Bulk is Stalling


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2006
Reaction score
I started bulking around 4-5 months ago and went from 135 to 155. However, I haven't gained any weight in almost 2 months and am trying to figure out changes to my diet that I can make to get the scale moving again. My lifts are still increasing (I'm using Rippetoe's program), but I would like to put on another 10-20lbs. Also, I would preferably like to do it eating clean food. Here is what I eat on a daily basis:

8am: Shake - 1 cup skim milk, 2 scoops whey, 1/2 cup oats, banana, flax seed oil
1030am: couple slices of wheat bread
1230pm: cheeseburger or grilled chicken sandwich, beef stew
330pm: 7oz bag of tuna on 2 slices of wheat bread
5pm: Apple
630pm: Shake - 1 cup skim milk, 2 scoops whey, 1 cup oats, 3 strawberries
830pm: chicken breast/steak/salmon/shrimp/ground beef with wheat pasta/brown rice
11pm: 3 eggs, toast

I literally eat the same thing everyday and I think my body has adapted to the calorie intake. I need to add more calories, but I am not sure where to add them. It already feels like I am eating all day long. Does anyone have any suggestions on where I could add in some more calories or tips on what to do when your bulk begins to stall?


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Hehe yeah, if you're no longer gaining weight, you just need more calories. A p1ss-easy and cheap way to add calories to your diet is in the form of healthy fats, i.e. olive oil.

1 tbsp (tablespoon) of olive oil (and sunflower oil also) contains 120cals, so getting down a few tablespoons of oil is a pretty easy way of getting more calories in. Maybe try adding 4 tbsps to your diet, taken throughout the day. Add the olive/sunflower oil to your whey shakes, you won't taste it, and it'll slow the digestion of the whey down ;)

I don't think taking this extra fat in my shakes fills me up btw, so it should work alright.



Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
20 lbs in 4 or 5 months? All I hear is good stuff from Rippetoe. I'm going to have to do it when I get a gym membership.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
gkmantis said:
I started bulking around 4-5 months ago and went from 135 to 155. However, I haven't gained any weight in almost 2 months and am trying to figure out changes to my diet that I can make to get the scale moving again. My lifts are still increasing (I'm using Rippetoe's program), but I would like to put on another 10-20lbs. Also, I would preferably like to do it eating clean food. Here is what I eat on a daily basis:

8am: Shake - 1 cup skim milk, 2 scoops whey, 1/2 cup oats, banana, flax seed oil NOT BAD
1030am: couple slices of wheat bread PROTEIN?
1230pm: cheeseburger or grilled chicken sandwich, beef stew HOW MUCH PROTEIN HERE?
330pm: 7oz bag of tuna on 2 slices of wheat bread NOT BAD
5pm: Apple PROTEIN?
630pm: Shake - 1 cup skim milk, 2 scoops whey, 1 cup oats, 3 strawberries
830pm: chicken breast/steak/salmon/shrimp/ground beef with wheat pasta/brown rice HOW MUCH CHICKEN/MEAT? GIVE A QUANTITY

I literally eat the same thing everyday and I think my body has adapted to the calorie intake. I need to add more calories, but I am not sure where to add them. It already feels like I am eating all day long. Does anyone have any suggestions on where I could add in some more calories or tips on what to do when your bulk begins to stall?
Basically, you need to go on a structured diet with 300g protein a day (50-60g per meal) plus extra protein on workout days, that should get you going again.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
Are you eating any vegetables?

One thing I learned about myself was that when I began eating seriously, things were not staying regular in the intestinal department because I rarely ate vegetables. When I started adding a serious quantity of vegetables it did a few things:
1) my digestive system started functioning like a well-oiled machine
2) that feeling of always full and fatigued diminished significantly
3) metabolism & appetite increased, and so did gains, without a massive increase in the amount I was eating

Getting some fiber in the diet is important, but for me it was specifically making a conscious effort to eat lots of vegetables as much as possible that really made a difference. But that said don't discount the importance of protein intake...


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2006
Reaction score
Warboss Alex said:
8am: Shake - 1 cup skim milk, 2 scoops whey, 1/2 cup oats, banana, flax seed oil NOT BAD
1030am: couple slices of wheat bread PROTEIN? I'll add a small shake: 1 scoop whey, tbsp flax seed oil. Sound good?
1230pm: cheeseburger or grilled chicken sandwich, beef stew HOW MUCH PROTEIN HERE? Around 40g of protein
330pm: 7oz bag of tuna on 2 slices of wheat bread NOT BAD
5pm: Apple PROTEIN? I just eat this on my way home from work to keep my appetite up.
630pm: Shake - 1 cup skim milk, 2 scoops whey, 1 cup oats, 3 strawberries
830pm: chicken breast/steak/salmon/shrimp/ground beef with wheat pasta/brown rice HOW MUCH CHICKEN/MEAT? GIVE A QUANTITY Usually a half pound piece of meat/ground beef or ~50g of protein from shrimp
11pm: 3 eggs, toast MORE PROTEIN NEEDED, LOSE THE CARBS 4-5 eggs better?

Basically, you need to go on a structured diet with 300g protein a day (50-60g per meal) plus extra protein on workout days, that should get you going again.
I will try to add some more protein to my diet. Right now I am getting around 250g a day. I will bump that up at least 50g and see if that gets my weight going up again.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Like Alex said get your protein intake up id say to 325g a day at your weight now.

If you dont have a fitday account its time to make one fitday.com, if you dont have a food scale its time to get one (there very cheap)

From there its time to weigh your food and be nit picky for a week to see what your really getting vs what you estimate your getting. This will probably blow you away, i know a lot people that estimate and end up being off by a lot.

Another important thing is to only count protein from animals, dairy and whey towards your protein total.

So get your protein to 325g daily, and add 2-4 tablespoons of olive oil (would just take it straight instead of putting it in a shake unless you like drinking a nasty olive oil tasting shake) and your muscle gains will start up again.