SamoJednom's Workout Journal


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
Hey all, this is my official workout journal. I will update every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday!!

My Info:
Age: 21
Weight: 179lbs
Height: 5'10"

My workout is Mark Rippetoe's workout plan and here is it's outline.


Squats 3x5
Bench 3x5
Dead Lift 1x5
Dips 2x6


Squat 3x5
Standing Military Press 3x5
Pendlay Rows 3x5
2x5 chinups

January 30th

2x6 45 lbs (bar)
2x6 55 lbs
2x6 65 lbs
2x5 85 lbs
2x5 95 lbs
3x5 100 lbs

(Overdid it a bit on the squats but it was more to see my limit at it and to get my form at first trust me it's quite different than watching a video of somebody doing it)

Bench Press:
1x12 45 lbs (bar)
2x5 55 lbs
2x5 75 lbs
2x5 85lbs
1x5 95lbs (at this moment could not do more I belive due to over doing it on the squat few times I had improper form and trust me my triceps burned for some reason because my back was way packed inwards but after I got proper form no burning except felt bit of burn in my hams :D)

Dead Lift:
1x12 45lbs (bar)
2x6 70lbs
2x5 100lbs
2x5 135lbs
1x5 150 lbs (Not sure if this was my max limit but I over did it as mentioned before on squats so I will be ready for it next time hehe :) )


Total Workout time is 1hr : 15 minutes but will keep it under 50 minutes mark, took longer today because was first time going in and I did not know limits had quite few warm ups in my exercises.
Thats it for today people, drank my 60g protein shake after this work out, in about 30 mins gonna make myself some complex carb meals and am good for today am update on Thursday.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2006
Reaction score
I am glad to see you are starting on Rippetoe's program. However, I would like to provide you with some advice:

-Make sure you start with light weight on each of the exercises. 70% of your 5 rep max is a good starting point. It may seem easy at first, but because you are adding weight each workout (2.5 to 5lbs), it will get tougher quickly. You should not be failing to complete your worksets on the first day, or anytime soon for that matter.

-This may be more of a personal preference, but it seems that you are doing a lot of warmup sets. This is unnecessary. The goal of your warm up sets should be to loosen up your body and get your CNS prepared for the worksets you are about to perform. I recommend doing less warm up sets and keep the weight lighter and not so close to your worksets for the day.

-You would benefit a lot from purchasing the book Starting Strength. It seems that you have not worked with these exercises much before, so your form may not be perfect. His detailed explanations of the exercises are very helpful. Also, he breaks down the program in more detail, such as how you should structure your warm up sets, how much weight you should add and how often, and when you should reset the weight.

Hope this helps and good luck with the program.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
Reaction score
gkmantis said:
-This may be more of a personal preference, but it seems that you are doing a lot of warmup sets. This is unnecessary. The goal of your warm up sets should be to loosen up your body and get your CNS prepared for the worksets you are about to perform. I recommend doing less warm up sets and keep the weight lighter and not so close to your worksets for the day.
I mostly agree though I'd rather see someone warm up too much rather than not enough. Most casual lifters don't warm up nearly enough. He can definitely cut all those double sets down to one, and make 20-30 lb jumps between warmup sets. And he can definitely do fewer reps as he approaches the workset weight. It's more art than science but this is a great guide:

Basically, your last few warm-up sets as you approach your worksets should only need 1-3 reps. Applying this directly to his above workout you might come up with the following:

Squat warmups:
1x12 45 lbs (bar)
1x6 65 lbs
1x3 85 lbs

3x5 100 lbs

Bench Press:
1x12 45 lbs (bar)
1x6 65 lbs
1x3 85 lbs

3x5 95 lbs

Dead Lift:
1x12 45 lbs (bar)
1x6 75 lbs
1x3 105 lbs
1x1 135 lbs

1x5 150 lbs

form is definitely the key on these big lifts, so I don't see how it can hurt to do too many light lifts at this early stage. but the above patterns will leave you lots more muscle glycogen to put up bigger weights as you start to make progress.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks a lot qkmantis and Throttle will take the advice.

For some reason I over warmed up on my weights must of been because it was my first time but after lifting for that many warm ups it does wear you down a bit if over done.

I read on how to properly warm up before you do your work set but don't know why I didn't follow it so i paid for it.

Another thing that helped me quite a bit was that there were people who were doing the same lifts as me so I asked if it was alright to see how they did it and for some pointers and had them watch me when I did it to tell me my form. I went Ass to Ground on my squats meaning past parallel. Once you go below that you get that nice burn feel hehe. Also don't be shy people if its your first time in the gym a lot of the people are very friendly and would not mind to show you hot to do things.

The thing that took the longest to get used to on my squat was that pressure needs to be on your heel and not on the front toes.

Is there a supplement to doing the dips, they are bit tough to do after the Big 3 but wouldn't mind sticking to em.. If there is no supplement to it can I do the DIPS before I do the BIG 3????

-Does anyone want me to post my daily intake of food to? Let me know and I will start posting that as well.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Journal is looking good. Yeah the gym is one place where guys love to help other guys out. Be selective in who you pick. The majority of guys there know nothing at all but mean very well so they'll try to sway you to there messed up methods, espcially if they see your routine.

If your gym has personal trainers ask them to check your form. One thing that the trainers usually know well is form but draw the line at that because there known to give terrible lifting advice as well.

Whats going on with the Dips? If there too hard then do assisted Dips


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
Unfortunately the gym does not have an assisted dip... just the bar :(! But I think the main reason it was really tough to do them was because I over-warmed up on my lifting. Will do the warm ups how they should of been done today and see how those dips feel then.

Yep, I just asked them to see the form already got the general idea from videos how am supposed to lift them but it is quite a bit different when your doing it and watching it being done heh!

Will update my log in about 4 hr time going lifting in 2 hrs.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
February 1st 2007

What a day hehe!! :)

This is part 2 of the workout

3X5 Squat
3x5 Standing Military Press
3x5 Pendely Rows
2x5 Chin ups

1x8 Bar (45lbs)
1x5 65 lbs
1x3 85lbs
3x5 110 lbs ( gain of 10lbs since last time)

Standing Military Press
1x8 bar (45lbs)
1x5 55lbs
1x4 65lbs
3x5 75lbs

Pendley Rows

1x8 Bar (45 lbs)
1x5 65lbs
1x4 75lbs
3x5 85lbs (felt pretty heavy to me) so I might re-do it at this weight next time I do it as well.... but will see.. bad thing is my gym don't have 2.5lbs incriments :( might have to purchase some... Also my form was not the best on this was hard to tell my body just to do it with the arms while keeping back parallel to floor and knees bent.... will take some time to get used to this exercise.

Chin Ups
1x4.... Damn could not do more... :(!! feel pretty weak about it but I do weight like 180lbs but thats just an excuse... if its hard for me to do these is there a supplement to Chin ups?

Overall I was pretty happy with this workout took about 50 mins total to do. Not including my 10 minute warm up on the bike and the 4 min or so stretching I did in my body :p....

Let me know how my numbers are looking or if anyone got something to add hehe :)!

EDIT: Almost forgot to add... there were these really nice looking set of Latina ladies... god did they have nice assets.... I was doing my squats when they were passing in the hallway I guess I just happen to stop... they were looking at me when I was doing em I guess lol!!!.... Went took a drink then rested then went for Pendley Rows... The 2 girls stuck pretty close to me... but I didn't do anything because I was all about my workout!!!! When I was leaving one of the girls gave me the look o you bastard why didn't you come over and get my number so you can fvuck me !!! lol I got that feeling o well anyone ever get those?


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Keep working those rows, thats a really good exercise.

As for chin ups since your gym doesn't have a assisted dip machine i assume theres no chin up your substitute for chins would be hammer pull downs or lat pull downs.

And your subs for Dips would be Barbell Bench or Incline Barbell Bench

As for the girls, gaming in the gym is a lot of fun. I'm in mexico now so i understand where your coming from with the latinas the girls here are amazing and keep me busy between sets.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks a lot for those substitutes EFFORT. Thats going to help a lot. My lower body = much stronger then my upper.

The Pendley Rows, i can feel the burn in my arms so i can only guess that it works really good lol!. As I said I will have to stick to 85 unless I buy some 2.5lbs weights or some chains because I don't think I will be able to do 95lbs next time( but might give a shot :D)

Another note, saw 2 guys hammering away at their biceps with dumbells for like at least 100 repetitions. Boy did I feel sorry for those biceps almost made me say to try the Rows.. but not my place just a beginner..

Second note.. I did get the feeling those girls came to pick some guys up like we pick them up :). Am a uni student and there are quite a few of those that come to the gym... get quite bit of attention but not interested...I really don't feel like putting my guy where at least a train has passed threw :whistle:

Third Note: Lucky you, you have nice warm weather, minis all over... and what do I have? Girls under 4 layers because its so damn cold :(!.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
February 04 2007

Workout 1:

Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
Dips 2x5

1x10 bar (45 lbs)
1x5 65lbs
1x5 90lbs
3x5 120lbs (10 lbs increase since last)

1x8 bar (45lbs)
1x5 65lbs
1x5 85lbs
3x5 100lbs ( 5lbs increase)

1x8 bar (45lbs)
1x5 75lbs
1x5 100lbs
1x3 135lbs
3x5 155lbs (about 25lbs increase)

Was a bit of an idiot on the deads... forgot I had to do 1x5... not 3x5 !!!

1x4 (Damn they are hard after all those heavy exercises, had 6 more left but could not do em!!! gona have to sub them for some other exercise EFFORT suggested)


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
February 6 2007

Workout 2:

3x5 Squat
3x5 Standing Military Press
3x5 Pendley rows or if you prefer Bent Rows
3x5 Lateral Pulldowns
3x5 Weighted Situps

1x10 Bar 45lbs
1x5 65lbs
1x5 95lbs
3x5 130 lbs... (Taught I had 125 on there but lol was doing 130 go me :woo: )

Standing Military Press
1x8 Bar 30lbs
1x5 65lbs
3x5 80lbs (Damn Doing these standing up is tough!!!)

Pendley Rows
1x8 Bar 45lbs
1x5 65lbs
3x5 90lbs (Yea this exercise burns!!!!! finally got my form down go me :woo: )

Lateral Pull Downs
1x10 1lb yea checked how it went to get form right :p
3x5 Mark 7 (70lbs) Do I do these close or wide grip????

Weighted Sit ups at like 45/50 degree angle
3x5 25lbs Plate

Thats it feel free to comment :D! Am also not feeling as sore as before :rockon:


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
February 8 2007

Workout 1:

3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench
1x5 Deadlift
2x10 Dumbell Bench
3x5 Weighted Sit Ups

1x10 Bar 45lbs
1x6 70lbs
1x5 90lbs
1x5 110lbs
3x5 135lbs (Could of added 5 more but decided to leave till next workout)

1x10 Bar 45lbs
1x5 65lbs
1x5 85lbs
3x5 105lbs ( I feel like am really strugling on the bench.. my upper body is
way way way weaker then my lower... anyone have any
recommendations to build up more upper body strength with
the stuff am already doing?)

1x10 Bar 45lbs
1x5 80lbs
1x3 120lbs
1x5 165lbs (10 lbs more then last time)

Dumbell Bench
3x5 20lbs (Could of probably done 25-30 but after those workouts tough)

Situps @ 35-45 degree angle
3x5 w/25lbs Plate

Feel free to comment kinda lonely here :trouble:


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
February 11 2007

Workout 2

3x5 Squat
3x5 Military Press
3x5 Bent Over Rows (Pendly Rows)
3x5 Lateral Pull Downs
3x5 SitUps

1x10 Bar 45lbs
1x6 65lbs
1x6 85lbs
1x4 110lbs
3x5 140lbs (Could of add'ed 5-10 more lbs but saved for next time)

Military Press
1x10 Bar 35lbs
1x5 55lbs
1x5 70lbs
3x5 85lbs (Should I do less warm ups here?)

Bent Over Rows
1x10 Bar 45lbs
1x6 65lbs
1x5 80lbs
3x5 95lbs

Lateral Pull Downs
3x5 Mark 8 (80lbs)

Sit ups 35/45 Degree angle
3x5 w/ 25lbs plate on Chest

Thats it for today feel free to comment :)

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
aaah thats it, my Serb is rusty, haven't been for a few years, though Toronto is like Serbia jr.

I went on Rippetoe a few months ago and got tremendous gains, its a great program, though I prefer the 5x5 layout.

Hows your diet? thats really the key if youre bulking.

Make sure you get the form down on all the lifts, dont try and bump the weight too early to satisfy the ego (I know, its hard!) This is especially important with squats and deadlifts. Make sure youre going all the way down and not leaning.

Ill look over this thread later and see if there is any advice I can give, if you have any qs let me know.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
Ahh awsome,

Yeah there plenty of Serbs where ever you go :)!!!!! Me being one of em haha.

Well so far been doing 2x body weight in protein keeping carbs in the 350-450 range... Fat about 120-130 trying to go even less.

Am also not putting too much on my lifting. I usually up em by 5 on some lifts I know I could do like 10 each time like Squats but I add every week so thats 15lbs in a week so its a lot over a months time.

Haven't had any problems with the squats or deadlifts pretty easy and gets me really going. I am just not a big fan of the Bent Over Rows but got to do em... they are tough really tough lol but thats because my Upper Body = Way weak compared to lower...

O by the way got few family members in Toronto :D!
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6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
Wow good job on the diet man, getting 2x protein is hard. you started at 179, what do you weigh now?

Bent over rows are tough im still trying to perfect the form with them. I used 1-arm DB rows for a while to build a strength base, though BB is better. Youll also notice a lot of carryover from deadlift strength to rows.

Good call on the weight increases, if you find yourself struggling with a weight dont increase it, nail the 3x5 then bump it. 15lbs/week = 60lbs/month! Thats awesome, I hate it to break it to you though, but it wont last forever. ;)

Where are you situated?


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
The 2x protein in my weight is hard to get in.. Really got to force myself to eat... I can't eat much in the mornings but I have to!. Otherwise I can't get all my protein in lol. To try and keep my fat low am trying what the guy on suggested to eat one day above in cals and another day under by like 300-400 cals.

Right now I weigh 184 normally its about 188 but mornings say 184 (Stuff gets digested/water loss). Don't really weigh myself often. First time I did it was 3 weeks ago and did it again about 2 days ago.

Am happy with my weight increases but as you stated its going to get really tough in about a month to keep increasing like I am now... I will still stay on program as long as my deadlift + squats are increasing once they stop switching to 5x5.

One thing I noticed was the more I eat the less sore I am so thats a good thing hehe!!!...

Currently attending Iowa State University in the States.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
The calorie cycling you're doing works if you're try to recomposition your body and is better employed when you have some mass on you. At your present weight I'd do cardio and employ a carb cutoff instead - since your goal seems to be to gain muscular weight?