OLD: Anything you say can and WILL be used against you.


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Learn from my mistake gentlemen.

I went against my own OLD rules of talking as little as possible and setting up a meet but instead wound up talking too much before meeting two VERY hot chicks. (T1ts, azz, legs, face BANGIN) And BOTH are real. (I know its real people as the pictures I was sent from both I know the areas and places they were at well and they verified the names of the places.)

Chick one (actually "possibly" dodged a bullet but hot as fvck) Conversation online went great. No pauses, quick responses, detailed convo. Sounds "perfect". This is where I "messed up". The chicks profile said 46. (This chick literally looked in her 30's late twenties and had a body that would crap on 99% of the chicks online and many IRL. She had said all her pics are recent and judging by the place one of her pictures is at I believe it. (Within a year). Now most would think a great conversation means anything..It doesn't UNTIL YOU ARE OUT WITH HER and or lay her.

I like an idiot went against my own rules of getting a number and setting up a meet in three messages and as we got to talking how we both look young for our age (She mentioned it to me) I told her a few of my pics are two years old and the other four are as recent as a few days ago. I mean literally if I mixed my pictures up and asked her to guess which ones were most recent I know she'd have no idea. As soon as I sent the message I had a feeling I dun goofed. And right I was. She literally immediately blocked me.

Now this SAME chick not only had pics dated within a year but during the conversation admitted to me she blocks a LOT of guys and expects ALL their pictures to be recent. (Yet hers aren't all up to this month for what she expects of others). I on one hand don't blame her as I've heard from many chicks online that those they do meet don't look like their pics at all or look like they've used old azz pics.But the hilarious thing is this same chick has 46 as her age and had told me she's really 49. (I mean this chick looked fantastic for 49). Moral of the story is never tell them the full truth. Never talk too much before meeting. Set up meets ASAP.

Which leads me to hot as fvck chick #2. Banging body, very intelligent cool chick. Talked on the phone for over two hours. Chick was asking questions, talking about herself and I literally was trying to leave but the conversation was really great. At the same time I KNEW I shouldn't have been talking to much with her. She had wanted to meet ASAP but I can't as I've got family in and I've been busy and told her next week. We finally got off the phone after two hours with her calling me sweetheart and the fluff of "oh we talked so long that's a good thing" etc. But I take words period with a grain of salt.

I texted her quick the next day to say what's up which at times "could be" a mistake but I just wanted to check myself on my gut feeling and what I know but idiotically decided to go against and texted her. Now it's been over a day and NO RESPONSE.

Moral of the story is with OLD do NOT talk too much no matter HOW GREAT the conversation seems to go EVEN IF they flatter you etc. as you are giving them ANY AND EVERY REASON they can dream up to disqualify from meeting you. You could say the most innocent thing like I need to go to the store today and mention a store name and if she had some bad experience there she's automatically going to relate it to you etc.

If any of you are using OLD. Do not talk too much online or on the phone. Set up a meet ASAP nothing more.

On a side note have two more that want to meet up (one wants to get fcked bad but is kindof far to bother) the other is a hot asian chick with sexy ass legs etc. Though they'll have to wait as I've got my own sh1t to do. If they take off? They take off.

But again for those using OLD. Don't talk too much set up meet. All talking can be done in person.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2014
Reaction score
Sounds like they weren't too interested in the first place. Better to know before you waste your time going on a date. Wouldn't you want to talk first getting an idea of who the woman is before you go out? For all you know it could be a fake account or some bat sh1t crazy chick.


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Boxer00 said:
Sounds like they weren't too interested in the first place. Better to know before you waste your time going on a date. Wouldn't you want to talk first getting an idea of who the woman is before you go out? For all you know it could be a fake account or some bat sh1t crazy chick.
Nah. Both real. I know where they were at both places in the pics and both told me first where the pics were. First one was most likely nutty looking for perfection while lying about her age and had her own pics a year old. Also told me shes blocked many many dudes. Most likely a fruitcake and no surprise to me shes on online dating.

Second one kept talking and wouldnt stop. A few times i was going to get off to eat but the convo was very smooth and went on with her finally letting me go as i told her i had to eat. No text next day after texting her whats going on as i wanted to not let her think i was blowing her off.

Two mistakes i knew i shouldnt have done. Talked too much and followed up just before a meet. Though tbh im busy as sh1t right now till next week regardless. Second chick wanted to meet asap.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2014
Reaction score
silencer said:
First one was most likely nutty looking for perfection while lying about her age and had her own pics a year old. Also told me shes blocked many many dudes. Most likely a fruitcake and no surprise to me shes on online dating.
That's what I mean. I would want to talk first before I wasted my time on a date with a nut. I would also want to see a current pic of what she looks like. A year later she could have put on weight or look like sh1t. Are you meeting a lot of chicks off these sites?


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Boxer00 said:
That's what I mean. I would want to talk first before I wasted my time on a date with a nut. I would also want to see a current pic of what she looks like. A year later she could have put on weight or look like sh1t. Are you meeting a lot of chicks off these sites?
They were dated current some as in this month. A few a year old. This chick was petite and body was insane. Same with second one. First one though expected EVERY picture current. Not just the four that were. I on one hand know from talking with a lot of chicks online that dudes use fake pics and old as hell ones. But at the same time this chick wss lying about her age by a few years yet expected perfection herself. So she was hot but a nut and looking for her ideal perfection. Shed told me shed blocked tons of dudes beforehand. Inbox was insane. Chick will be a old lifer. Hot but nuts. If i didnt open my mouth that every pic i had wasnt completely up to date she wouldve had zero idea.

Second one havent heard from and im almost positive with these chicks anything you say can and will have triggered some sh1t in their head. Could be because i couldnt meet asap. Could be a control freak. Sorry but i have my own life and dont like to be told what to do.

Already talking to two others. Theyll have to wait till next week or they can keep it moving too.

Just a lesson for others as i broke my own rule. Talk little as possible. Set up meets asap.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2014
Reaction score
silencer said:
They were dated current some as in this month. A few a year old. This chick was petite and body was insane. Same with second one. First one thoug expected EVERY picture current. Not just the four that were. So she was hot but a nut and looking for her ideal perfection. Shed told me shed blocked tons of dudes beforehand. Inbox was insane. Chick will be a old lifer. Hot but nuts.
There were current pics mixed in with old pics? I'm sure a lot of women using OLD have outdated pics from years ago. I would want to get a current pic first before I went out a woman. A lot less wasted time. I'm not too crazy about nuts, so It's better to talk first before wasting time on the date to find out she's a nut.


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Boxer00 said:
There were current pics mixed in with old pics? I'm sure a lot of women using OLD have outdated pics from years ago. I would want to get a current pic first before I went out a woman. A lot less wasted time. I'm not too crazy about nuts, so It's better to talk first before wasting time on the date to find out she's a nut.
Thats why i always get a number and tell them to text me some pics as well as talk to get a feel if theyre a nutcase. If nuts? Ive literally hung up on chicks and delete the number. No time to chase or meet whack jobs.

They were current. Two i saw were at a place ive been to and recently that i could see the renovations being done in the background. So i know the pic was current as i was at the same place three weeks ago.

Then again like you said idgaf how hot a chick is. If shes nuts or too far away im not wasting my time. Ive told chicks who were too far away that. In a nice way. Lol

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
I wouldn't call a 49 year old woman "chick". More like grandma.


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
El Payaso said:
I wouldn't call a 49 year old woman "chick". More like grandma.
Trust me dude. This chick looked phenomenal for 49. Literally looked around 30 and had stated she did. Wasn't surprised in the least she had a massive influx of emails. Several pics and some of them within last month. I believe her as myself no one believes my age either even people 27 and younger whom I've worked with for years. Grandma literally blows away 98% of the chicks on the site. No joke.


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
It's funny that a 49 year old woman gets upset about a much younger person having dated pics when she herself is dated by most people's standards. She doesn't sound very reasonable. At her age she should have kids graduating college, should be settled down and not be online with excessive pickiness. But it's online. Reason is elusive. And no the second woman was probably not a cool, intelligent, cute chick. She's online. Something is going on that you haven't uncovered yet. You seem to put a lot of focus on what a person seems to be.

I don't agree with setting up a date right away. That scares some women off because they may take it as desperate and why meet someone that you would otherwise not meet if you knew more about them?


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Amilz said:
It's funny that a 49 year old woman gets upset about a much younger person having dated pics when she herself is dated by most people's standards. She doesn't sound very reasonable. At her age she should have kids graduating college, should be settled down and not be online with excessive pickiness. But it's online. Reason is elusive. And no the second woman was probably not a cool, intelligent, cute chick. She's online. Something is going on that you haven't uncovered yet. You seem to put a lot of focus on what a person seems to be.

I don't agree with setting up a date right away. That scares some women off because they may take it as desperate and why meet someone that you would otherwise not meet if you knew about them?
I showed her picture to two friends and they were like no way is she 49 she looks 30. Same thing i thought and same thing mentioned in her profile. Unless she lifted a friends FB pics to use as her own and is getting "revenge" on dudes by blocking them but is some older slob instead.

She knew the place and i could tell from the background the pic is recent and she looks like she hasnt aged. Neither here nor there at this point though.

As far as meeting i usually recommend meeting right away or as soon as possible as attention spans are short online.

Just got off the phone with another one just now and shes calling me back in a few as she got mad earlier that i didnt call her this morning like i said i would. Told her i was busy all day with friends and just got home.

Another one wants me to come meet and bang her contacts me everyday. Cool chick but too far for me to bother.

And another complete nutcase i made another thread has went stage 5 clinger on me emailing me her number everyday for like two weeks now. Chick has to be insane.