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  1. G

    Creatine Ethyl Ester/Taurine

    Thanks for the replies guys. I picked up Bulk Nutrition CEE and Taurine, both in powder form. I was wondering what dosage you recommend taking and when the best time to take it is? Thanks
  2. G

    Creatine Ethyl Ester/Taurine

    Any other suggestions? Specific brands? Pill or powder form? Thanks
  3. G

    Creatine Ethyl Ester/Taurine

    Hey guys, I am about to order some more protein powder and I want to try Creatine Ethyl Ester and Taurine. Are there any specific brands that you would recommend? I've looked around some and this seems to be a popular and well-reviewed brand of CEE...
  4. G

    groin pain from squats

    Apparently it was just some soreness and it is feeling a lot better. I took your guys' advice and did a 5 minute warm up (no stretching) and then went into my warm up sets. I felt a lot more loosened up than I had in the past when I was just stretching cold before my workout. Thanks for the...
  5. G

    groin pain from squats

    I am following Mark Rippetoe's program for beginners. Following this program, you squat 3 times a week. Your workset is 3x5 with the same weight for each set and you start the program off at a weight that is much lighter than your max and then attempt to add some weight to the bar each...
  6. G

    groin pain from squats

    I just started working out about 3 weeks ago and I am doing Rippetoe's program. For the past week or so, I have felt some pain in my groin area. It is much worse on the left side, but I feel it a little on the right side too. The pain isn't real bad, but it is uncomfortable when I stretch...
  7. G

    Peanut Butter

    Thanks for the replies guys. I looked at the nutrition facts for a couple different brands of peanut butter and the ones that say no sugar added have 2g of sugar and the normal jif creamy that I have has only 3g. Does it really make that big of a difference? Also, in your guide WBA, you...
  8. G

    Peanut Butter

    Hey guys, I was just wondering what brand of Peanut Butter is the healthiest. I have always bought Jif Creamy peanut butter, but I remember reading in the past that there are healthier brands. Could you recommend a certain brand or tell me what to look for when purchasing peanut butter...
  9. G

    No, you do NOT love her...a comprehensive REALITY check!

    This is great advice. I wish I would've came across this thread back when it was originally posted because I was going through a really bad case of infatuation/oneitis and I know this would've helped. I have come to the same conclusions that Wyldfire suggests mainly through weeding out the...
  10. G

    ONEITIS - Lets Be Honest

    If there is a possibility that she has feelings for you and you want to pursue a relationship with her, then go for it. However, if you do get LJBF'ed or are with her and are totally consumed and emotionally attached to her, then you have to break contact with her. Focus on improving yourself...
  11. G

    ONEITIS - Lets Be Honest

    I have to agree, these threads really do help a lot. Over the past year I have dealt with a really nasty case of oneitis. It was the worst experience of my life and every day felt like torture. Now that I am starting to make progress and don't feel the constant pain and emotional attachment...
  12. G

    Rippetoe or Standard Routine?

    Thanks for the reply. I have heard good things about Rippetoe's program for beginners, but I would love to hear some people's experiences on this board who have used it. I don't see much about it here, so if anyone has followed the program, could you please post your results? Thanks
  13. G

    No, we can't just be friends!

    I just came across this thread and I think there is a lot of truth to it. I had been an acquaintance with a girl for about 2 years and never was even the least bit attracted to her in any way during that time (she is a 5 at best). Well after knowing her all this time and never feeling a...
  14. G

    Rippetoe or Standard Routine?

    Hey guys. I am 23, 5'8" and weigh around 135 right now. I want to start lifting, but I am unsure what workout routine to begin. I am not a total beginner. I lifted pretty hard about 2 years ago and was up around 160 before I graduated college, but then I went through some tough times after...