Feminized in the USA


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Boilermaker said:
Carlin is the folk hero of our generation if not yours
You've got to be kidding me. I would suggest you might choose your heroes more carefully.
I used to like his old Hippie Dippie Weatherman routine, that was about it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
Boilermaker said:
Carlin is the folk hero of our generation if not yours.
You just reinforced my generation's opinions of your generation's undergrad mindset. Carlin tapped into that mentality quite skillfully and hooked you all in his pseudo leftist rants.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
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Amsterdam, NL
jophil28 said:
You just reinforced my generation's opinions of your generation's undergrad mindset. Carlin tapped into that mentality quite skillfully and hooked you all in his pseudo leftist rants.
Still, he showed more critical thinking than you do in your posts. That's why his work still is a breath of fresh air.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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zekko said:
You've got to be kidding me. I would suggest you might choose your heroes more carefully.
I used to like his old Hippie Dippie Weatherman routine, that was about it.
Blissfully ignorant or hysterically bitter. Either way, I am used to this behavior, from the grumpy old men club. Thankfully Carlin doesn't need your approval.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
... and hooked you all in his pseudo leftist rants.
Whatever that means...

I have a simple mind. I don't understand complicated things. I don't believe in everything I read or hear, because I have this thing called "Critical Thinking" ..

And I am not buying your generation's unshakable dogmas on Carlin, Feminism, politics or women. Thank you very much.


Jun 6, 2009
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Can you provide a rational argument for the claim that rap sucks. If rap sucks, then what form of music doesn't "suck"? I'm just curious.

I find that a statement as blatant as "rap sucks" appears to be based on highly personal sensibilities and individualized art tastes. Of course I might think a particular rap music sucks, but I wouldn't go as far to say that the whole genre sucks. If rap sucks, then it sucks for you. I like jazz, soul, hip hop, R&B, some rock, some pop. On the other hand, I don't fancy heavy metal and wouldn't claim heavy metal sucks--I just don't like it in general.

And the logical connection between rap music and feminization of America is entirely lost on me.
Its not so much the music but the baggy clothes walking around like they have a bag of sh!t hanging from their backside, the, caps on backwards, and mainly the whole "gangsta" tuff guy stuff. I feel like giving some of them a hiding when I see the little wannabees walking around the streets of Auckland.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
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Boilermaker said:
I have a simple mind. I don't understand complicated things.

For once, I agree with you. :yes:



Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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Yeah, I hate that sh!t too. Notice that you see those feminized dudes with pretty girls (as if those girls have a walking trophy), yet even nerdy me could probably kick those dudes @sses! I been having these impulses to want to take their women away that way too :woo:


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
5string said:
Ouch Tig!

Don't tell me what my "type" is. You don't know. But you seem to be an inquisitive little creature so I'll tell you.

Yes, I'm a boomer. One who served in the Army and put himself through college. One who has, and still does have a great career. And no, I don't have alot of toys. I have saved money I have earned. Money that has not been given to me through some entitlement program that you younger guys think is owed to you just by your very existence. I could stop working right now if I wanted to and not rely on taxpayers or anyone else.

Am I bloodless? Not at all. I raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the Make A Wish Foundation. WTF do you do to contribute to your fellow man? Impress me young DJ.

George Carlin? The very words you quoted describe that guy to a T. He's a fvckin loser who has made tons of money making fun of folks who are just like himself.

Nothing was ever given to me. I was never doped up for twenty years and I never had a free ride. I am a self made man and proud of it.

Are you by any chance the suit guy in this video?



Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
jonnnb said:
5 string, Im 35 and your memory must be going mate. I remember growing up seeing the boomer generation - your generation, my parents- in 'gel sh!t in their hair, bracelets, necklaces, skinny jeans and shirts with little designs and jewels on them'. I can supply the photos and youtube vids if you want ;-)
What were rockers (prog, blues, punk, new wave, hard, heavy metal, hairband), electrofunkers, soul and funk fellas, discokids wearing during the 70s and 80s ;-)

Thankfully it was your generation that has helped allowed men to wear ''gel sh!t in their hair, bracelets, necklaces, skinny jeans and shirts with little designs and jewels on them'.
Your generation thankfully overturned the then traditional western notions of masculinity and femininity, which are anything but traditional(women in all classes have always worked outside tthe home for example) and have existed not for thousands of yrs, but from only 1800ce ie.the stifling ‘work camp’ Victorian Temperance uppermiddle class ideal of masculinity and femininity that was ushered in, unfortunately by the 19th C ce revolutions in Europe and the social regimentation of the Industrial Revolution.
What is going on now, is a process of returning to more naturalistic masculinities and femininities, that we see echoed but not exactly in the histories

Also guess, which gender is first recorded as wearing high heels, stockings and suspenders, leggings, short dresses ;-)
besides anything a masculine man does, wears becomes masculine.
if a masculinity is scared of a piece of cloth, what does that say about the true strength of masculinity
It does not matter which generation caused what. That's not the fvckin point. The point is that guys are dressing like girls and acting feminine. This BS that you spewed above sounds like nothing more than an excuse to justify your man purse. You make about as much sense as a nickel.

Therapy might help you.
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Don Juan
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
Danger said:
This argument is nothing but shaming and could be used in any context.

Example: If masculinity is scared of a c0ck up the a$$, what does that say about the true strength of masculinity?

Youre thinking about an external dialogue, but the sentiment works there too. I was thinking of more of internal dialogue.

The limits of a man’s masculinity are limited by his fears. If a man wants to wear a dress, and the social conditions are benign enough as in virtually all the uk, that the only real risk a man face is mockery or laughter (having had an american partner, and spent time there, I know full there there are LOTS of places in the usa that arent benign). Then to not wear one because he feels fear of ridicule(with and family and employment commitments considered), is a weakness that is likely to reveal itself in more difficult tests

I remember laughing out aloud reading a costume site for renaissance fairs that offered the option for ‘ men who were reluctant to wear hose(pantyhose)’ , ankle length trousers (san-culottes) that European sailors wore during the 1500s ce!!!
Now while the brain is compartmentalised and cowardice in one area, doesn’t necessarily mean cowardice in a different area of life. If you were to compare the bravery, the ability to suppress their fears across a range of activities, of 5000 men who would wear pantyhose to an event where men of the time actually wore pantyhose. To 5000 men who were ‘reluctant’ to wear pantyhose to an event where men of the time actually wore pantyhose. I suspect that youd find a lot more of the pantyhose-wearing men would have your back in the trenches.

It’s easy to be a man when conditions are good, the true test of a man is adversity. The ability to have the mental and physical courage be a man when life’s m-16 is booyakaing.
To sling your fists when attacked and outnumbered, to speak up when social consensus is against you. Who is more likely to pass this test, the 5000 who can or the 5000 who cant wear pantyhose?

As to your external dialogue, when a man or woman.. or society ;-) says, ’ If masculinity is scared of a c0ck up the a$$, what does that say about the true strength of masculinity? ‘ Well a man with internal fortitude (and family and employment commitments considered) replies,’fvuk off’

eye of the tiger - survivor


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
I grew up in Australia and lived here and in the US and never saw men dressed like sad old ho's until I happened to see British video music clips on TV in the '80's.

Rule Brittannia.
haha you couldnt resist could you. why are relationship between aus and england(yes im english) rather like that between two 'friends' boxing sparring. where one just has to throw their punches with alittle more bite than necessary

we may allow you to win the ashes next time ;-)

I forgot to mention acid-rock, two-tone.
jophil in the late70s, early 80s you were a young man. So that’s punk, new wave, two-tone, funk, electrofunk, reggae, late disco, hard rock ala survivor (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btPJPFnesV4) era . What music were you into, which band/s did you follow.
kiss, journey, boston, acdc?
And you ‘never saw men dressed like sad old ho's until I happened to see British video music clips on TV in the '80's. ‘. Perhaps these links will reawaken your memory.

I googled, 'tight.jeans.1970s'

7 Nov 2010 ... The classic 70s flared jeans were tight fitting above the knee and flared below the knee. Both the young and the middle aged took to flares ...
After Elvis introduced it to the mainstream, however, guys with thickly greased- back hair, leather jackets, and tight jeans were seen in high schools all ...

In the UK in the 1970s, tight jeans gave briefs a temporary edge over boxer shorts, but a decade later boxers were given a boost by Nick Kamen's performance ...

Early '70s Boys' Clothes
Jeans were universally worn by teenage boys and young men in the early '70s. Most jeans were tight-fitting or flared blue jeans. Many boys still followed the styles of the late '60s, wearing longer hair, jeans and loose shirts. T-shirts and running shoes, particularly Adidas shoes like the Rom, along with jeans were popular for many boys.
Late '70s Punks
Punk had a huge impact on teenage fashion, as did the mod revival of the late 1970s. Youth fashion began to reject mainstream '70s fashion as being too close to the 1960s hippie fashion and culture. Both boys and girls joined the punk culture, wearing torn tight jeans with a straight or skinny cut. Classic '50s leather biker jackets were seen as cool, and hair was spiked or cut short. The group that was into disco maintained much of the style of the early '70s, with large lapels and flared pants. Disco colors were bright and light.

‘never saw men dressed like sad old ho's until I happened to see British video music clips on TV in the '80's.’ and yet on youtube when I watch vids from band between 1965 to 1992. I can tell someone is under 25 when they ask, ‘ if the band member is gay because of his clothing. They are simply not used too seeing men dressed as men, thanks to the loose clothing of the early 90s grunge and gansta-rap scenes( which i both hate)


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
5string said:
It does not matter which generation caused what. That's not the fvckin point. The point is that guys are dressing like girls and acting feminine. This BS that you spewed above sounds like nothing more for an excuse to justify your man purse. You make about as much sense as a nickel.

Therapy might help you.

your reply rather gives a lie to men being the more logical, more rational, less emotiional – yeah that’s why men and women in equal numbers get defrauded by con-artists or drawn into cults.

Therapy in your case wouldn’t work, as you have no mind upon which to work.
Youre mindless and have a heavy denseness.
.Im done with you.

Kisses darlin’
*Teeters off in heels

eye of the tiger - survivor


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
I am from Eastern Europe. And I was shocked when I ventured west ten years ago. I saw guys who obviously took better care of their appearance than the girls they were with. At first I thought they are just gay, but I had to rethink that. It was the metrosexual wave. Now it is in the East as well...for some time. I am still shocked when I meet an Italian guy with eyeliner, hollering and whistling on chicks.

I believe the reasons for this is...
Guys think, thanks to advertising and tons of celebrity female fans, that the holy grail is to look like that celebrity. Yes, there are plenty of superficial girls who proclaim, they would rather sleep with a wimp with shaven chest than with a whatever. I also believe it is the shyt test of the century.

Well, another lost generation of men who thought they are above the I have to kill a bear thing aka not in touch with their masculinity.

It makes Liberal left to ejaculate. 'Another generation of suppressed, castrated males who won't start any ugly wars.' I believe this is the undertone for education system, gun ban, shaming of anything masculine etc.

But guess what....Action movies are still very popular. BBC's Top Gear very popular. You can't change the world. Balance will come soon.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
DanelMadr said:
...[snip]BBC's Top Gear very popular. You can't change the world. Balance will come soon.
'****rock' (hardrock 1970to 1990 think thin lizzy, motorhead etc) as it is called here in the uk was created by men in tights jeans

It' jessica' is widely known as the theme to the BBC Two motoring programme Top Gear and its popular reformatted revival.

photos of The Allman Brothers Band wearing tight jeans, beads, long hair
http://swampland.com/img/Image/articles/allmanlegends/ABB Promofillmorejpg.jpg


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
Plinco said:
Yeah, I hate that sh!t too. Notice that you see those feminized dudes with pretty girls (as if those girls have a walking trophy), yet even nerdy me could probably kick those dudes @sses! I been having these impulses to want to take their women away that way too :woo:
So let me recap: acting out on jealousy and physical violence as a last resort?

You got a lot of work to do on yourself man.


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
5string said:

How anyone can admire this guy is beyond me.
He was a straight shooter. spoke his mind. like a true patriot critisized his government for invading sovereign nations and didn't bow down the neocons. Different from the sheeple who roll over as soon the govt gives them the command.

Freethinkers...non religious are people who I admire. (Albert einstein for example.)

There is a reason the carlin youtube videos have million of views.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Warrior74 said:
You know you are listening to a righteous old man skreed when they throw in the "quit listening to fvckin rap music ". Hahahahaha.

Dude. Go look up the word Hipster. Or better yet, here have a brain anurism.





The good news is...even hipster chics still respond to real men. I knew a few of them. They act like they don't care and they are too cool for school, but most of them are deathly afraid of stepping inside or outside of the box. A little push pull goes along way with the few I've met, I dare say they are completely delusional and its best let them stay that way. Be the bad guy in their own little drama that they "like, really don't even care about" lol.

Agreed, when society goes bad, blame rap
