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  1. G

    Fish Oil Dosage

    I just ordered NOW Ultra Omega 3 fish oil ( and I was wondering how many I should take per day. It has 1.0g fish oil and 500mg EPA/250mg DHA per pill. I have seen a lot of different recommendations and would like suggestions on what dosage I...
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    bringing up lagging body parts

    Maybe lagging is the wrong term. My chest and arms have grown a lot since I started lifting and my strength on those lifts continues to increase, but my lower body seems disproportionately big compared to my upper body. I was just wondering if possibly using more volume on my chest and arm...
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    bringing up lagging body parts

    Hey guys, I started working out last November and did Rippetoes until June and have been on Madcow's 5x5 since. My strength still continues to increase and I really like training in the 5 rep range. I have went from around 130 to 170 and have stayed pretty lean. The only problem is that my...
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    5x5 deload week

    Thanks. That sounds good. What would you recommend for the weight to use for those 3 sets? The 1st, 3rd, and 5th sets of week 7 or my top 3 sets?
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    5x5 deload week

    I just finished week 7 of madcow's intermediate 5x5 program and I feel that I need a deload week. I haven't stalled on any of the lifts, but I have been feeling a little sluggish lately and the heavy sets are getting to be tough. I don't think I need to reset the whole program because my lifts...
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    Large belly

    I was wondering the same thing. I used to think that my stomach stuck out too much for someone that is skinny, but after I started lifting my posture improved and it doesn't look that way anymore. Even with the stomach bloat from food and water that I see at the end of the day (I'm bulking)...
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    Bulk is Stalling

    I will try to add some more protein to my diet. Right now I am getting around 250g a day. I will bump that up at least 50g and see if that gets my weight going up again.
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    Bulk is Stalling

    I started bulking around 4-5 months ago and went from 135 to 155. However, I haven't gained any weight in almost 2 months and am trying to figure out changes to my diet that I can make to get the scale moving again. My lifts are still increasing (I'm using Rippetoe's program), but I would like...
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    Rippetoe-->Now What?

    Thanks for the replies guys. I think you are right that I can still get more out of this program. I was just a little tired and had an off workout or two last week and felt like the weight was getting too heavy. But I took a little time off and my lifts feel good again. I will remain on...
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    SamoJednom's Workout Journal

    I am glad to see you are starting on Rippetoe's program. However, I would like to provide you with some advice: -Make sure you start with light weight on each of the exercises. 70% of your 5 rep max is a good starting point. It may seem easy at first, but because you are adding weight each...
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    Rippetoe-->Now What?

    I have been on Rippetoe's program for 14 weeks now and I feel that it is time to change to a different routine. The program was great and I have seen fantastic results from it. However, I just cannot keep putting up new PRs every workout like the program demands. I would recommend it to all...
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    I dont like my workout help me out

    -I did not follow his meal plan. Most of what I have learned about diet has come from this board (mainly WBA) and from searching around the internet. A typical day looks like this for me: 8am: Shake 10:30am: usually some wheat bread or other small snack 12:00pm: grilled chicken...
  13. G

    Bulking: Food Recipes

    I make a shake similar to the one you posted. I have 2 a day. One in the morning and another Post-Workout or in the early evening on off days. 1 cup Skim Milk 2 scoops Optimum Whey Protein 1 cup Oats 1 Banana or a couple strawberries 1 spoonful of Olive oil I feel these shakes have...
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    I dont like my workout help me out

    -I am on week 13 and am still adding weight to each exercise every workout. The key is to start light with weight you can handle easily and work on your form. It may seem too easy at first, but it will get harder quickly and this will enable you to continue adding small increments of weight...
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    I dont like my workout help me out

    That is one of the best programs for BEGINNERS out there. I stress beginners because they benefit from the ability to increase the weight on their exercises very quickly without getting burned out. Many people (some on this board, myself included) have used this program and have seen great...
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    Post Workout Nutrition (PWO + PPWO)

    My PWO shake consists of: 50g Whey 1 cup Oats (55g carbs) 1 cup Skim Milk 3 Strawberries My question is am I taking in enough carbs post-workout and should I be taking in simple carbs instead of complex carbs?
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    The hardest thing I've ever done: Squat 230x21 RAW (video)

    Nice work bro. I love watching these videos. They are great motivation.
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    While it is annoying to wake up a couple times a night to go to the bathroom, I usually fall right back to sleep. You're right though, this could be preventing me from falling into a deep sleep. The problem I'm more concerned with is the fact that I cannot fall asleep when I initially lay...
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    I started bulking about 10 weeks ago and in that time I've put on 10-15 lbs. However, I have had trouble falling asleep during this period and my sleep has not been as deep as it used to be. I was wondering if the time of my food intake could be the cause. Here is what I eat and when I eat...
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    Creatine Ethyl Ester/Taurine

    From searching around the web, I've found that 2g pre and 2g post workout of CEE seems to be a good amount to intake. The container says 1/4 teaspoon = 860mg. So that means 1/2 teaspoon = 1.72g. If I take a heaping 1/2 teaspoon of CEE, that will be close to 2g, correct? Also, I have not...