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  1. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    I am not sure about the girl not looking. Today at lunch I opened two girls that were not looking and got a positive interaction with them. I would have continued the convo except I was thinking about your comment and it put a freeze on my thinking. IOI's are good and making an approach where...
  2. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Re: Cold approaches are better than nothing I am not sure what you mean about the high yield woman has been altered by one of your low yield targets to watch out for you. Could you reframe that paragraph into something simple that a beginner would understand?
  3. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    I have seduced some women before without any skills other than the ones I developed myself and just recently decided to learn a different way. At our lair meeting yesterday we talked about the zan method. Straight up EC then close to a hot tub. I don't know if zan uses a hot tub close but I...
  4. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Women want to change guys into being straight. Per the suggestion from the other site I am posting at, for the time being I am not suppose to go for a close.
  5. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Yup, I think she was too, but the other guys said no closes for a while and I am taking their advice because I surged with a guy from that site. He is a total PUA, an AFC two years ago and has totally improved his game. The other site is Thanks for the props. If more...
  6. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Week 1/Day 6 Had a busy day, only got two surges in which means I will have to get four tomorrow. #1-HBtall-On my way back from a jazz festival in Farifax, CA. Stop at a grocery store to get some snacks because our weekly lair meeting is tonight and I am hungry. PUA: You are the...
  7. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    wtf Week 1/Day 5 Changed up from the opener I was using (DYD style) because I got some feedback that made sense. I am now using the opinion opener and not looking to close as suggested. Drive to Border's Books about 8:30pm last evening. It's strange how my mind wants to talk me out of...
  8. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Week 1/Day 4 Did my 3 surges tonight at Borders Book Store. There were a bunch of HB's hanging out tonight. It's interesting to see so many HB's in a book store on Friday evening at 9:30 pm. #1-HBhmm!-noticed her walking toward me, I decided to do an opinion opener. PUA: I look at...
  9. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Week 1/Day 3 San Rafael farmers market, two wings and myself. It was a busy night. Don't know if I can remember all the convo. #1-HBponytail-She is at a table looking at some goods, I look at her, approach from the side, get next to her so she notices me, then I open. PUA: Hi, you look...
  10. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Week 1/Day 2 Nothing to report today, will be out for sure tomorrow.
  11. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Got a new wing and he emailed me that he was going for the 120/40 so I thought I would meet his challenge. Yup, 120 in 40 days straight. I guess I got inspired by Pook. Thanks for the feedback.
  12. R

    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    Started a new lair in Marin County, CA so...this new guy shows up and I give him some info on some posts I have been reading lately. He emails me today and informs me he is going to do the 120 approaches in 40 days. Guess I have to meet his challenge since I am the moderator of the new lair...