Another POF Loon.


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
You cannot make this sh1t up. It NEVER fails on there. It's amusing though but I swear these chicks will literally show crazy right off the bat.

I get an unsolicited email from some chick who's not bad looking but nothing great either. This chick is literally having a conversation with me even though I haven't checked my email in a few days. Now I get it that people get frustrated and don't feel like talking much but sh1t...

Below is the actual conversation and my ONE beginning response from a few days ago and recent on today:

Chick first email: hello.... I am not writing a lot.. just text or call me and I can tell you anything you want to know.... xxx-xxx-xxxx - T

Me: You just hand your number out like that on a first message to strangers on the net??

Chick: I did that becuz this site does not have chat and it's impossible to talk/ chat with someone on here without it taking forever.................. sry to bother u.......... lol

Same chick 8 hours later: guess not ..... whatever... LOL,,,, whomp whomp


Same chick 10 minutes later: would like to chat with you....... your loss,, !!!!! lol

Same chick 5 minutes later: see I tried to talk to someone XXX-XXX-XXXX ... I did wanna chat,,,,,,,, whatever good luck lol

Same chick yesterday: wow,.. u don't wanna answer me.... you might light talking to me.... I am very cool and sweet and down to earth.......... try ......XXX-XXX-XXXX

Saw the email chain today and responded:

Damn can you relax? People have things to do besides POF. sh1t..

POF may show users online who aren't even if they haven't logged in for a few days. I don't use the phone app so it can't be that. Never signed up for it. I don't care if the chick is a ten. If I start seeing crazy I'm not wasting my time. Either this chick is desperate as hell and or is nuts.

This is literally only one of countless I've talked to from there.

Beware of what you wish for on POF. You just may get it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
I made a thread asking why chicks do this hahaha. I was just told that it was a power trip-sh!t test of some sort or to not take them seriously and use actions over words, which I guess is ok advice, but one thing I guess I forgot was that women react in the moment which is why they do this (thx for the rehash RangerMike).


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
ImTheDoubleGreatest! said:
I made a thread asking why chicks do this hahaha. I was just told that it was a power trip-sh!t test of some sort or to not take them seriously and use actions over words, which I guess is ok advice, but one thing I guess I forgot was that women react in the moment which is why they do this (thx for the rehash RangerMike).
Thing is I never even messaged her in the first place. I responded to her first email a few days ago and then she literally kept emailing me even though I wasn't online as if I was ignoring her. Chick started coming off like a desperate stage 5 clinger. After ONE response.

I just read her new responses after I responded twenty minutes ago:

ME: Damn can you relax? People have things to do besides POF. sh1t..

Chick: yeah ,,, I can... relax,,,,,, but if u are on POF.... check ur messages and reply and don't be on this site... if u can not talk to SOMEONE . lol ... ugh.................

ME: People get busy. People have lives. I check messages infrequently and run out to do things etc. I don't expect people to respond ASAP. I wouldn't even know if someone read my message or not.

Chick: yup...... whatever...... I expect a nice message back,,,,, not right away,,,, but not a snotty message like u sent.. I understand people are busy.... but give a person a chance and tect or call them back,,,, so you can get to know them,,,,,,, that would be cool ,,,,

Chick again: SO.... you are either gonna forget this message and delete or text a cool, sexy, fun girl.... it's whatever and your call .... xxx-xxx-xxxx


The best ones are the ugly feminists with 5 paragraph checklists that read like job interviews and trash masculinity. It seems like it would be fun to troll them with something like

"Yo sup grl? You DTF deadazz? Holla at me 8=========D"

You know they're likely breaking every piece of furniture in their living room after that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK
Is POF really a bunch of Socipaths? Or is that just in the USA?

Anybody been on it in the UK?


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
I've never been able to secure a PoF chick so I can't tell. All I know is that I see girls on PoF label themselves "Christian," and then when I find the same girl on OKCupid, she'll admit that she supports free love, abortion, homosexuality, communism, etc. My feeling about PoF is that the filtering process is so poor that it's basically just a hookup site. Obviously that appeals to many of the guys on this forum, but I think that it also would tend to attract crazy girls.


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Obsidian said:
I've never been able to secure a PoF chick so I can't tell. All I know is that I see girls on PoF label themselves "Christian," and then when I find the same girl on OKCupid, she'll admit that she supports free love, abortion, homosexuality, communism, etc. My feeling about PoF is that the filtering process is so poor that it's basically just a hookup site. Obviously that appeals to many of the guys on this forum, but I think that it also would tend to attract crazy girls.

I does attract the loons. Some seem normal. Most are hiding red flags and not for long. Look your best in your pics and it's pretty easy to get replies, numbers, meets.

A lot of them are on multiple sites too. Treat them like talking to anyone in real life. Even if they lie through their teeth. They'll all seem normal and eventually the crazy comes out.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Not sure what u are complaining about..u should have already banged her by now...who cares of she's crazy.....they all are on pof..