POF Profile Rules & Tips

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Again, I just msg one (one who demanded not to try to change her 'religious' view or she will Report you for harassment!). Well, I msg her some witty and honest couple of lines and she, yet again another one, does not afford me a response (RUDE). So now I'd assume she's "reported" me to a potential 'white knight' who's gonna restrict my account, EVEN THOUGH I didn't necessarily 'try' to dissuade her from her religion. I just told her what 'I,' in MY OPINION, believe.

But, you know, a white knight can come along Any time in life, online or not, and cater to her wishes. I guess the moral of the story is...do not even attempt to contact a woman on there (POF) who states explicitly that she doesn't wanna hear your views on this and that. Or in reading her profile, you determine that she has some serious hang-ups or issues. Just avoid those 'hints' at all costs.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
You're not gonna get anywhere defying people's profiles. If she specifically says that she only wants a certain religion (or a certain height, or whatever else), then don't get mad when she ignores you.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, a less desirable one (almost too fat, but Tone legs, not rolls or blubbery) just msg me her number outta the blue telling me to text her. This was on okc. So it's one extreme to the other. I either get one giving me her phone number outright without me even messaging/opening her, yet when I message one, I don't even get a courtesy answer. Granted the ones I message are better looking than the ones who message me outright asking me to text them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, the only girl I ever got on a real date so far was one on OKCupid who messaged me.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2015
Reaction score
Poonani Maker said:
You have to believe me when I say that I am almost model looks-wise, chiseled face, excellent body, tall, blue-eyed brown hair (though greying of late but not seen with a hat).
I don't believe you. Chicks online are looking to bang good looking guys. Not fat blobs or skinny runts who never set foot in a gym. Why wouldn't they chat if you fit the bill? If you had model looks with an excellent body, your inbox would be full. Both from chicks sending you messages and replying to them.

Poonani Maker said:
Soooooo, the Problem with my profile MUST be how I am wording it. It must be what I have written, which is entirely playful and easy-going, which is how. I. am. but the ones I message just LOOK, then don't respond, which is, as I say, Rude.
A chick who is a 6 wouldn't care what a model looks-wise guy has written on his proflle. Her goal is to bang guys out of her league along with the whales that dominate the sites.

Poonani Maker said:
Again, I just msg one (one who demanded not to try to change her 'religious' view or she will Report you for harassment!). Well, I msg her some witty and honest couple of lines and she, yet again another one, does not afford me a response (RUDE). So now I'd assume she's "reported" me to a potential 'white knight' who's gonna restrict my account, EVEN THOUGH I didn't necessarily 'try' to dissuade her from her religion. I just told her what 'I,' in MY OPINION, believe.

But, you know, a white knight can come along Any time in life, online or not, and cater to her wishes. I guess the moral of the story is...do not even attempt to contact a woman on there (POF) who states explicitly that she doesn't wanna hear your views on this and that. Or in reading her profile, you determine that she has some serious hang-ups or issues. Just avoid those 'hints' at all costs.
Why are you trying to give your personal opinions about a chick's Religious views? What do you expect her to do? No wonder these chicks aren't returning your messages.

The whole point is to get her to go out with you so you can fvck her. What she believes or cares about is pointless especially after you will never see her again.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
You don't need to open with anything other than "Hi" in OKC or pof. If the girl likes you, she will message you no matter how you open.

If you aren't getting responses, you need to attain better pics. Go to a professional photographer, spend a few hundred dollars, and secure professional shots that bring out the best lighting. The girls on OKC/POF flock to the top 5-10% best looking guys on the site; so your pics have to be extra sharp.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel. Five dates this weekend from okc; will have to cancel a couple.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2015
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
Go to a professional photographer, spend a few hundred dollars, and secure professional shots that bring out the best lighting. The girls on OKC/POF flock to the top 5-10% best looking guys on the site; so your pics have to be extra sharp.
Spending hundreds of dollars on professional photographs is waste of money for subpar chicks on free sites. The point is to look better in person, not in your photographs. Professional photographs hides all your imperfections. When you show up on the date not looking as good, the chick will notice and he won't get laid.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Spending a few hundred dollars is the most provident investment you can make, given the hundreds of hours you will save over the next few years not having to secure a date, as women will throw themselves at you instead.

Now if you are worried about your inability to close the deal in person, this would be an indication of your weak game, which needs improving.

Your competition gets professional pics and photoshopped. Hot women on the sites do the same. YOU are among the 90%ers who don't, scratching your head wondering why you can't bang elite women online.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2015
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
Spending a few hundred dollars is the most provident investment you can make, given the hundreds of hours you will save over the next few years not having to secure a date, as women will throw themselves at you instead.

Now if you are worried about your inability to close the deal in person, this would be an indication of your weak game, which needs improving.
If your looks in person doesn't match the looks in your photos you won't have any women throwing themselves at you.

Everybody knows how professional pictures makes a person look 10% better than what they really like. This is about pictures making you look better than you are, not about being worried to close the deal.

guru1000 said:
Your competition gets professional pics and photoshopped. Hot women on the sites do the same. YOU are among the 90%ers who don't, scratching your head wondering why you can't bang elite women online.

Elite women online? Not too many of those pal. If you want elite women game them in person.

Photoshopping to cut out your beer gut or concealing your bald head won't help you when you show up with both those imperfections on the date. The woman will say you misrepresented yourself and rightly so.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
goodasitgets said:
If your looks in person doesn't match the looks in your photos you won't have any women throwing themselves at you.
Tangential rebuttal. Women throwing themselves is in relation to your professional pics online and time saved.
Everybody knows how professional pictures makes a person look 10% better than what they really like. This is about pictures making you look better than you are, not about being worried to close the deal.
Another tangential rebuttal as you are obfuscating the issue at hand. Professional pics making you appear better than a iphone pic, as an example, has no relevance to your inability to close the deal in person. She already knows what you look like. Professional pics brings out the best you. If you can’t close the deal in person, it’s not your professional pics that’s the issue, it’s your game.

Elite women online? Not too many of those pal. If you want elite women game them in person.
Let's be more specific: When I state elite, I refer to 8-8.5. I really haven’t seen many 9s online.
Photoshopping to cut out your beer gut or concealing your bald head won't help you when you show up with both those imperfections on the date. The woman will say you misrepresented yourself and rightly so.
Who mentioned beer gut or bald head? LOL. It’s about bringing the best you forward. Try it. If you can't close in person, don't blame the pics. Just send them my way; I'll be more than happy to close them for you.

Out of posts for the day:

I get professional pics. I photoshop them also when necessary. I have yet to meet one girl in person that I could say with certainty that was not interested. Matter of fact, I'm probably in the 90+% percentile for banging them by date two. So how do your arguments hold water? They don't.

Silencer and Goodasitgets: You are confusing photography/photoshop with erasing beer guts and bald heads. The point of professional photos is to bring out the best lighting in your pics. That's it. If you are fat, professional photos aren't going to make you skinny, lol. If you are unattractive, professional photos will not make you attractive. Does this make any sense to you?

goodasitgets said:
The chicks I met online have told me how dudes will photoshop or will "enhance" their pictures like you do to look younger, erase fine lines and wrinkles, have whiter teeth, hide their guts, bald heads, acne, scars, paleness, red cheeks, appear taller with pro or photoshopped pics. Guess what? It didn't help those guys when the chicks saw what they truly looked like. Every chick I went out with said it was nice to finally nice to meet a guy who actually looked like his pics.
How do you know these girls' stories are valid? You don't. Experientially, I'm telling you from direct experience that I have never met a girl from online that was not interested in me in person. So again, I ask you: How does your argument hold any water? And what data are you using other than third party testimony to substantiate your claims?
goodasitgets said:
You're telling me? How do I know your story is valid?
Because it's not third-party testimony. It's direct testimony. I'm speaking from experience. Why would I dole advice to my fellow DJs that would put them in a worse position. If you look at all my posts, you will see one common theme: I assist ALL my DJ brothers. What you are doing is actually a disservice to members in this forum who need assistance.

I had lots of chicks tell me that. Why wouldn't their stories be valid? They met a dude online and got disappointed when he turned out not to be what they thought from his online pics. Seems very legit to me since it's an epidemic online.
Yes, I’ve heard the same, but you make two false assumptions:

1) The girl is telling the truth;

2) The guy just wasn’t attractive in person. Has nothing to do with professional photos.

Haven't you had chicks show up looking older or different than the pics they chose to show you online?
Yes all the time. But their photos weren’t professional. They just put up photos that didn’t look like them. Professional photos look like you.

Why are you getting so worked up over it? I'm getting it straight from the horses mouth. The women online who rejected dudes on dates. Dudes who tried to enhance their pics and it didn't work who talked about it online.
Again you make the assumption that the guys enhanced their pics somehow. Could it be the guy has regular pics but looked different in person?
If you're using pro or photo shopped pics to "enhance yourself" you're trying to look better than you actually are. When you already look good and have game, there is no point in wasting money for pro pics
You are looking like the best YOU, not someone else. Why, I look great. My pics are plastered all over this forum. Why do I get professional photos you ask? To waste less time. My time is valuable; what about yours?
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Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
Tangential rebuttal. Women throwing themselves is in relation to your professional pics online and time saved.

Another tangential rebuttal as you are obfuscating the issue at hand. Professional pics making you appear better than a iphone pic, as an example, has no relevance to your inability to close the deal in person. She already knows what you look like. Professional pics brings out the best you. If you can’t close the deal in person, it’s not your professional pics that’s the issue, it’s your game.

Let's be more specific: When I state elite, I refer to 8-8.5. I really haven’t seen many girls above that online.

Who mentioned beer gut or bald head? LOL. It’s about bringing the best you forward. Try it, maybe you’ll have some luck. If you can't close in person, don't blame the pics; just send them my way and I will show you how to close.
Guru your online tips are good but this I find ridiculous. Let's get real.

If a chick doesn't find you attractive to reply in the first place nor finds you attractive in person because your pictures are photoshopped etc. Your "game" isn't going to mean diddly squat.

Now "game" goes through the roof when you are cut up, groom and dressed in an edgy not too over the top style a in the tops in looks and style, grooming. And one persons "game" isn't going to transfer over to anyone because if it did ANY guy could get any woman. And we all know that's the case.

Women respond to "game" on how attractive she finds you and how good you look and take care of yourself.

Become an out of shape dude who dresses badly and then see how great "game" works after it worked when you were in excellent shape and dressed in new edgy style.

You cannot force attraction.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2015
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
Tangential rebuttal. Women throwing themselves is in relation to your professional pics online and time saved.
If you don't look in person like your professional pictures women will not throw themselves at you.

guru1000 said:
Another tangential rebuttal. Professional pics making you appear better than a iphone pic, as an example, has no relevance to your inability to close the deal in person. She already knows what you look like. Professional pics brings out the best you. If you can’t close the deal in person, it’s not your professional pics that’s the issue, it’s your game.
What are you talking about? I know chicks who I work with that use professional pictures and they look nowhere near how they do in person. Professional pictures make people look better than how they really look.

guru1000 said:
Let's be more specific: When I state elite, I refer to 8-8.5. I really haven’t seen many girls above that online.
Of course you wouldn't see any since no girls that high online exist. Even 8.5's are not hanging out on free dating sites.

guru1000 said:
Who mentioned beer gut or bald head? LOL. It’s about bringing the best you forward. Try it, maybe you’ll have some luck. If you can't close in person, don't blame the pics; just send them my way and I will show you how to close.
The chicks online who had guys photoshop their bad qualities out when they met up on dates.

I have no problem with my game, nor do I need to spend hundreds of dollars for pro pics trying to enhace myself. The pics I've used in the past work just fine. For other guys that don't have what women are looking for, are wasting their time and money with pro pics that won't help them.

guru1000 said:
You are confusing photography/photoshop with erasing beer guts and bald heads. The point of professional photos is to bring out the best lighting in your pics. That's it. If you are fat, professional photos aren't going to make you skinny, lol. If you are unattractive, professional photos will not make you attractive. Does this make any sense to you?
The chicks I met online have told me how dudes will photoshop or will "enhance" their pictures like you do to look younger, erase fine lines and wrinkles, have whiter teeth, hide their guts, bald heads, acne, scars, paleness, red cheeks, appear taller with pro or photoshopped pics. Guess what? It didn't help those guys when the chicks saw what they truly looked like in person. Every chick I went out with said it was nice to finally nice to meet a guy who actually looked like his online pics. I had no trouble banging them and I used pics that weren't even my best. Wasting hundreds of dollars for pro pics on crap women is silly when you don't need to.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2015
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
How do you know these girls' stories are valid? You don't. Experientially, I'm telling you from direct experience that I have never met a girl from online that was not interested in me in person.
You're telling me? How do I know your story is valid?

I had lots of chicks tell me that. Why wouldn't their stories be valid? They met a dude online and got disappointed when he turned out not to be what they thought from his online pics. Seems very legit to me since it's an epidemic online. Haven't you had chicks show up looking older or different than the pics they chose to show you online?

guru1000 said:
So again, I ask you: How does your argument hold any water? And what data are you using other than third party testimony to substantiate your claims?
Why are you getting so worked up over it? I'm getting it straight from the horses mouth. The women online who rejected dudes on dates. Dudes who tried to enhance their pics and it didn't work who talked about it online.

If you're using pro or photo shopped pics to "enhance yourself" you're trying to look better than you actually are. When you already look good and have game, there is no point in wasting money for pro pics.

guru1000 said:
Again you make the assumption that the guys enhanced their pics somehow. Could it be the guy has regular pics but looked different in person?
I'm not making any assumptions when men have said they enhanced their pics to look better and got nothing out of it. The chicks who I met online in person have said they met guys who looked nothing like their professionally enhanced or photo shopped pics.

guru1000 said:
You are looking like the best YOU, not someone else. Why, I look great. My pics are plastered all over this forum. Why do I get professional photos you ask? To waste less time. My time is valuable; what about yours?
You're taking professional pictures trying to look good for the women online, not for yourself. You will look different than your pro pics that you wasted your money and time with.

Spending time taking pro pics is spending more time than it is worth for subpar single mothers and chicks you can find at any dive bar. The women you find at the bars in person will look better than the chicks online.

Your time can't be that valuble wasting time taking professional pictures and arguing this nonsense with me in this thread. Looks like you have a lot of extra time on your hands. Have a good one.

Obsidian said:
That said, I do think there is something to be said for looking better in-real-life than in your pictures.
Of course there is. People only assume how you look from what you choose to show them. It's a huge turn off expecting to see something good and it turns out to be sh1t. Chicks are notorious for enhancing their pics or using angles to hide their imperfections. Guys do it to and then they wonder why they didn't get laid or never hear from the chick again after the first date.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
I finally managed to come up with some okay pics, but it definitely took some work. People hardly ever photograph me. So I had to spend a good bit of time figuring out how to take decent selfies using a ten-second timer. With the horrible lighting, bad smiles, etc., most of the selfies definitely seemed to make me look worse than in real life. I finally came up with a couple decent ones, but I can see why a professional photographer might be useful. Amateur photography can often suck.

That said, I do think there is something to be said for looking better in-real-life than in your pictures.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I just added new pics to both sites and they were taken by, yes, a hiking date I was on this past week. You can believe whatever you wanna believe, but I KNOW I am Very good looking. My bod is not gigantic, but beefy on an always toned body because my job is very physical, sometimes 12 hours a day. My clothes, in the pic, while not "dapper," are decent enough for hiking by a large lake in the back ground pics. I state my REAL age though, and these girls may just be turned off by a number on the screen, them being just 29, 27 and such, but the one who messaged me her number was 27, but she was not one I was seeking out and was a bit "big boned" for my tolerance.

Whatever group I'm with, co-workers etc, or just regular everyday people I run into liken me to Bale (call me batman, I don't get it, other than they think I look like bale) or one dude (stranger), stunned, though I was Kevin Bacon, but at that point in time, May Be, but everyone goes through changes and I probably don't remind people of these actors anymore, idk, though people still call me batman, whatever.

So my point is, my looks are unique and when girls (hot girls in summer shorts) see me in a grocery store or something they are startled and get nervous (not because I'm a 'creep' but because I just stand out). I would reckon my pics do the same even though I'm wearing, eh, run-of-the-mill clothes.

But you're right in the sense that it's just the girls I message (not just a 'Hi' but tailored to what they say in their profile), who simply don't want what I look like, even though, these days, I could be described as a "hunk" cause I've gotten bigger than I have been (due to working out + my job).

So many, though, just view my profile and don't message back, or view it when I 'like' them, and just do nothing. I try to be humorous but so many of them are just cold and fvcked up I guess, cause in Real life, I hardly ever get that at all. I couple of weeks ago, though, in Person, a teller (Chase Bank) did tell me that I scared her (she was Asian, told me to stand away from a secured door cause I'm scaring her - huh? She wasn't the Only one at that bank who's given me sh!t in the past). I'm like wtf.

It's very rare to get a woman to be cold or extremely not friendly to me which is why I always know it's THEM. It's like, *cough* *cough* *cough*, this person does not know How MANY people I've Met in my life in person (probably upwards of 300,000) and that Very very few just treat me like a sack of sh!t. That's why it never phases me. But ONLINE, I get treated like a sack of sh!t all the time, basically, because evidence being that I don't get very many replies to semi-thought-out intro messages, which is RUDE. Rudeness, is RARE, in real life, for me.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
goodasitgets said:
I'm not making any assumptions when men have said they enhanced their pics to look better and got nothing out of it. The chicks who I met online in person have said they met guys who looked nothing like their professionally enhanced or photo shopped pics.
Which men? Are they here to state the same with first-party knowledge. This premise is entirely baseless and unsubstantiated.

You're taking professional pictures trying to look good for the women online, not for yourself. You will look different than your pro pics that you wasted your money and time with.
No, you will look the same. Just the best you, not saddled by bad lighting or photography.

Spending time taking pro pics is spending more time than it is worth for subpar single mothers and chicks you can find at any dive bar. The women you find at the bars in person will look better than the chicks online.
Are there only single mothers or subpar women online? Are there no attractive or quality women online or are they ALL bottom-of-the-barrel?
Your time can't be that valuble wasting time taking professional pictures and arguing this nonsense with me in this thread.
Time to attain professional photos = 45 min
Time saved getting 500 numbers over two years with professional photos as opposed to regular photos = tens or hundreds of hours.

Do the math.

Badasitgets, your whole argument is entirely baseless using third-party knowledge as concrete evidence. What do you tell a guy like Poonani who states he has resistance online? Your recommendation has no substance to those in need to improve their online game and is entirely groundless, unsupported by first-hand knowledge of any kind. Pick another thread to deliver your rubbish.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2015
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
Which men? Are they here to state the same with first-party knowledge. This premise is entirely baseless and unsubstantiated.
Dudes who photo shopped pics or used professional pics said it didn't help them. Good looking men don't need to use professional or photo shopped pics. If a dude doesn't look good professional and photo shopped pics isn't going to help him.

guru1000 said:
No, you will look the same. Just the best you, not saddled by bad lighting or photography.
Aren't you getting it? Adding better lighting enhances your photos. Professional pictures takes away blemishes, makes your teeth whiter, can remove fine lines and wrinkles, makes your face look fresher and more younger compared to what you actually look like in person. You aren't looking the same when you're altering your image. I know chicks in person and met chicks from online who use professional pictures. They look better in the photos than in person. They don't look the same when pro pics erases their imperfections.

When you meet up with these chicks in person you can't use special lighting trying to enhace your appearance. They will see you with your imperfections in person. Better to show off your imperfections in your pictures, so you don't waste your time getting rejected on the date.

guru1000 said:
Are there only single mothers or subpar women online? Are there no attractive or quality women online or are they ALL bottom-of-the-barrel?
Why are you asking me? I thought you use online dating wasting your time and money on professional and photo shopped pictures trying to appear younger for women. That depends on where you live and who is using the site.

guru1000 said:
Time to attain professional photos = 45 min
Time saved getting 500 numbers over two years with professional photos as opposed to regular photos = tens or hundreds of hours.

Do the math.
Professional photos makes no difference. When you look good you will still get numbers. When you look like sh1t professional or photo shopped pictures won't help you.

You're trying to hide your imperfections using photo shopped and professional pictures.

guru1000 said:
Badasitgets, your whole argument is entirely baseless using third-party knowledge as concrete evidence.
Make your name badasitgets when you need to photo shop your pics to hide what you really look like. Baseless? Third Party evidence? Learn the difference between your parties. I'm getting it directly from the source, the chicks who I met online and dudes who wrote about photo shopped and pro pics not helping. You discount what chicks are saying but you expect us to believe your tales.

guru1000 said:
What do you tell a guy like Poonani who states he has resistance online?
I tell him that he is over rating his looks. The ridiculous messages he sends to women giving his opinions on their personal beliefs is the culprit.

guru1000 said:
Your recommendation has no substance to those in need to improve their online game and is entirely groundless, unsupported by first-hand knowledge of any kind. Pick another thread to deliver your rubbish.
My recommendations are perfect. Don't over rate your looks. Don't send offensive Religious messages that turn off chicks. Look better in person than your online pics. Photo shopping pics means you're trying to hide your imperfections. Using professional pics will not help you anymore than a regular pic.

Women are looking for good looking men. If you do look good you will have no problems with resistance. You're flailing terribly here saying nothing worth value. I'm getting it straight from the source. You're giving personal opinions.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Will try to break this down a bit easier with rudimentary language. Hopefully, this will alleviate your confusion.
goodasitgets said:
Good looking men don't need to use professional or photo shopped pics.
Simple logic: I look good (evidenced by my dating HBs 8 and 9s regularly). I use professional photos. Thus, your premise is false.

I know chicks in person and met chicks from online who use professional pictures. They look better in the photos than in person. They don't look the same when pro pics erases their imperfections.
Why don’t you demonstrate this with an example. Show us a regular photo and then your idea of a professional photo.
When you meet up with these chicks in person you can't use special lighting trying to enhace your appearance. They will see you with your imperfections in person. Better to show off your imperfections in your pictures, so you don't waste your time getting rejected on the date.
Why do you assume lighting must be special? LOL. How about pics that bring out the best you, as opposed to pics that look worse than you as they were taken with cheap cameras or iphones?

When you look good you will still get numbers.
This I agree with. But, we are not discussing whether one can get numbers online with regular pics. We are specifically referring to the time spent in attaining numbers. With professional pics, your time invested extremely decreases.

When you look like sh1t professional or photo shopped pictures won't help you.
They will help. Though the problem rests not on the pic, but rather in the reason why the individual looks like crap in the first place.

You're trying to hide your imperfections using photo shopped and professional pictures.
What imperfections are you referring to? A pimple. A bald head? What exactly?

Learn the difference between your parties. I'm getting it directly from the source, the chicks who I met online and dudes who wrote about photo shopped and pro pics not helping. You discount what chicks are saying but you expect us to believe your tales.
Haha. Here is a little help. Educate yourself regarding third-party knowledge:

I tell him that he is over rating his looks. The ridiculous messages he sends to women giving his opinions on their personal beliefs is the culprit
You’re on a role here. Wrong again. All he needs to state is “Hi.” Even with that, he is getting ignored. Great advice :up:

I'm getting it straight from the source. You're giving personal opinions.
I educated you already in the definition of third-party knowledge. Now let me help you with first-hand knowledge. Perhaps this might make your next argument more cogent:



Don Juan
Apr 20, 2015
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
Will try to break this down a bit easier with rudimentary language. Hopefully, this will alleviate your confusion.
You're confused since you can't understand photo shopping pics is meant to hide your imperfections. Not sure why you're making this out to be a big deal.

guru1000 said:
Simple logic: I look good (evidenced by my dating HBs 8 and 9s regularly). I use professional photos. Thus, your premise is false.
My premise is not false. There are no 8's and 9's on online dating sites. If you look good there would be no need to alter your appearance by photo shopping your pics. A good clear pic is all you need to get the chicks online interested.

guru1000 said:
Why don’t you demonstrate this with an example. Show us a regular photo and then your idea of a professional photo.

Why do you assume lighting must be special? LOL. How about pics that bring out the best you, as opposed to pics that look worse than you as they were taken with cheap cameras or iphones?
Special lighting for pro pics is used to make you look your best hiding imperfections. You can't use that when you meet in person. Some chicks use pro pics on dating sites and look worse in person when they can't hide their imperfections.

A good clear pic is all you need. Using a pro pic will not help you get more numbers when the chicks are only interested in how you look.

guru1000 said:
This I agree with. But, we are not discussing whether one can get numbers online with regular pics. We are specifically referring to the time spent in attaining numbers. With professional pics, your time invested extremely decreases.
A good clear pic with a good digital camera or iphone is all you need. When you show up not looking like you professional pictures your time is wasted being rejected on the date.

guru1000 said:
They will help. Though the problem rests not on the pic, but rather in the reason why the individual looks like crap in the first place.
A chick only cares about if your face looks good to them. Trying to enhance it with photo shopped or pro pics doesn't help you at all.

guru1000 said:
What imperfections are you referring to? A pimple. A bald head? What exactly?
Whatever imperfections you're trying to hide from the women looking at your pictures online.

guru1000 said:
Haha. Here is a little help. Educate yourself regarding third-party knowledge:

It's obvious you need the education. You're telling tales of what you believe is better. I'm being told directly from the chicks I met up with online in person. They told me that it was finally nice to meet a guy who looks like his pictures. Other guys they said looked nothing like what they were showing.

guru1000 said:
You’re on a role here. Wrong again. All he needs to state is “Hi.” Even with that, he is getting ignored. Great advice :up:
If he had model looks like he claims, he wouldn't get ignored with a "hi" since all women on the site are looking for a guy with model looks. Pro pics are not needed when you have model looks.

Poonani Maker said:
Again, I just msg one (one who demanded not to try to change her 'religious' view or she will Report you for harassment!). Well, I msg her some witty and honest couple of lines and she, yet again another one, does not afford me a response (RUDE). So now I'd assume she's "reported" me to a potential 'white knight' who's gonna restrict my account, EVEN THOUGH I didn't necessarily 'try' to dissuade her from her religion. I just told her what 'I,' in MY OPINION, believe.
He also said this too which you ignored. Trying to argue with chicks in messages wanting to change their Religious views is ridiculous. A big reason why they are ignoring him.

guru1000 said:
I educated you already in the definition of third-party knowledge. Now let me help you with first-hand knowledge. Perhaps this might make your next argument more cogent:

It's time you had an education. I see nothing but deflection and your own opinionated responses that amounts to nothing.

I'm hearing directly from women whom I met online tell me dudes are photo shopping pics to hide their bad qualities. They also use pro pics trying to look better than they actually are. You are trying to say all the chicks are liars and only your word is what counts.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
If you are unable to understand and distinguish between first-hand knowledge and third-party knowledge, it means either:

You lack the intelligence to differentiate between the two although their definitions were linked in the previous post to alleviate any ambiguity as to illustrate who the sources of both parts of the argument are, thus demonstrating the cogency of each side


You are trolling.

Perhaps a combination of both. But because of your post-count and your fleecing the issue at hand, I'm leaning more toward the latter.

Anyway, the readers can clearly see by the logic laid before them into which side of the fence to invest their confidence. And thus my job is done in this thread.