My success with the average is affecting my success with the hotties.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
Well, the title says alot, most of what i need to say. But i'll go into a little bit more detail.

for a long time, i've had good success with average looking girls.
girls with nice faces and not banging bodies. or girls with banging bodies and not magazine worthy faces.

myself, i have neither a "banging body" or a "magazine face". but i scrub up to be a good looking boy.

my concern is that due to my success with the average (and we're talking a minimum of 1 kiss closing 1 girl per night each time i go to a club, and 3 weeks in a row of kiss closing 4 girls at my local club on each visit.)
but i feel that this is holding me back.
I can only work out at the gym in spurts, say 4 weeks on, 8 weeks off. I don't watch what i eat. I drink copius ammounts of alcohol.
but worst of all. I don't approach the hotties, because i know i can just go get an average girl with barely trying.

heres an example of a PU i did at the local last time i was there while i was sober enough to remember.

early in the night, about 11pm i'd assume. had about 7 beers i guess, and having a dance with 6 friends on the dance floor (all guys). From over the shoulder of my best mate, i catch this girl looking at me.
I smile. She smiles.
i start flirting with her through body language.
alot of eye contact, smiling, mouthing words of the song to her (i forget the song, but something suggestive.)

my friends and i left to chat in the far corner of the club over a couple more beers.
we're sitting in a booth having a rather boring conversation, i see her at the cigarette machine with 2 friends, her friends were pressing all the pretty buttons while she was watching.

i said to the guys, watch this. - a bit arrogant, but thats how i role
i strut over to her, and sneak up a bit.

"i hope your not buying any cigarettes"
she turns around and kinda startled.
"oh, no, i don't smoke."
"good, because when i'm kissing you later on, i don't want you to taste bad"
"its ok, i won't be smoking"
"oh, so we'll be kissing later tonight"
-smile + confused look from her.
so i stuck my arm around her and lent in.

"not infront of my friends"
"you don't get 2 chances"

bang. sold.

"i'm going to chat to my mates, give me your number incase i don't find you later. -key'd it in, "You better call me"

-saw her later on and kissed her more. but she was a bit clingy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Hey man. If you're having a great time and am happy with the average chicks, then there's no problem not getting any hotties. However, if you have the urge to level up a little, then go ahead and approach the hotties. Remember that you might get shot down. Hopefully all that success with the averages hasn't made you fear it.

Mister Big

Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
Originally posted by JonJack
However, if you have the urge to level up a little, then go ahead and approach the hotties. Remember that you might get shot down. Hopefully all that success with the averages hasn't made you fear it.
I think everyone has the urge to level up. Its our nature. I have settled with a bunch of just about average girls 6-7s for the past several months to get into the swing of things. Even though its been fairly easy scoring, I've struggled with how to manage the conflict of multiples. I have learned a ton, so this was not a waste of time. Every date is a learning experience and I've learned through repetitions. Its now time for me to level up. I am committed to doing a bootcamp to kick start my approach with higher rated women.

Sticking with average women can be a form of AFC because it is based on your fear of rejection at the higher level. I've been there my whole life. No reason to live in fear anymore. If you want hot chicks, you need to approach them to be successful. I am starting the bootcamp on the mature post this weekend, so check out the results. Should be interesting.

Greater Risk = Greater Reward


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mister Big
Sticking with average women can be a form of AFC because it is based on your fear of rejection at the higher level.
what u say makes sense.. but i'm not sure thats it..

its because, i DON'T want a girlfriend. and theres not as much hassles with the average ones.
but at some stage i will want a girlfriend, how will i know when that is? i'd imagine its when i meet the right girl, but i prob won't be f*cked with her games, the games that all hot girls play. so i won't give them a chance.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2004
Reaction score
I know what you're talking about.

Lots of times, especially when I'm drunk, I'll get lazy and settle for the "sure thing" instead of challenging myself with a hotter girl. I've had some success gaming hotties to be sure, but I'm damn close to perfect with the 5-7 range, and once the beer goggles kick in it can be too easy to just put it on auto-cruise for the easy hookup.

My suggestion is this: next time you go out, before you start drinking too much, pick out the 3-5 (or more if you like) girls in the place you'd most like to go home with that night. Then make a pact with yourself to approach those girls, no matter what, before you even talk to any "average" chicks.

If you fail, then so what. At least you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you tried. And I think you might be surprised with how succesful you'll end up being.


New Member
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
near london
i personally dont believe in rating women 1 to 10,you either fancy them or not,dont get caught up in details that dont matter,dont go find a ten just to impress your friends,be your own man,personally i go for women with hot bodies and ok faces,to hell with model types there to much into themselves in my opinion,good luck

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
i personally dont believe in rating women 1 to 10,you either fancy them or not,dont get caught up in details that dont matter,dont go find a ten just to impress your friends,be your own man


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Interpol
I know what you're talking about.

Lots of times, especially when I'm drunk, I'll get lazy and settle for the "sure thing" instead of challenging myself with a hotter girl. I've had some success gaming hotties to be sure, but I'm damn close to perfect with the 5-7 range, and once the beer goggles kick in it can be too easy to just put it on auto-cruise for the easy hookup.

My suggestion is this: next time you go out, before you start drinking too much, pick out the 3-5 (or more if you like) girls in the place you'd most like to go home with that night. Then make a pact with yourself to approach those girls, no matter what, before you even talk to any "average" chicks.

If you fail, then so what. At least you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you tried. And I think you might be surprised with how succesful you'll end up being.
i think you're my favourite poster interpol :)

i think we're very similar too.

hotties are just more work.
i've had bad experiences with hotties, chase them, and they are interested but they just want more.


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
San Rafael, CA
Originally posted by quest
I can only work out at the gym in spurts, say 4 weeks on, 8 weeks off. I don't watch what i eat. I drink copius ammounts of alcohol.
IMHO, you are not committed to yourself and as long as you keep chasing the quick fix (instant gratification) you may find yourself caught in a loop that could take some time to rebound from.

There are about 50 billion cells in your body and every cell responds to every thought you think. My suggestion is...The body doesn't need to be fixed, it is the spirit. Without the spirit the body will suffer.

Think of yourself as a wild stallion roaming the great plains. You are free to have all the other mares you want, come and go as you please, rise up on your back legs and shake out the world.

All of a sudden a rope is bound around your neck and a saddle thrown upon you. Now how do you feel? What do you do? Man, there's that spur in my side again, wtf.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: My success with the average is affecting my success with the hotties.

Originally posted by rockitck
IMHO, you are not committed to yourself and as long as you keep chasing the quick fix (instant gratification) you may find yourself caught in a loop that could take some time to rebound from.

There are about 50 billion cells in your body and every cell responds to every thought you think. My suggestion is...The body doesn't need to be fixed, it is the spirit. Without the spirit the body will suffer.

Think of yourself as a wild stallion roaming the great plains. You are free to have all the other mares you want, come and go as you please, rise up on your back legs and shake out the world.

All of a sudden a rope is bound around your neck and a saddle thrown upon you. Now how do you feel? What do you do? Man, there's that spur in my side again, wtf.
i don't understand your analogy at all :) but it was a good story.

and you're completely right. i am not AS committed to myself as i should be.

i have greatly improved in this area. should have seen me 4 years ago..

i am studying harder then ever before. and this year has been the best and most consistant for me at gym. but i still have a ways to go.

(the alcohol i won't give up)
but i suppose diet has improved aswell.. i eat HEAPS of protein. its more that i just eat as much as i want, and when i'm bored.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Not to be a **** but that title is mis-leading as hell. You complacency with the average girls is affecting your success with the hotties. You're not even approaching the hotties because average girls are easy. You cannot claim success or failure with hotties if you aren't trying.

Mister Big

Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
Originally posted by marcuk
i personally dont believe in rating women 1 to 10,you either fancy them or not,dont get caught up in details that dont matter,dont go find a ten just to impress your friends,be your own man,personally i go for women with hot bodies and ok faces,to hell with model types there to much into themselves in my opinion,good luck
I am curious if you believe in grading students at school. Obviously, any scale is relative to the person evaluating and not for everyone. I find that attractive women and average women need to be discriminated in some way (a numbering system is as good as any) to help you to make decisions about who you want to approach first.

Because most men believe that attractive women are all "game" players and unapproachable, the men that do approach them and score become the "other" guys. It is possible that many of these women put up b*tch barriers to protect themselves from the countless AFCs and assh*le jerks that approach them everyday? Its more of a defense mechanism than a character flaw. Sure, there are plenty of conceited women that believe there looks are their key to everything in life, but I have met many men that fall into this category with their income and possessions. What's the difference really? Getting turned down by these "losers" is a blessing not a curse. You are happier without them.

The assumptions most guys make about attractive women are based upon the limited approaches they make unsuccessfully. Rejection is painful but a necessary challenge to break through to acheive the real you. The "real" you rates women and gets more turned on by more attractive women. We want attractive women more. Plain and simple. Once they open their mouths, the game of attraction can change, but you'll never know what will happen if you don't approach the hotties. Once you conquer your fear of rejection, your approaches become second nature and are independent of the individual woman no matter her rating.

Mister Big

Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
Originally posted by belividere
Not to be a **** but that title is mis-leading as hell. You complacency with the average girls is affecting your success with the hotties. You're not even approaching the hotties because average girls are easy. You cannot claim success or failure with hotties if you aren't trying.
Good points. Remember that roles become reversed with average women. They become the AFCs and we become the hot target. This might feel good for awhile, but you are caving to your fears and will never be happy in this situation. No one wants to date an AFC on either side of the gender fence. Just a quick fix at best.