desperately need advice


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Hey guys,
Whats up. Before i get going lets be clear that I am only posting this to get some advice should a similar situation arise again. Because this time I definitely came out short.

Before I get started also I want to warn you guys who think a cold shoulder , a woman using *****iness and even the ***** slap is nothing in comparison to this ****. So if that stuff worries you guys please read no further . Because right now I would welcome that ****.

Ok here goes,
I leave the house in the afternoon completely energised from making a very difficult approach the previous day and knowing I can now pickup any chick.

So I decide to try some day time approaches and so I enter the nearest large store. As im browsing I come across this hot hot booty babe HB10. And the best part is at the moment shes bending down and I can see her tight tight booty. She is being helped by a stupid average frustrated chump storeworker who is just standing there and ogling at her ass. So I decide of course with my new found confidence to approach her.

Without any hesitation and slightly any fear I just go in (3,2,1) opening with, Hi, how are you? I pause for her to reply. She stops and looks at me for a while as she is processing what i just said.
(here it comes) All of a sudden she goes berzerk ,and starts calling me crazy and telling me shes not there to do business. ( I could now tell she doesnt speak english very well) she then goes and complains to the stupid average frustrated chump store worker ( at which point I am in shock , I cant move) The stupid average frustrated chump sob starts yelling at me and screaming at me as to why I was talking to a woman. The chick ( actually *****) starts telling him im crazy. At which point he calls the security guard, who is now screaming at me too he screams why I was talking to the chick ( as if its some kind of forbidden sin , stipid focking average frustrated chump) And after this he screams at me where I am from? When I tell him. He screams at me to come into his office. ( at this point I realise there is no way I can enter his office, I will get slapped at the least , the police will definetely be called ) So at this point I start to apologise to the ***** ( I know I shouldnt have cos she was a ***** but I had no choice , if she wanted me in jail id be there) So I keep apologising to her and she tells me to forget it . Then says the smae to the grocery store average frustrated chump and security guard but he keeps telling me to go into his office and blocks my way. (so I can not leave) then he proceeds to drag me to his office , ( i know i cant go there) I then tell him to ask the ***** if she has a problem with me and if she doesnt why should I go with him? So we do and she tells him to forget it but he still proceeds to pull me into his office. So i apologise to the ***** again and ask her if shes got any problem with me to which she replies no.

At this point the security guard lifts me up by one arm and proceeds to shove me the way of the door. He also proceeds to ban me from his stupid ass store which I will never enter again.

So guys I seriously need some advice , cos I dont think I can actually do another day time appraoch again after this shock. Needless to say I didnt approach another chick the whole day.

Thanks guys,


Mar 17, 2001
Reaction score
Sorry man... but holy sh*t is that funny!

Hey, listen, that's what chumps do. They'll sell anyone out trying to impress some barbie doll.


Senior Don Juan
May 1, 2005
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Tampa, Florida
lol I couldn't stop laughing either....

however if you think about it nothing too bad happenned... firstly she couldn't even speak english properlly and then those AFC's were obviously scared of you. Basically put you were declined with a bit of spice!


Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
From experience in getting almost in fights and getting kicked out of clubs over women, the bottom line is.........


Game over.


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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San Rafael, CA
Originally posted by hypnotic4oru
Ok here goes,
I leave the house in the afternoon completely energised from making a very difficult approach the previous day and knowing I can now pickup any chick.
Where did you get this idea? You can't pick-up any chick, you may at best be able to get some women, but there are women even the best would be challenged to get. Example: Janet Jackson, JLO, Oprah, Nicole Kidman.

Originally posted by hypnotic4oru
Without any hesitation and slightly any fear I just go in (3,2,1) opening with, Hi, how are you?
This is a lame opener. Work on an opinion opener. Check out my screen name and read what I post. I have seduced many women and am working on a different approach myself.

Approach from a 45 degree angle, straight on looks threatening. Make sure she sees you before you approach. And if you do approach with straight on, did'nt see you, then tone your voice down.