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  1. J

    Attention Ho & BPD = Same thing?

    Very interesting reading, sounds like these women are Succubi made flesh For younger readers
  2. J

    I question my morality.

    Luveno, youve been dating this woman for 6months. There've been no arguments, she even does stuff to make your life easier...shes ever so helpful, isnt she Soon as she moves in, watch the help dry up and the arguments fly. Youve had a taste of her dark side, "emphatic resistance and...
  3. J

    stuck and cant get to next level with her!

    Im not sure that they do know that "pickings are getting slimmer", only that the pickings are slim and present at a constant regardless of age. The women, all women know, that once people starting marrying around 30, that single good men are rare to find. What they dont know, is that there is...
  4. J

    stuck and cant get to next level with her!

    I agree that on the whole, older women arent easier to get into bed, infact theyre harder -They dont realise that after 40, men start dying off rapidly. So there are alot more women than men in that age group and above.So they still see themselves as "the precious sought-after prize"...
  5. J

    How would you respond to "I think I'm going to give my ex another try" *LONG*

    Mr.Me and jophil28, crystal-clear powerful posts. Excellent
  6. J

    Married woman that's unhappy? Is this common? :P

    So you ARE a masochist then. Perhaps emotional pain and humiliation turn you on?
  7. J

    Girl lied about her age, how would you react?

    You are correct, there are quite a few ethnicities where a 40yo woman could easily pass for a 28yo
  8. J

    Female - Looking for honest advice

    Alpha Female, from your post I couldnt tell if in your romantic relationships whether you wish to lead or do you wish to be led? (From observation, even now, few western women want real parity in a romantic relationship. Most whether through nature and/or nuture, want to be submissive to their...
  9. J

    man without car...8th wonder of the world

    Interesting that a 22yo has given the only concrete suggestion for regaining the conversation initiative While posts of support for the The_last_Gunslinger's (OP) position are reassuring to the OP. I sensed that the OP was asking more, for examples of wit, humour or dominance which with, to...
  10. J

    The New Age Factor- Cougars / Milfs

    As you complain of the attention youre getting while at work in clubs. Are you wearing these jeans (and other clothes) that show off your "great ass", to these clubs?
  11. J

    Married woman that's unhappy? Is this common? :P

    From your post, she cheats with impunity, sex is like tennis to her...always a new partner around the corner If this woman admitted to being with 30 guys, then the real number is closer to 100 or even 150
  12. J

    FR. Apparently someone's cherry got popped.

    I agree also with the two previous posters
  13. J

    Dealing with aggressive women

    Absolutely it is, because as far as most western women, and a few of the men on this site are concerned. They, the women, CHOOSE you. You have no say in the matter. Oh Im not talking about women who are open and aggressive in their pursuit. It's more than that. Im talking about the women...
  14. J


    Thanks I enjoyed reading the exert, you could sense the rapport even just reading the words. Ive always wanted to read a MM's FR, to see the flirting flow of a socially fluent over28yo man. As Alot of FR's or youtube clips arent really relevant for someone who nolongers clubs or isnt in uni...
  15. J

    Susan, part two.

    That's actually very good lol I stopped reading after this in the first paragraph, "She held out her hand as if to shake yet more dainty almost as if she expected me to kiss it.". Good grief. I felt the hand of fiction heavily on potato's shoulder