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  1. S

    What percentage of men are waking up? A red/blue story...

    "Waking up?" As in generalizing every woman because they personally couldnt have what they felt entitled to by being the "nice guy" attempting to guilt trip women into liking them? Or the dude who just dislikes women period because he has some unresolved personal issues stemming from whenever...
  2. S

    Women use GUILT to control men

    And so-called "nice guys" use their "niceness" in an attempt to guilt trip women which is why they always finish last. You can apply the "guilt trip" advice to anyone.
  3. S

    OLD: Anything you say can and WILL be used against you.

    Learn from my mistake gentlemen. I went against my own OLD rules of talking as little as possible and setting up a meet but instead wound up talking too much before meeting two VERY hot chicks. (T1ts, azz, legs, face BANGIN) And BOTH are real. (I know its real people as the pictures I was...
  4. S

    The Slvt-O-Meter: Signs you are talking to/dating a slvt!

    Id say one or even a few of some of the signs dont indicate shes a slvt off the bat. But if they start adding up..she has tattoos, body piercings (especially tongue ring, nipples or **** pierced if youve slept with her and or shes shown you) shes admitted in casual conversations to going to...
  5. S

    If you can't make demands in a relationship.. then you're her b!tch

    Why did you lie about finding your "ignore list"? Go your own way bro. Its not my problem.
  6. S

    If you can't make demands in a relationship.. then you're her b!tch

    If this pretending fantasy of yours gives your life meaning then keep doing you bro. I find your online character and hypocritical nonsense hilarious! You arent fooling the intelligent posters who dont have a chip on their shoulders with your see through act. :crackup:
  7. S

    If you can't make demands in a relationship.. then you're her b!tch

    What does it matter to you how backbeat types? You could still read his reply to reply to it. In your own words a man should be able to do what he wants and ignore being shamed for it yet there you are trying to shame him like an angry woman. You are an angry sociopathic kj who like the rest...
  8. S

    The Slvt-O-Meter: Signs you are talking to/dating a slvt!

    For those who asked here it is. Read all the replies. The more they add up the more she is a slvt.
  9. S

    If you can't make demands in a relationship.. then you're her b!tch

    Managing people means little when you have no impulse control with women you find attractive and throw it all out the window for them. Why would I get banned? Because we should all just be head nodding yes men in an echo chamber pretending to be on a site of self "improvement" while ignoring...
  10. S

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    How are women going to learn the hard way when they still wind up married after slutting it up? Last I checked theres no concentration camp theyre sent to and they wouldnt care if you i or anyone on here wouldnt marry them as theyre more concerned with the dude who did. That being said theres...
  11. S

    If you can't make demands in a relationship.. then you're her b!tch

    So you put all your stock in what women or anyone tells you for that matter and completely put that stock into what someone else tells you over the internet no less? Then you still arent your own man. You are still like play dough easy to mold. You need others to tell you how to think and feel...
  12. S

    If you can't make demands in a relationship.. then you're her b!tch

    If an LTR "breaks" anyone then they truly arent the man they'd like others to believe. Sorry but you need to adjust your picker instead of being desperate enough to get into a relationship with someone whos not only capable but will do those things to you. Anyone who is so fearful of a...
  13. S

    If you can't make demands in a relationship.. then you're her b!tch

    Your delusional online persona is hilarious! Sucks for you its the furthest from reality. Its your only solace in life. :yes: Poor poon. Negs me like an angry child from two accounts. His and his burroughs account because he hates it when hes called out on his angry foolishness. Neg reps are...
  14. S

    If you can't make demands in a relationship.. then you're her b!tch

    Wow. Burroughs AKA Poon King gave me a neg rep off this thread "he isn't involved in who hasn't posted in a while". Pathetic.
  15. S

    Show me POF Profiles with Huge Boobs

    Not for nothing but that profile looks fake as fcvk. The lighting, everything. I'd be willing to bet some dude lifted that chicks profile off one of those "hot teen" websites and those pictures were taken by a professional for a "modelling" gig with her holding the phone pretending to take...
  16. S

    If you can't make demands in a relationship.. then you're her b!tch

    You sound like youre just making things up not based on your own personal experiences. I have never had a woman tell me to buy her something expensive or take her somewhere expensive. Ive went to expensive places but thats because i thought of it, wanted to do it, and felt like going regardless...
  17. S

    Wait, so what's going on with Stagger Lee?

    Let me guess. "Someone other" than Stagger himself "hacked" into his account to post a g@y thread and "of course" it "must be" from the same side who calls him and his cronies out on their nonsense. :rolleyes: You dudes reach new lows each day and then hit rock bottom starting to dig attempting...
  18. S

    If you can't make demands in a relationship.. then you're her b!tch

    What woman made you follow her rules? You sound like you have a history of previous experience with following womens rules? If not then how do you know all women expect you to follow their every rule? Or are you trying to put off every man from even wanting to be with women? Seems to be the case.
  19. S

    Why we shoul not tarnish all with the same brush. Meninism on the rise

    You are projecting again. And in your delusions like to believe anyone who isn't buying your act is a "woman". Must be in the MGTOW handbook. The question is why are MGTOW on a seduction forum when they've claimed to have gone their own way? You can't be "going your own way" and still chasing...