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  1. R

    Leaving this forum

    Re: Re: Leaving this forum Good point, let me rephrase my self. I will not be spending as much time on this form as I have in the past.
  2. R

    Leaving this forum

    It's been fun guys but I have decided to post my future BC notes at the BC. If you want to offer feedback to me at that site my user name is rockit. Thanks for all the feedback, I might be back but I doubt it. I do have one last suggestion. Read everything you can about...
  3. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Count backwards 3,2,1 approach. Reframe the I'm struggling routine. The more you do it the easier it gets, the better you become, the easier it is to crop a story on the fly. It takes time but don't mess around, learn routines, openers and how to close as quick as you can. Just keep...
  4. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Ya know dude, you are not very intellegent. Think about this...I have done more approaches in the last 4 weeks than I have done my whole life. Don't take my opinion about you personally, it's just that I feel you didn't put any common sense to my situation. Psychopath is good, it will lead...
  5. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Lost track of journal entries Started the night at the local super market. Get there and walk in notice this nice dress on this HB5 in looks but I will upgrade her to 6.5 for her personality and tight body. Compliment her on dress, she tells me she bought it in Paris, I said it didn't look like...
  6. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    It was HB8 that I met Friday and me Saturday, which didn't give me much time to go to the club scene even if I was into it. I would rather approach in the daytime or at bookstores. I did one opinion opener at the end of the Farmers Market in Oakland on Sunday, not to exciting, just complement an...
  7. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    New Bootcamp rules/Syle On my way to a meditation group monthly event. So I am walking up toward the building, it's out in the country and I see this HB8 walking in front of me. Well, at least she looked like an HB8 from behind. I get up close to her and decide to ignore her and walk past her...
  8. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Wow! Where did you get your education at? You sound really intelligent. Maybe you could post some feedback that would not be considered in the attention wh0re frame? Better yet, Where is you journal? I would like to read it and check out your results.
  9. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Started out the night with a neg on HBa at the ckeckout in food store. Not part of BC assignment but, in the past HBa EC's me and hovers at times. PUA: Your moving kinda slow, you always move slow, don't you? HB: Smiles big and say somethhing like, oooh. I like that look she gave me...
  10. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    week 3/day 4,5,6 Day 4 Sick with food poison, stay home. Day 5 Still feeling a little ill, but go out anyway. Run into HB last night that went snowbaord with me when she was 17 and now is of age. We talked a little a couple of weeks ago and she kept making references to sex and that...
  11. R

    desperately need advice

    Where did you get this idea? You can't pick-up any chick, you may at best be able to get some women, but there are women even the best would be challenged to get. Example: Janet Jackson, JLO, Oprah, Nicole Kidman. This is a lame opener. Work on an opinion opener. Check out my screen name...
  12. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Re: I'm loving this Thanks for the complimnet. Nothing to post for last night as I got food poison and stayed home. Will post tonight or tomorrow, still feeling a little sick. Went to a Tyler Durden mini seminar and will post notes later as a new topic. Off-Topic Now for the...
  13. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    What is congruence? How would I be congruent to her reading my autobiography?
  14. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Day 2 Attended the Tyler Durden mini seminar in SF last night. It was a kick, the dude has tight game. Got one of my wings motivated. Did one surge after the meeting. We were looking for something to eat, it was late, walked into Taco Bell and were waiting for a friend from the meeting, not...
  15. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    week 3/day 1 So I go to Border's book store last night and ged myself a cup of juice. The HB6 at the counter waiting on me is giving me vibes. I decide to open her and see if I can make her laugh. #1-HBw PUA: Orders juice and opens with the usual DB opener, goes into story. HBw is...
  16. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    week 2/day 6&7 day 6 Started out in San Francisco, Haight Street Fair, about a mile long or more of booths, and live music at each end. Fu*king bunch of wierdos hanging out there along with a bunch of HB's. Was a little tired, did a 10 mile ride the day before on my mountain bike...
  17. R

    Pad's bootcamp journal

    dude, I would suggest you post every day and post at I am in bootcamp and you might want to read tonight's post or the rest of the posts up till this point. Check out my progress. I have suduced many women and have let many women go when I had them and they were more than...
  18. R

    I Kissed an HB9 !!!

    Next time you end the date first. This is how you handle it now and I mean don't listen to the other guy when he says to cherish the memory. Call her and say... (Print this out and do not deviate one word from it). PUA: Hi, HB9 how are you doing? HB9: Fine, and how are you? PUA...
  19. R

    cold approaches, dawg

    Keep up the practice and the FR's you will learn quick through the process of parctice and in the field. The guys who give you negative feedback are the ones that don't have the guts to go out into the field and do what you want to do. Also learn to AMOG the guys in the field. My last...