POF Profile Rules & Tips

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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goodasitgets said:
He also said this too which you ignored. Trying to argue with chicks in messages wanting to change their Religious views is ridiculous. A big reason why they are ignoring him.
xMaybe so, but that was MY way of "testing" HER. If she can't take simple display of another viewpoint, I don't Want her, and she proved she couldn't so I don't want her, but she had the chance to have me want her. She can now have a non-THINKING mate, which will, in turn, make whatever offspring she creates non-Thinking. If you are loyal to Words, you are NO FRIEND OF MINE. If you are loyal to People, then you are. People who are loyal to Words can change on a dime (60% divorce rate evidence of that).


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
goodasitgets said:
I'm hearing directly from women whom I met online tell me dudes are photo shopping pics to hide their bad qualities. They also use pro pics trying to look better than they actually are. You are trying to say all the chicks are liars and only your word is what counts.
Who cares what a woman you meet online says or thinks? Given the choice of a professional photo that puts you in the best light or a badly lit iphone shot I'll go with the professional every time.

Just like I'll wear quality clothes that enhance my figure over cheap ones that don't. Just like I'd rather drive an Aston than a Hyundai. Etc etc etc. Quality attracts quality.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2015
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
If you are unable to understand and distinguish between first-hand knowledge and third-party knowledge, it means either:

You lack the intelligence to differentiate between the two although their definitions were linked in the previous post to alleviate any ambiguity as to illustrate who the sources of both parts of the argument are, thus demonstrating the cogency of each side


You are trolling.

Perhaps a combination of both. But because of your post-count and your fleecing the issue at hand, I'm leaning more toward the latter.

Anyway, the readers can clearly see by the logic laid before them into which side of the fence to invest their confidence. And thus my job is done in this thread.
What aren't you understanding and distinguishing? Dudes who have photo shopped their pics have said it didn't work. Dudes who have used pro pictures have said it didn't really make a difference. It's coming directly from the source, the men who used them. Chicks who use dating sites and who I've met in person told me directly that dudes who photoshopped their pics looked worse in person. They told me directly that they are glad that I look like the pics I used on the site. It's the first thing they noticed about me.

You're telling us tales of what you believe is better, using photo shopped and pro pics over a regular pic with no sources. A good pic of your face and body is all you need. Photo shopping to cut out your imperfectons or using professional pics to appear younger is not going to help you. Chicks who used professional pictures on the site did not look the same in person when I met them. Their imperfections were blotted in the pictures. In person they were there for me to see.

Why are you making a big thing about it? If you want to waste time and money on pro pics knock yourself out. If you want to photo shop away your imperfections go ahead. They will stil be there on the date when you show up. They won't go away. It isn't necessary when you have looks women want to be doing any of this. Hiding what you really look like in online pictures will only lead to disappointment when you get rejected in person.

:-) said:
Who cares what a woman you meet online says or thinks?
Why wouldn't you care what they think? Aren't you trying to bang them? What they think does matter whether they will fvck you or not. It's their decision is what counts. They went out on plenty of dates and have the experience to know what online vs in person actually is like.

:-) said:
Given the choice of a professional photo that puts you in the best light or a badly lit iphone shot I'll go with the professional every time.
In person your imperfections will show and chicks will notice them diminishing your chances on the date. A clear pic is all you need to show your face and body. That's all chicks care about. Worrying about better lighting and wasting money on pro pics is unecessary.

:-) said:
Just like I'll wear quality clothes that enhance my figure over cheap ones that don't. Just like I'd rather drive an Aston than a Hyundai. Etc etc etc. Quality attracts quality.
Comparing clothes and cars to covering up your body and facial imperfections with photo shopped and pro pics are not the same.

Poonani Maker said:
xMaybe so, but that was MY way of "testing" HER. If she can't take simple display of another viewpoint, I don't Want her, and she proved she couldn't so I don't want her, but she had the chance to have me want her. She can now have a non-THINKING mate, which will, in turn, make whatever offspring she creates non-Thinking. If you are loyal to Words, you are NO FRIEND OF MINE. If you are loyal to People, then you are. People who are loyal to Words can change on a dime (60% divorce rate evidence of that).
Dude, you're trying to get chicks off a site to fvck them. Not trying to get into a long term relationships/marriages with them. Who gives a sh1t what they believe. It's not your job to try to change them or them trying to change you. Every person you deal with in life isn't going to agree with you 100% all the time. They aren't going to believe everyting you do either. A person can be loyal without you trying to change certain beliefs they hold.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Just set up another three dates on pof in one hour, making a grand total of 8 dates this weekend. Shame, I have to cancel most, if not all, of them. LOL

Ya, professional pics suck.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2015
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
Just set up another three dates on pof in one hour, making a grand total of 8 dates this weekend. Shame, I have to cancel most, if not all, of them. LOL

Ya, professional pics suck.
The tales you tell are getting bigger. Shouldn't you be on one of those 8 dates right now? Instead you're debating about photo shopped pics on this site.

Of course you will get dates from women online using photo shopped and professional pics. It hides all your imperfections making you look better than you actually are. When you show up on the date with your all imperfections, you won't be able to hide them and will get rejected.

Using regular pics makes no difference when you already look good. Pandering to women online taking professional or photo shopping your pics to look better for them is a waste of time and money when they reject you for being a fake. Have a good one.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
goodasitgets said:
Of course you will get dates from women online using photo shopped and professional pics. It hides all your imperfections making you look better than you actually are. When you show up on the date with your all imperfections, you won't be able to hide them and will get rejected.
Well now badasitgets a/k/a Sooli, that would be a first in an estimated 100+ dates over the last two years. But as long as it makes you happy, you keep investing into that specious belief sunshine
Apr 23, 2015
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
Just set up another three dates on pof in one hour, making a grand total of 8 dates this weekend. Shame, I have to cancel most, if not all, of them. LOL

Ya, professional pics suck.
So your like a "hot girl" on these sites? I know it is possible, because one of my female friends LOVES trolling thru profiles like she's grocery shopping.

What grabs her attention is the well put together and coordinate pics. They draw her in first and then the words.

Pics showing a great image or social proofing are awesome at conveying a rich life.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Daddy, some guys like to play video games. I like to double/triple book and cancel like a b*tch. To each their own.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
goodasitgets said:
Comparing clothes and cars to covering up your body and facial imperfections with photo shopped and pro pics are not the same.

I think you're blowing this out of proportion. I'm sure nobody is advocating a bald or fat guy photoshopping his picture so he has hair and a six pack. I think what is being said here is that quality pictures that show you in your best light will get better results than poor quality pics. Nothing more, nothing less.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
For those on POF, I am operating at an average 20% open-date rate. Meaning for every five hellos, I schedule one date. This is what I do:

Guru: Hi

Girl: Hi

Guru: What do you have planned this weekend?

Girl: Bla, Bla, Bla

Guru: I'm not much into the back and forth exchange of emails--or pen pal thing. I would like to meet you for a drink one night this week and get to know each other better. Let me know if that sounds good =) Guru

Girl: Sure, bla, bla, bla

Guru: OK. What is your number; I will text you to schedule =) Guru
That's it.

If you are operating at less than a 10% date rate, this would be an indication that you need better photos. Disregard the rubbish of the antagonist(s) in this thread. I have a 0% rejection rate in person. Get your pics professionally done and report back with the results.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I'm triple booked tonight: One at 6:30, one at 8:30, one at 10:30--all at the same place. It would have been a quadruple-book, but one canceled. LOL

Never did a triple-book before. This should be fun ...

mr. kennedy

Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
^ The number doesn't matter, it's the quality. If it's 3 average looking chicks, I'd rather just have 1 hottie.

Feel free to post pics of these chicks.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
And you damn well better fvck at least one of them. I talk with them long enough to get a feel for who is down to fvck, and who isn't.

And in regard to what I am finding about the women with no pics, they are definitely not all hot. They tend to gravitate towards both extremes of attractiveness. You gotta be brave. Sometimes you get texted a pic that looks like a Cro-Magnon Man.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I've been sex chatting with the paralegal all week. She's sent me a lot of naked pics...and a vid of her playing with herself. We were supposed to meet last night, but she cancelled, said she had a lot of work dropped on her. And I was totally not a d!ck about it. It's obvious that she and I are going to fvck immediately upon meeting...or at least I believe that 100%. Confidence makes it easy to be patient.

Speaking of patience, POF is largely about having long conversations with girls that end up going nowhere. That's just the nature of the beast. I actually like talking to a girl for a while before asking to meet her. It gives me a chance to screen out the prudes and pick out the women I think are the most likely to be down to fvck right away.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I had my first POF date a couple days ago. I took her to a winery by my house, then to an abandoned bridge to make out a little. I felt her up a lot, but she wasn't really ready to fvck. She was a little fatter than her picture anyway. We had a nice time, but I think she knows I would fvck her and never call again.

Last night I met another POF girl. I rode to her small town to go to the only bar in the town. Something happened to me that had never happened before when I was with her...a hot blonde, unaccompanied by a man, sat down next to me, then introduced herself and shook my hand. In 20 years of sitting at bars, that has NEVER happened to me. I put my hand on my date's leg while I talked to the blond...who was talking to me about her modeling career...but eventually my date stomped off to the bathroom. The blonde goes, "omg, we just made her mad. I'm so sorry."

She came back, and was more clingy than pissy. She was only a 7, and the blonde was an 8 or 9. She invited me back to her place to get naked in bed...and THEN told me she was on her period and couldn't have sex, talk about bait and switch. She even refused to give me a bj. I stayed for a while, then took my blue balls home. I'm sure I'll see her again when she is fvckable. She's quite lonely and wants a man in her bed.

Overall, it's been fun. I have 2-3 more girls set up. I really want the paralegal; she's put me off due to work until next weekend, but still texts me every day. I finally figured out that her giant t!ts are fake, but I have come to be ok with that.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I went back and fvcked the girl from the last date, two nights ago. It was ok, she had a nice ass. Then tonight, I finally fvcked the paralegal. That was better sex. She really loved it. And goddamn, fake tits have really come a long way. Hers are hard to tell they are fake. I can just barely see the scar, but I can't tell by feel at all.

So, three dates and two lays is not a bad close ratio. I did have to see one girl twice. I never really spent any money on them either, just a couple of drinks at the bar.

I had a milftastic mom lined up for tomorrow...amazing body...I may have run out of motivation to add new team members, though.

I've had two or three girls that I spent a day texting back and forth, and then they just stopped replying the next day, but that's just the nature of the online game. I don't take it personally or get upset about it. And they only get one text to ignore, and then I move on and stop texting them.

I see a lot of negativity on here about POF. I have my own failures, too, but if I dwelt on those failures and let them make me bitter, it would keep me from having the success that I have.

I break a lot of the rules you see on sosuave. I use compliments a lot. I don't mind telling women they are attractive. I respond as soon as I can to messages or texts, none of this silly waiting period game. Sometimes I will text a girl 50 or 60 times over the course of a day. I only respond to her texts, and I never send another text unless she has replied to the last one.

Another central idea to my strategy is this - throw your competition under the bus. I rip on guys as a gender constantly. I make fun of all the stupid sh!t you do. (yes, I'm a d!ck, but at least I'm sharing the strategy with those who want to learn) I can immediately get women to open up about their bad experiences with guys, usually creepers or clingers. When I ask for their number so we can text, I always add "I promise I won't blow up your phone with weiner pics." Then we make fun of guys who do that.

I also tell them that I am not jealous at all; I tell them they always have a green light to check their POF messages when we are together. My attitude is that most guys are insecure jealous douche bags, but I'm not that way at all. I find that doing so immediately separates you from the competition. The frame you are putting forward is that all other guys are such a joke compared to you, that they aren't really competition at all.

For example, if I feel like texting Ms Milftastic tomorrow - she agreed to go to a winery in the afternoon with me, but that was three days ago and I have not talked to her since - I will say something like this:
So how has the hottest mom in ___ville been? Tell me you had a date; tell me you had fun. She has already reacted very positively to the 'I don't get jealous' routine, so that line has been set up already.

Every time you send a message or text to a woman, you need to have a directive behind it, a goal you're trying to accomplish. My main directives are:
#1 - Make her laugh
#2 - AMOG every other guy out there
#3 - Build comfort. demonstrate value, start talking about sexual topics
#4 - Seal the deal. Get the number, get the date.

Every communication needs to have at least one of those goals behind it. They do tend to overlap, too. My winning line to get a number off pof is Hey, give me your number so we can text. I don't have POF on my phone. I promise I won't blow up your phone with weiner pics. That one touches all four of those goals.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
http://i.imgur.com/lXGKoVK.jpg (Image is NSFW)

I fvcked her once, she told me it was the best sex she ever had, and then then she told me over text that she didn't have time to commit to a relationship. I didn't even respond to the text. She was a really good fvck, though.
Why didn't you just say "That's cool, I don't need a relationship, we can just have sex" and see her response? might have gotten a F Buddy...she might have been letting you know she just wanted a F-Buddy not a relationship, and you might have lost a potential easy lay on a regular basis with NSA...

Most women typically don't want to lose guys that know how to handle their business in the bedroom. They aren't easy to find. Or so I've been told...lol


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
I have 2 profiles. 1 for women my age, and 1 for milfs were I set my age higher, but tell them my real age in the profile.

Thats how I beat that idiot owner Markus' ****blocking rules.