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  1. J

    what is love?

    The Ancient Greeks outlined loves different hues, according to the nature of the relationship. I believe, romantic love ideally should be a romantic bond between lovers that has the depth, the acceptance...
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    Feminized in the USA

    '****rock' (hardrock 1970to 1990 think thin lizzy, motorhead etc) as it is called here in the uk was created by men in tights jeans It' jessica' is widely known as the theme to the BBC Two motoring programme Top Gear and its popular reformatted revival...
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    Feminized in the USA

    your reply rather gives a lie to men being the more logical, more rational, less emotiional – yeah that’s why men and women in equal numbers get defrauded by con-artists or drawn into cults. Therapy in your case wouldn’t work, as you have no mind upon which to work. Youre mindless and...
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    Feminized in the USA

    haha you couldnt resist could you. why are relationship between aus and england(yes im english) rather like that between two 'friends' boxing sparring. where one just has to throw their punches with alittle more bite than necessary we may allow you to win the ashes next time ;-)...
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    Feminized in the USA

    Youre thinking about an external dialogue, but the sentiment works there too. I was thinking of more of internal dialogue. The limits of a man’s masculinity are limited by his fears. If a man wants to wear a dress, and the social conditions are benign enough as in virtually all the uk...
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    Feminized in the USA

    5 string, Im 35 and your memory must be going mate. I remember growing up seeing the boomer generation - your generation, my parents- in 'gel sh!t in their hair, bracelets, necklaces, skinny jeans and shirts with little designs and jewels on them'. I can supply the photos and youtube vids if you...
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    dating the rest of my life

    this greg and judy show One of your posts greg60 - interesting. Common talkings points of the 'manosphere', refracted through a parodic prism in my view greg60, you...
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    When did you notice you physically change cause of your age?

    What do we older adults do now we dont ‘go out’: when i was 19, I once asked a woman in her 30s what she did instead of clubbing . she replied, ' you find something else to do'. she never elaborated, but it's true. what happened to me: so i stopped going out. up until that point...
  9. J

    When did you notice you physically change cause of your age?

    Im a 35yo guy in the uk. Ive been writing this off and on for the last week. Looong post/s lol. i did try to proofread;-) Aging physical Energy The Brain I feel emotion more strongly. It feels as if the brain has stored all the memories associated with happiness in one...
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    needy girlfriend

    Well most women want to be submissive to their man in a relationship, however as is the variation of things - some women are dominant. From your words it looks like you gf wants to genuinely be the dominant, the lead in the relationship - either from the front or by back seatdriving. if...
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    Dating Someone on a "Sexual Hiatus"

    Davewe, the reason you correctly detect immaturity in yeah oh's post is because he IS immature. he is too young to be posting in here. I dont mind under25's posting here asking for advice or replying if they are mentally more mature than their yrs eg. Curiousgirl, Allegory or if they can...
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    Understanding The Bar Scene

    Op, pay no mind to the words of iqqi. iqqi is an old woman just trying to shame you for being a young man. iqqi has been here years and has repeatedly shown an inability to understand or empathise with we Men...or is it just a penis-envied refusal to. it has repeatedly shown an inability to...
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    No Response to Text. Next?

    hopelessguy, change you name. you are subconsciously reinforcing your hopeless state using that moniker... typing it everytime to login... seeing it associated with you... change your name.
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    I put penis in woman for the first time and do not ejaculate!!

    You know alot of guys feel only supreme disappoint when they enter a vagina for the first. Like long questing after a treasure chest, only to dust off its its, slow open it and find its 4 walls totally bare. Until the net, alot of focus was on women dont enjoy their first time. Now through men...
  15. J

    Men are more romantic than women?

    to romance a woman, is to show a man's inventiveness in creating mood, creating the drama of the unexpected - the surprise. in short, creating excitement, keeping the woman entertained *throws up*. as we all know women are excessively drawn to excitement, drama, and being entertained by men...
  16. J

    Very jealous/possessive girl in LTR

    yogy, you should have posted this in the mature man's section. you are 28. assuming that your gf is about the same age or just younger, then i believe the following: her behaviour is due to the fact that she nows perceives the corrosive passage of time on her skin, on her hips, on her face...
  17. J

    Tiger Woods....Official Thread [Merged]

    perhaps that is his kink. Plus some of the elite love to fetishise the 'authenticity' of ordinary people (look at how many emotional vampires support villages in developing countries). perhaps that too attracted him
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    I Am BROKEN..Please HELP ME

    Message, surprised your online pal didnt mention you might have a small member too. Die Hard, put me in the same arrrsehole camp too. My gut reaction was the same as yours, the story doesnt quite scan true. Something about it, for the reasons youve mentioned, feels off. It is not Message's...
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    My battle with a handsome millionaire over her (summarized)

    in the west currently, males slightly outnumber females in each age bracket eg 20to 25 yrs old , until the age of 40. after which men start dying off (overworked for little sex ;-) and only having one x chromosome) , rapidly producing a big surplus of women
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    Rate Tigers Mistress

    im surprised by how highly rated uchitel is, id would say she is a 5.5 - i wouldnt like to see her with no make-up and natural hair lolol. jaimee-grubbs, i would say is a 7.25. as to why tiger would choose these over 9s or 10s. well as with the female pua thread. why should there be a link...