cold approaches, dawg


New Member
Jun 12, 2005
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this is my first post here, but i've been readin this site for mad, long, you guys got solid sh*t hear. my favorite poster is PVSSY-EATER.

ANYWAYs i was at the mall today so i decided to cold approach some hoes and get some action so here how it turned out:

approach #1:

when i first got to the mall i was hungry so i went to taco bell to get some tacoes and this hb8 took my order. she gave me the wrong change so i decided to use some C+F so i was like
"hey don't you know how to count right"
and she was like "what do you mean sir?"
and i'm like "you gave me the wrong change, maybe we should get together some time and you can pay me back that way"
and she said "no i'll just get the manager"
anyways then she went to get the manager and i counted the change again and it turns out it was the right change(!!!) so i sure felt dumb so i left quickly without even getting my food

aaproach #2

aso then i decided to go to best buy so i go in there to the electronics section (i'm a vcr repairman). and i see this HB7 looking at this vcr and she looks a little confused so i decide to take advantage and show it how her workls (since i'm a vcr repairman)
so i go up and say "you need some help there? i know how it works"
she said "actually i'm just waiting for my boyfriend he's in the other aisle"
so i said "why don't you see what its like to be with a real man?"
and she said "no" and started walking away so i followed her (about ten feet behind) and she went into the womens bathroom. i waited outside for like 20 minutes and she never came out so NEXT!!


i was prettey upset my approachs weren't working but then i realizd it was because i wasn't using my SEXUAL STARE SO i got motivated and went to A&f because all teh HBs work their. right when i walked in the hb9 said "hi hows it going today" so i stared sexually deep into her eyes. she kinda smiled (IOI) so i just kept staring, after about 30 seconds she said "are you ok?"
i wasn't really prepared to talk b/c i thought the stare would be good enough so i said "hey babey" and i tried to say it in a deep voice but i guess i was nervous and my voice cracked a little
then i heard someone say "this guy's a clown" so i broke the eye contact and noticed there was a bunch of guys standing their watching. i decided to quickly number close so i said "how about you give me your number and we'll get together sometime" and the crowd of guys burst out laughing. she said "i don't think so buddy". i didn't want her to think i only came in there for her so i went to check out some cargo shorts on sale but that group of guys kept following me around and making jokes so i left after a few minutes

allright so i was 0/3 today, but i'm not discouraged, i just need some advice guys, please help me out, especially PVSSY-EATER I WANT TO HEAar what you have to say

peace, ron


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
very funny :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2004
Reaction score
i'm not a dj but here's my opinion. I think your too direct too early. From your post it seems like u # close after 2 or 3 setenceces which is not good.

"why don't you see what its like to be with a real man?" seems cheesy to me.

I feel bad for u that those guys laughed at u but at least u got the gut to approach. AF girl shut u down hardcore!:down: :down:

What do you look like?


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
heylo Ron_mex1co

I am like you. LOLOl>/ Except my favourite poster is pook, I one day wish he will elt me perform oral sex on him, please my master let me with your wise wisdom.!!!oneeleven.

Dont listen to this david gyu you aren't being direct enough. You should start simple by feeling her tits, even if she is not drunk. She will probably slap you but this is because she is into the kinki **** lolo69. And she wants to **** you bad, so then just push her down and do your thing even thoug h she is screaming she loves it, this is just her ***** test. ownage.

i waited outside for like 20 minutes and she never came out so NEXT!!
you are stupid for nexting so early, if you haven't waited as long as I did out the front of the cinema for SWE3 then you haven't waited long enoguh. n00b, fear me uber pimp skills.

so i stared sexually deep into her eyes
for uber pimpage feel yourself why you do this or even better and more direct unzip your fly like me and let your huge 2 inch's hang out, she will fear it and succumb to you. w000t.pwnage.

OK Fank you for your time. byebye. And remember my name for I am the ultimate pua.


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
San Rafael, CA
Originally posted by Ron_Mexico

this is my first post here, but i've been readin this site for mad, long, you guys got solid sh*t hear. my favorite poster is PVSSY-EATER.

ANYWAYs i was at the mall today so i decided to cold approach some hoes and get some action so here how it turned out:

approach #1:

when i first got to the mall i was hungry so i went to taco bell to get some tacoes and this hb8 took my order. she gave me the wrong change so i decided to use some C+F so i was like
"hey don't you know how to count right"
and she was like "what do you mean sir?"
and i'm like "you gave me the wrong change, maybe we should get together some time and you can pay me back that way"
and she said "no i'll just get the manager"
anyways then she went to get the manager and i counted the change again and it turns out it was the right change(!!!) so i sure felt dumb so i left quickly without even getting my food

aaproach #2

aso then i decided to go to best buy so i go in there to the electronics section (i'm a vcr repairman). and i see this HB7 looking at this vcr and she looks a little confused so i decide to take advantage and show it how her workls (since i'm a vcr repairman)
so i go up and say "you need some help there? i know how it works"
she said "actually i'm just waiting for my boyfriend he's in the other aisle"
so i said "why don't you see what its like to be with a real man?"
and she said "no" and started walking away so i followed her (about ten feet behind) and she went into the womens bathroom. i waited outside for like 20 minutes and she never came out so NEXT!!


i was prettey upset my approachs weren't working but then i realizd it was because i wasn't using my SEXUAL STARE SO i got motivated and went to A&f because all teh HBs work their. right when i walked in the hb9 said "hi hows it going today" so i stared sexually deep into her eyes. she kinda smiled (IOI) so i just kept staring, after about 30 seconds she said "are you ok?"
i wasn't really prepared to talk b/c i thought the stare would be good enough so i said "hey babey" and i tried to say it in a deep voice but i guess i was nervous and my voice cracked a little
then i heard someone say "this guy's a clown" so i broke the eye contact and noticed there was a bunch of guys standing their watching. i decided to quickly number close so i said "how about you give me your number and we'll get together sometime" and the crowd of guys burst out laughing. she said "i don't think so buddy". i didn't want her to think i only came in there for her so i went to check out some cargo shorts on sale but that group of guys kept following me around and making jokes so i left after a few minutes

allright so i was 0/3 today, but i'm not discouraged, i just need some advice guys, please help me out, especially PVSSY-EATER I WANT TO HEAar what you have to say

peace, ron
Keep up the practice and the FR's you will learn quick through the process of parctice and in the field. The guys who give you negative feedback are the ones that don't have the guts to go out into the field and do what you want to do. Also learn to AMOG the guys in the field. My last suggestion is to find Tyler Durden's 25 point cheklist. If you can't find it go to, it is there under posts from the masters. If you need help with that site PM me.

Triple X

Senior Don Juan
May 12, 2005
Reaction score
I'm not here to mock you man, but.... THIS is exactly the reason why I am no fan of cold approaches.

Don of Truth

Don Juan
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
I'm no casanova or a PUA but those were some lame cold approaches. I thought you said you were reading this site for mad long ?


Don Juan
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ron_Mexico
i was prettey upset my approachs weren't working but then i realizd it was because i wasn't using my SEXUAL STARE SO i got motivated and went to A&f because all teh HBs work their. right when i walked in the hb9 said "hi hows it going today" so i stared sexually deep into her eyes. she kinda smiled (IOI) so i just kept staring, after about 30 seconds she said "are you ok?"
i wasn't really prepared to talk b/c i thought the stare would be good enough so i said "hey babey" and i tried to say it in a deep voice but i guess i was nervous and my voice cracked a little
then i heard someone say "this guy's a clown" so i broke the eye contact and noticed there was a bunch of guys standing their watching.
Hahaha thats hilarious. :crackup: Maybe you should have tried some Kino.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Anyone who can't read the dripping sarcasm in the original post... well, can't read into sarcasm very well

Don of Truth

Don Juan
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by BrotherAP
Anyone who can't read the dripping sarcasm in the original post... well, can't read into sarcasm very well
You never know. Maybe he's an illegal ?


Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by swampwiz
First, I applaud you for having the guts to go for it like you did. But I have to say that I have never laughed so hard as when I read about your experience.

You came across like a psycho creep that would pick up on anything, anytime.

As for sarging cashiers, waitresses, etc., you have to understand that they have to stand there and talk to you - it's there job. Possibly talking to one while she is not too busy may be worth it, but definitely not the way you C&F's her.

As for the VCR woman, you're lucky she didn't sick the security guard after you followed her and waited outside the bathroom for her.

As for the last one, you probably didn't start out too poorly, but since you just stared at her, I'm sure that didn't help. As for those guys laughing at you, hold yourself high knowing that you have the balls to actually do something, even if you are unsuccessful at it.
Guys this is a joke post, can't belive some of you are taking it seriously.

Don of Truth

Don Juan
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by medjaun
Guys this is a joke post, can't belive some of you are taking it seriously.
I noticed something fishy when he went from aaproach #2 to apporoach#4 ! Where is appapapaparoacha # 3 ???

Thats what I want to know!


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2002
Reaction score
If this is true, if I were you Mr. Mexico aka Michael Vick, I would be scarred for life and never do a cold approach again. You struck out terribly. Storys like this discourage me from doing them also.