are? You are the one claiming to not care who sees you and that you're a black man who believes there is no such thing as white supremacy going on. Or maybe they've changed their name to freedom alliance?
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    Another uneducated fool.

    You are obviously an expert on race, and stereotypes while wearing blackface. Why don't you hold a sign saying so suave on it and take a picture of yourself since you aren't afraid like you've claimed to show yourself and prove you are black. Is that what you think of him? You trying to...
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    Another uneducated fool.

    You left the west never to return to foreign paradise. What are you concerned about? Enjoy your promised land.
  18. S

    Invite yourself over to her place with an introductory message OLD.

    Good sh1t. Only thing is some dudes may not want a chick to know where they live. lol Espi has his inviting them out for a drink on a first message. I had different humorous openers that I wound up making a new one inviting myself over as if we were already discussing plans for her...
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    Invite yourself over to her place with an introductory message OLD.

    All those who use any form of OLD. Try starting off with a first message that is "mid conversation" inviting yourself over to her place for dinner tonight. You'll be surprised how many respond to it. Just make up some ridiculous dessert to bring. Watch them reply laughing and going into...
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    Another POF Loon.

    I does attract the loons. Some seem normal. Most are hiding red flags and not for long. Look your best in your pics and it's pretty easy to get replies, numbers, meets. A lot of them are on multiple sites too. Treat them like talking to anyone in real life. Even if they lie through their...