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  1. S

    What do you think of a woman who can't cook?

    I hear you and I'm not talking about chaining some chick to a stove either but there really is something to be said for women who don't know how or won't cook. You find you not only do for yourself but wind up doing more for them. Some may try to learn but the ones I know who don't are lazy and...
  2. S

    dating douchebags, badboys..etc.

    You still don't have me on ignore like you've claimed. No surprise.
  3. S

    What do you think of a woman who can't cook?

    A lot of women do cook so do their boyfriends and or husbands. And they cook DAMN good better than restaurant food as in something you'd see in high end restaurants. All fresh, creative etc. Others who don't cook or never learned are used to being taken out to eat, used to being taken care of...
  4. S

    dating douchebags, badboys..etc.

    When a dude keeps spewing nonsense as "fact" I'll call him a clown. I've never met a dude who faked being a bad boy or is/was perceived as one. They either WERE and still are one or they simply started working out, used ridiculous amounts of juice, got multiple tats, had trained in boxing or...
  5. S

    dating douchebags, badboys..etc.

    Debating ridiculous KJ generalities when there are posters on here such as myself than know, have known, dated, LTR etc MANY women to just say "yeah they all want bad boys" is friggin ridiculous. It's sour grapes saying that any chick who doesn't want this or that guy is for a FACT only...
  6. S

    dating douchebags, badboys..etc.

    Don't get upset because the only ones who pretend to agree with your angry relationship hating kj advice are those who are bitter themselves. You can keep repeating your nonsense but thats not stopping nature. Nature has already weeded you and your kind out.
  7. S

    dating douchebags, badboys..etc.

    It's always the KJ betas who love talking about all the "alpha boogeymen bad boys" that every woman is being fvcked by. Like some lashing out angry/hurt for not being chosen nerd revenge fantasy of "scientific truth". It seems with you any relationship period is seen as "manipulation" by women...
  8. S

    Perfect example of a woman who doesn't realize she isnt calling the shots

    I have to agree with the above 110%. I can not tell you how many women using OLD have serious issues. Besides basically admitting to dinner who-ring, gold digging, having substance abuse issues, being nuts, criminal activity, using old as hell pictures with the time date stamp from years ago...
  9. S

    Perfect example of a woman who doesn't realize she isnt calling the shots

    I believe you 100%. I swear you cannot make this sh1t up. The ssh1t I've heard from these chicks not online online but on the phone and some of them HOT as fvck (some no one would believe are on a free dating site) and how they are trying to find a Mr. Perfect simp to be their "cure all" for...
  10. S

    Perfect example of a woman who doesn't realize she isnt calling the shots

    I honestly ignore profiles. Truth be told most all OLD chicks are screwed in the head looking for the tops in looks, $$$, and or vicarious living through by getting banged out by the best looking dudes online till they find some clown to take them as their "princess". I previously said 7...
  11. S

    If you can't make demands in a relationship.. then you're her b!tch

    Positive as in complaining constantly about women? How long do you dudes need to go on till you convince yourselves of your own so-called "beliefs"? Years? Yes women can be a pain. You dudes put too much power in their hands as if you are at a forever loss to them. No. I'm here to cut the BS...
  12. S

    What percentage of men are waking up? A red/blue story...

    You still havent put me on ignore like you said you would. So if a dude can still get chicks he is somehow asleep looking for the "one"? Lmao. Whats this "wakeup call"? Being angry at all chicks and swearing off them for good? Ridiculous. Go your own way dude you shouldnt need a gang of men...
  13. S

    OLD: Anything you say can and WILL be used against you.

    I showed her picture to two friends and they were like no way is she 49 she looks 30. Same thing i thought and same thing mentioned in her profile. Unless she lifted a friends FB pics to use as her own and is getting "revenge" on dudes by blocking them but is some older slob instead. She knew...
  14. S

    OLD: Anything you say can and WILL be used against you.

    Trust me dude. This chick looked phenomenal for 49. Literally looked around 30 and had stated she did. Wasn't surprised in the least she had a massive influx of emails. Several pics and some of them within last month. I believe her as myself no one believes my age either even people 27 and...
  15. S

    What percentage of men are waking up? A red/blue story...

    Relax with all that nonsense. Forget "feminism" and all that scapegoat bs. Why worry about weird chicks lezbos and nuts? Meet normal hot everyday chicks. The fatalistic paranoia mantra is old. Unless you dont like women? I do. Yet dont bother worrying what feminist loons do. My life is...
  16. S

    OLD: Anything you say can and WILL be used against you.

    Thats why i always get a number and tell them to text me some pics as well as talk to get a feel if theyre a nutcase. If nuts? Ive literally hung up on chicks and delete the number. No time to chase or meet whack jobs. They were current. Two i saw were at a place ive been to and recently that i...
  17. S

    OLD: Anything you say can and WILL be used against you.

    They were dated current some as in this month. A few a year old. This chick was petite and body was insane. Same with second one. First one though expected EVERY picture current. Not just the four that were. I on one hand know from talking with a lot of chicks online that dudes use fake pics and...
  18. S

    OLD: Anything you say can and WILL be used against you.

    Nah. Both real. I know where they were at both places in the pics and both told me first where the pics were. First one was most likely nutty looking for perfection while lying about her age and had her own pics a year old. Also told me shes blocked many many dudes. Most likely a fruitcake and...
  19. S

    OLD: Anything you say can and WILL be used against you.

    Got a few new ones so its all good. Lol
  20. S

    Women use GUILT to control men

    Why are you worried about what fat girls want? Change your settings to only show thin girls. Problem solved.