POF Profile Rules & Tips


Mar 12, 2011
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guru1000 said:
I never understood this fascination with girls in the 18-21 range. There are plenty of hot, young-looking women in their mid-late twenties, even early thirties.

Matter of fact, I stay away from girls younger than 24 yo. They are babies; total turn-off for me as they can't stimulate my mind one bit.
Come on bro, 18-21 are the hottest girls you will find. After 25 most go downhill fairly fast. Any women in late 20s or 30s, you better have money for them or they will tell you to go to hell.

Personally I don't want women to stimulate my mind, I want them to have sex with or bring babies, but to each to their own. :rock:


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2014
Reaction score
Trump said:
Come on bro, 18-21 are the hottest girls you will find. After 25 most go downhill fairly fast.
no sh@t bout that man. went out last night n saw these chicks n they were 28 n they fu@kin looked 48. they were lookin to get fu@ked but i wasnt gonna do their old nasty lookin @sses. lots of chicks late 20's look old as f@ck.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Trump said:
Come on bro, 18-21 are the hottest girls you will find. After 25 most go downhill fairly fast. Any women in late 20s or 30s, you better have money for them or they will tell you to go to hell.

Personally I don't want women to stimulate my mind, I want them to have sex with or bring babies, but to each to their own. :rock:
Never put looks on a pedestal. Treat and view hot women as you would your step-sister. Hb8s and 9s are dime a dozen at any age. A girl better bring more to the table than just looks if she wants to keep my attention.

I can't speak for other parts of the country but hot girls in NYC in their mid- late 20s "look" just as hot if not hotter than women in the 18-21 range. Or maybe it could just be my taste. I pursue only the cream of the crop, so maybe these women on the higher echelon of the looks scale take better care of themselves than their less attractive counterparts.

I've posted pics of my plates on this site before. Most are between 27-29. I doubt anyone here would say that any 18-21 yo they know would be comparable.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Here's my new profile:


I am hoping that saying #1 no dinner dates and #2 must not be too fat for a motorcycle will keep away the fat chicks.

Note that the profile also says I'm not spending any money on her, and our relationship will go straight to the physical level. And we can have sex on either the first date or the second, because I'm just that nice of a guy.


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
Never put looks on a pedestal. Treat and view hot women as you would your step-sister. Hb8s and 9s are dime a dozen at any age. A girl better bring more to the table than just looks if she wants to keep my attention.

I can't speak for other parts of the country but hot girls in NYC in their mid- late 20s "look" just as hot if not hotter than women in the 18-21 range. Or maybe it could just be my taste. I pursue only the cream of the crop, so maybe these women on the higher echelon of the looks scale take better care of themselves than their less attractive counterparts.

I've posted pics of my plates on this site before. Most are between 27-29. I doubt anyone here would say that any 18-21 yo they know would be comparable.
Agreed 110%.

Especially in major cities NY,L.A,Miami Etc. there's tons of hot as hell 25-29 year olds that blow away any younger chicks.

Even if some younger chicks are hot they still have that kid look and air of not being a more mentally mature woman yet with some experience in life to them.


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
Here's my new profile:


I am hoping that saying #1 no dinner dates and #2 must not be too fat for a motorcycle will keep away the fat chicks.

Note that the profile also says I'm not spending any money on her, and our relationship will go straight to the physical level. And we can have sex on either the first date or the second, because I'm just that nice of a guy.

You need more pictures. One isn't going to cut it as chicks will think it's a fake profile. Keep that one but use three more. A suit one, gym one, beach one, or the next three absolute most flattering pictures of you.

Also go into your inbox on the right there's a gear wheel thing. Click on it and you can set your preferences on who can email you (female/male), distance, age range, and you can say no to all those retarded emails POF sends for events, if someone says "yes" to meet me (which is a useless waste as you have to upgrade and pay to see BS),if someone has pictures or not, and only keep YES for allow me to be notified when a POF users emails me. All else I'd check no.


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
The pic isn't of me. It's a buddy of mine. I added one more pic I had of him.
Experimenting with response rates using a friends pics?

If you are trying that it depends on how he stacks up to the other tall cut up dudes in the surrounding area. The main pic is good but with back faced. Other pic is blurry and a bit far. If chicks do respond they most likely will ask for a close up or mention it. Depends on how populated POF is there and the amount of athletic dudes they're chasing after/ being hit up by.

I'd done that years ago for the hell of it. I'd always suspected profile descriptions were just fluff and most if not all of the women were going for the tops in looks based on pictures.

I tested with a dude I know IRL that literally looks like an Italian model in regular pictures not even done up. 6'2 swimmers build like some dude you'd see modeling for major designer brands (not the phaggy looking ones) who I know and have seen many times in person having chicks drool over him and throw themselves at him like he was a celebrity. (And I was using four normal pics. Not touched up, photoshopped, or professional pics.)

I'd wanted to see if what I suspected was correct. And correct as hell I was. Literally every chick "I'd" wrote using a bland profile, and simple "Hey what's up babe?" not only responded within minutes and THEY kept PUSHING conversation asking questions wanting to meet giving their numbers without being asked, the profile had countless views, the IM feature POF had at the time I had to shut off because "I" kept getting IM requests and couldn't answer them all, had many unsolicited emails, had chicks going sexual almost after two emails without "me" even hinting at it, offered a threesome from a hot stripper out of the blue without even contacting her with her girlfriend, had one chick BEGGING "me" to meet her and literally telling "me" her bra size WITHOUT asking to the point I felt bad as this chick was hurting to meet. Had countess numbers left.

Tested for two weeks. Deleted profile and didn't bother contacting any of them and basically blew them all off.

At that point I had more than proved to myself OLD is VASTLY dependent on how good the dude looks in his pictures for the majority of responses etc. which should be obvious but I'd proven to myself to NEVER take profile descriptions and all the nonsense they write to heart. All of that goes out the window when their dream guy comes along.

Wasn't bitter or angry, wasn't going to call anyone out as it's a waste of time. Just then put up my own absolute best pictures, a brief humorous profile and made up ridiculous first emails ignoring profiles totally and went based off looks on who to email.

And it worked insanely well.

OLD is again VASTLY based off looks. One average dude could be the funniest, greatest dude and be literally ignored by practically every woman online and the hottest looking dude could write a bland profile and womens minds will create the profile in their mind of him as everything they deem great. Like the saying goes: A picture is worth a thousand words.

Going crazy on a profile trying to make it great and your first emails mean little if you aren't in the tops in looks in pictures when stacked vs. the comp.

But in the end the tops in looks don't really "win" with OLD as the amount of crazies, single moms, issue laden, broke, gold diggers, and nut cases of women on especially free sites aren't relationship material as if they were and especially if good looking should have ZERO reason to need OLD unless she has red flags IRL.

OLD is a magnet for those types of chicks.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
You can see who said "Yes" to you on Meet Me by copying the girl's username from the email notification, and then pasting that into the User Search feature.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Obsidian said:
You can see who said "Yes" to you on Meet Me by copying the girl's username from the email notification, and then pasting that into the User Search feature.
Thanks for the tip.

And I do have great pics of myself. I think I look better than my buddy in those pics. I don't even have to tell them its not me. They never notice when I email my own pics.

pof logs you out in like a minute or two of inactivity. One of you computer-minded people should write a program that makes one stay constantly logged in, so you always appear in the "who's online" section.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
pof epiphany of the day: the hot ones don't put up pics. I kept wondering why every woman on there was a 6-7 at best. I'm finally talking to a solid 8. She has no public pics and a mostly empty profile.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Thanks. The pics are not of me. I'm trying to remain somewhat anonymous. I'm actually much better looking than my buddy in the pics.

I usually just ask for an email to send them my pics. Sometimes that is a sticking point, tho. I don't really understand why. Maybe some women have their real name in their email.

Honestly, I like craigslist better than pof. But pof is free entertainment.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Something else I didn't know about POF, unpaid/free members who are female are allowed to attach pics to private messages. Unpaid members who are male are not allowed to do so. There's a warning link to click that comes with every attached image to report it as being nude. I would cry gender discrimination, but guys are really awful about bombarding a girl with d!ck pics.

What I've been doing is adding pics of me, and making them private. Then when a girl asks for more pics, I just switch them to public, tell her to look again, and then switch them back later. Before, I was asking for an email address, and I got a lot of resistance over that, which surprised me.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I will message girls but they will not even bother to message me back, but they view my profile. You have to believe me when I say that I am almost model looks-wise, chiseled face, excellent body, tall, blue-eyed brown hair (though greying of late but not seen with a hat). They'll just read my message and not respond. It's VERY RUDE. Sure, I don't respond to Fat Whales, but if a half-way decent one messages me, I'll at least give her the courtesy of a response. Soooooo, the Problem with my profile MUST be how I am wording it. It must be what I have written, which is entirely playful and easy-going, which is how. I. am. but the ones I message just LOOK, then don't respond, which is, as I say, Rude.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
I don't think it's rude. But I do think it's bizarre. Glad to know that I'm not the only one to whom it happens. Have gotten very little in responses from PoF. I'm not a model looks-wise, so I kinda figured that's what it was.

I signed up for Match recently, though, and I've gotten a couple takers there.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Another thing that sucks about POF is when I try to send a message and it says [her name] only accepts messages from 'upgraded' members. All that work and I get a message soliciting me money when SHE isn't even 'upgraded' herself!


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, that pisses me off. I feel like if you upgrade, that just makes you look like a chump, anyway.

The main thing that is aggravating about it is that I oughta be able to find out whether the message will send BEFORE writing it.

I have about decided that PoF just really sucks.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
I keep getting blocked from sending messages on pof. I get the "this user only accepts messages from certain users."

I think my biggest problem is the +/- 14 year age rule. I set my age to 36, which was stupid, because it won't let me message anyone 18-21. And after your profile has been up for two weeks, they won't let you change your age.
That is not a problem with me. You can set up different accounts / emails, etc... and simply start a new account up with a lower age range. I just put up an account claiming I was born in 1990.

Bible_Belt said:
The pof creator has sent out messages saying he doesn't want guys using his site to try and find sex. LOL what a joke. That's the reason every guy is on there.
If you look at profiles on Adultfriendfinder, or other hook-up sites, and you go on POF, what I found interested is allot of women are members on both of these sites.

Obviously, guys can't be direct about stuff but, as always, guys which have the looks that women want have sex thrown at them, not the other way around.

Bible_belt said:
The site also screws over casual weed smokers, with the single question of 'yes I use drugs or no I don't." I think I put "sometimes" and I am getting blocked by women who set their mail to "no drug users." What a horrible joke it is to put weed and meth in the same category.

For my next profile, I am going to be 32 and never use "drugs." I think I may also have to put that I am looking for a serious relationship, too, just to keep from getting blocked by that criteria as well.

If anyone has input on getting around the pof blocks, I would be happy to hear it.
Again, you know what type of profile will get filtered out. I feel I'm about 40 years old, but could pass for 25 years old or even yonger (people have confused me sometimes for still being a teenager in rare cases), I'm mixed but can pass as white (i.e. if interested in Asian or ethnic chicks). I'm 5'11 but could claim I'm 6'2. Who cares, I know I can message and look at women and can make up anything I want about myself. I haven't put up a pic yet on the profile but put up some crap about how established I am, etc... and looking for a woman that likes travelling to sound rich (although all of that if false - but who cares, I'm entitled to express fantasy about myself on a profile).

Now, another interesting thing is allot of women have these other tinder, instagram, etc.. accounts and they put them right on the profile. If you bluff a profile, and start talking to a girl on there, you may be able to play around a bit. Who knows if you'll find a lolita there that can accept your actual age?


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
The pic isn't of me. It's a buddy of mine. I added one more pic I had of him.
Why would you go on a dating site using pictures of your friend? What's the point of that?