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  1. R

    cold approaches, dawg

    You need to give this guy some encouragement instead of mocking him. I would bet you haven't posted 1 FR.
  2. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    I am old enough to fu*k young girls and young enough to fu*k old girls. Curiousity is the death of committment. I would suggest you find posts by juggler. I agree the David Bowie line is not working that good, it seems the situational opener which I have used a bunch works best for me...
  3. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    I wasn't thinking on my feet for the 2 set because I didn't want to # close I wanted to fu*k close them. I don't think I could have # closed them but in 20/20 I think I could have fu*k closed them. I am working on approach, opening, bridge, then close. That is a lot to work on I think...
  4. R

    I Kissed an HB9 !!!

    Mad props dude. My suggestion is next time go for it all. Women usually don't say what they want, but this girl wasn't saying anything so that means she wanted you to keep going and do her in the car right then and there. I could tell you a bunch of stories about how I left the scene because...
  5. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Week 2/Day 5&6 Day 5 So I go to this book signing and there were about 20 people there, 3 HB's sitting in the same chair but, in different rows. Thought that kinda strange. The speaker is into the Q&A session and I gotta use the services. I get up and go and on my way out there is 1 more...
  6. R

    I am at a loss

    Another suggestion would be to start your own bootcamp and post like a Muther Fuc*er. Since I started two weeks ago my game has changed a bunch. Feedback will challenge you to change. There is also something about being in the field and knowing you have to do 3 openers a day or maybe 5 and...
  7. R

    I am at a loss

    These are limiting beliefs. Remove them now. How could you reframe the above thought. One example... Old belief: I suck ass on the phone and try to avoid it like the plauge. New belief: I am absolutely a wonderful person to talk on the phone with. All affirmations begin with "I...
  8. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    week 2/day 3 Out to the farmers market tonight with two of my wings. One of them ejects early which is good because three guys is a struggle to keep up with. Another wing would be good because I think we are all feeling akward. The down side, the surge got better after the one wing left and...
  9. R

    My success with the average is affecting my success with the hotties.

    IMHO, you are not committed to yourself and as long as you keep chasing the quick fix (instant gratification) you may find yourself caught in a loop that could take some time to rebound from. There are about 50 billion cells in your body and every cell responds to every thought you think. My...
  10. R

    7-Minute F**K Close-Read this Pimp-sicle

    She was easy, what can I say? It just happened, I would like to duplicate that evening every day, that is my reason for being here. I have had lots of success with women, just got out of a LTR. I go out a lot and well, I talk to women, some times I F**k it up other times I am game. I want to...
  11. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    I agree I got mad because you questioned my integrity. What purpose would it serve me to make something up anyway? I don't get it. I don't get why you would think I would lie? I have no reason to. The point still remains... My posts are about the surging I do in the field. You didn't...
  12. R

    7-Minute F**K Close-Read this Pimp-sicle

    From the site: thehindu RANK: I Drink Boddington's Joined: 11 Dec 2004 Posts: 101 Location: San Rafael, CA Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:27 pm Post subject: Re: FR: blind date / ice skating...
  13. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Pimp-sicle, you can f**k off, I don't lie and I don't appreciate anyone calling me a liar. I got the lay, you can go to and read about it there. My screen name is thehindu. You may have some trouble finding it though I have about 100 posts at that site, It happened last...
  14. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Week 2/Day 2 Was a slow night, got some other situations going on that I don't want to think about because it just F**Ks me up when I do. So then I have to feel the feelings, go through them and realize that it is just my thoughts that are creating my feelings and it is good to process...
  15. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    I got a f**k close last week, I just don't think it's important to post those closes. Why am I not closing? It was suggested I work on my operers because I was too direct. You could read the posts from the beginning. The suggestion came from guys at who play this game somewhat...
  16. R

    h2o's approach journal

    Keep it up and maybe work on swisch patterns. I am also in my own boot camp, not following the DJ Bible, just doing my own thing and getting feedback from two sites, this one and I have to say it is interesting and I read that post about some guy (Richard) One of my sticking...
  17. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Week 2/Day 1 Cramias from another site writes... I'm of the mindset that you should be trying to make PU harder, not easier. Like lifting weights. I added...Challenge yourself. Life is strange at times when it involves PUing. I walk into this little corner market today and there is this...
  18. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Week 1/Day 7 I had this long post about todays progress and lost it. MF. I am not going to retype the post. To summerize I did three approches today. The most important one was with an HB7 that didn't EC and I am sure I could have got the digits. As suggested I am not going for a close. th
  19. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    I can already feel it. Today at lunch there were massive HB's, I did a couple of approaches. Working on a new job close to home so I will be going to lunch everyday for as long as the job lasts. I got a top notch NLP trainer to join my lair and we are working on swisch patterns. Did I spell...
  20. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Thanks bro and you are right about guys needing to get out there. I went out tonight and didn't make any approaches because I was waiting for IOI's. That is lame, I need to approach if I feel like it. I did three natural approaches during the day and could have brought a married lady back to...