Return of Kings



If anyone is interested, Roosh's website ROK is going to feature an article by me sometime this week entitled "The Opposite of Masculinity."

What I deem the opposite of masculinity may not be what you think. I hope you'll check it out.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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This website is male Cosmopolitian, it tells you want you want to hear to make money of you.
It features now sponsored articles.
And Roosh ? The 'guru' published some books with stories nobody can confirm ... Its all theoretic bla bla bla to make money of people.
Like 'get rich' books.The more bull**** you read the more clouded and messy view of world and
women you will have.

It is male version of feminism, they teach how to be a perfect woman and they preach you about being a man.


JohnyTheArrow said:
This website is male Cosmopolitian, it tells you want you want to hear to make money of you.
It features now sponsored articles.
And Roosh ? The 'guru' published some books with stories nobody can confirm ... Its all theoretic bla bla bla to make money of people.
Like 'get rich' books.The more bull**** you read the more clouded and messy view of world and
women you will have.

It is male version of feminism, they teach how to be a perfect woman and they preach you about being a man.
So what if they sponsor articles? Are you serious? They are trying to make a living doing something they enjoy. 90% of what's on there is free. The article I submitted costs you nothing, but I spent time to write it because I wanted my ideas to be heard. Yes, I also wrote an e-book with my ideas. I don't care if I make money on it, but I won't turn it down if people want to pay. Anyone who asks for it I send them the PDF free, and yet most people insist on paying me for my hard work.

It's like some people believe the ONLY way to make money is a 9-5. Are you saying nobody should charge for their services or thoughts even if people identify with them. Is the entire self-help industry one big scam?

Roosh is legit. Yes, all his work is anecdotal, but he's a leader in the world of game. And he's a marketing genius - he makes a healthy, upper middle class living traveling the world and working from a laptop. And tons of people liked 'Bang'.

Anyway, for Ruler, my article will be up tomorrow at 8 pm. I will link.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
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Meh, so Roosh makes money off this $hit, big deal. Hell someone would have at some point considering the market for alpha male stuff was there because the men are there who want that sort of thing. I personally won't buy anything, but if he charges for something for a guy who needs help, that can be beneficial.

At least this topic is starting to really gain more traction which of course feminists hate, which means we're on the right track.

Also Blue I'd like to read your article.


BetterCallSaul said:
Meh, so Roosh makes money off this $hit, big deal. Hell someone would have at some point considering the market for alpha male stuff was there because the men are there who want that sort of thing. I personally won't buy anything, but if he charges for something for a guy who needs help, that can be beneficial.

At least this topic is starting to really gain more traction which of course feminists hate, which means we're on the right track.

Also Blue I'd like to read your article.
If you haven't seen my thread entitled 'Did you see this last week?' check it out. A toilet paper company hijacked Father's Day in order to pander to single moms and there was huge backlash, including some honest women. Eventually the feminists are going to marginalize moderates so much that they'll gravitate towards being more open to hearing the legitimate grievances of men.

Return of Kings is a little militant, and I disagree with 40% of what they put up. But we need loud voices. Too many men are being played by everyone from women, government, and police.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
I would not waste a second of my time reading that site - manosphere is strong over there.


Jun 15, 2015
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Roosh is a sex tourist who tries to rip off desperate prostitutes because he can only sleep with women who sleep with anyone for payment and passes it off to other desperate loons as "game". The same desperate slobs who delude themselves that by doing the same thing they are "ladies men". :crackup:


silencer said:
Roosh is a sex tourist who tries to rip off desperate prostitutes because he can only sleep with women who sleep with anyone for payment and passes it off to other desperate loons as "game". The same desperate slobs who delude themselves that by doing the same thing they are "ladies men". :crackup:
Give it a rest man. The guy was unhappy with his situation, found the courage to go overseas on his own, had sex with lots of women, and sold a lot of books. He escaped the poisoned western world and speaks to thousands of people daily. He gets paid a nice income to sit on a laptop all day and write books. He is by most definitions a successful entrepreneur.

I disagree with probably 40% of what he writes, but I don't understand the hate on our fellow men all the time. What is this rooted in?

So let's say Roosh has slept with 50 women. That's not enough game for you? Was it how he did it? Game doesn't come easy for every single guy. I have struggled mightily at times, and Roosh's writing helped especially in my earlier days.

We would be in a far better position as men in this fem-centric society if we stopped belittling each other in these kinds of ****-measuring contests and came together to hold the other side accountable.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
I read the article. It's another generic "Aspire to better yourself, always!" monologue. Those things are everywhere.


piranha45 said:
I read the article. It's another generic "Aspire to better yourself, always!" monologue. Those things are everywhere.
This is basically the message of the entire manosphere from PUA, MRA, MGTOW, and so on. The only reason any of us write is to express a central premise like this in our own words, where people might be able to relate. I'm not sure exactly what you were expecting - self help is not usually a scientific formula. I presented a thesis, that equilibrium is lethal to the masculine spirit even if it feels good, and told a few stories.

Yours is the first negative review I received, but hey, I welcome all feedback. I'm glad to see that most people in the comment section disagree with you, and this has also brought 800 views to my site in under 12 hours. If they want more generic monologue there's plenty more where that came from! :up:


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
We still dealing with ideas.........its principles that endure. Smart men and women know this.

And sexiness never hurt.anyone.

Help each other.....


No, Roosh doesn't know me from Adam. Are you a paid agent from the Dr Oz show sent here to discredit him?

One thing puzzles me - guys who "don't have time for that $hit" yet are hanging out in the same online circles with quadruple digit posts. :confused:


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
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BlueAlpha1 said:
No, Roosh doesn't know me from Adam. Are you a paid agent from the Dr Oz show sent here to discredit him?

One thing puzzles me - guys who "don't have time for that $hit" yet are hanging out in the same online circles with quadruple digit posts. :confused:
Paid agent from Dr Oz show decides to post 1000+ posts? Yeah right! I think a dozen to little over a 100 would be sufficient to do the PR work and more. This place has some overlapping with others in thought but its not totally overwhelmed by it. To say same circles is a little diservice.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
So much race bashing on that site. Rosh has never seemed legit to me and you say all his material is theoretical, lol theories don't usually play out the same in the field.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
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Roosh has a lot of credibility in pickup and one of the early people in the scene. His books have helped me a great deal to where I am today (along with RSD and other online resources) and many others. You don't know what you're talking about.


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
BlueAlpha1 said:
Give it a rest man. The guy was unhappy with his situation, found the courage to go overseas on his own, had sex with lots of women, and sold a lot of books. He escaped the poisoned western world and speaks to thousands of people daily. He gets paid a nice income to sit on a laptop all day and write books. He is by most definitions a successful entrepreneur.

I disagree with probably 40% of what he writes, but I don't understand the hate on our fellow men all the time. What is this rooted in?

So let's say Roosh has slept with 50 women. That's not enough game for you? Was it how he did it? Game doesn't come easy for every single guy. I have struggled mightily at times, and Roosh's writing helped especially in my earlier days.

We would be in a far better position as men in this fem-centric society if we stopped belittling each other in these kinds of ****-measuring contests and came together to hold the other side accountable.
Roosh isn't happy with himself seeing as he needs women (prostitutes from overseas) to make him feel like a man. And still isn't happy.

Roosh is a real "trailblazer" as if no one else has ever traveled abroad and gotten a hooker before in any country. LMFAO.

The dude is a clown and a mental case. Period.