My battle with a handsome millionaire over her (summarized)


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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it kind of sucks that she showed up and you weren't there banging some other chick! haha

but yeah, hmmmm..... it definitely "sounds" like she likes you more... but it sounds more like she's adjusting her tune to sound like how you want her to sound instead of how she really is... she figured out what you wanted to hear (aka: she figured out a way she felt she could get you back without breaking up with him. She gave you hope.) so i don't know if i'd personally believe her excuses for why she said things.

im not going to tell you what to do from here. some might say "leave her be" others might say "make her pay and hold out on her and then let her back in".... best bet is to see how she changes from here... and see how permanent those changes are... tread lightly on jumping back in bed with her... i've been in your situation way too many times... and unfortunately, when a woman is getting it good from you and not so good from the other - she will often say just about anything to continue getting it from you. (great sex is way more addicting than any other relationship element in my opinion... controversial belief or not.)


New Member
Dec 2, 2009
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bukowski_merit said:
Because you left her - you have a lot more respect than if she had left you.

She is going to keep cheating on him for as long as they stay together. The cycle of their relationship won't change, but you definitely can, by only going for women who are going to give you 100%.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
go back to how you started the post.

you have already conceded that he is 'better' than you.. the 'handsome millionare'. it's like you are stating that you know you dont' stack up and in your mind i don't think you think you deserve her over him

that's more of a problem than anything?

you think that just beucase he has a few extra breaks in life she gets the benefit of toying with you? you think that becuase he's 'rich' it's okay?

you need to move on. you aren't ready mentally to handle her first and foremost. you have self esteem issues. you have a defeatest mentality.

Did you really think that 39k/year had a chance against a millionaire? Then you're naive and have to go back to the drawing board.
you ovbiously don't know my story, becuase i AM a millionare and the girl that brought me to this site is married to an AFC camera guy for a little rock TV station and is as happy as a punk in the pen.

money is a factor. Definatly doesn't hurt. it's not THE factor.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
backbreaker said:
go back to how you started the post.

you have already conceded that he is 'better' than you.. the 'handsome millionare'. it's like you are stating that you know you don't stack up and in your mind i don't think you think you deserve her over him.

that's more of a problem than anything?

you think that just beucase he has a few extra breaks in life she gets the benefit of toying with you? you think that becuase he's 'rich' it's okay?

you need to move on. you aren't ready mentally to handle her first and foremost. you have self esteem issues. you have a defeatest mentality.

you ovbiously don't know my story, becuase i AM a millionare and the girl that brought me to this site is married to an AFC camera guy for a little rock TV station and is as happy as a punk in the pen.

money is a factor. Definatly doesn't hurt. it's not THE factor.
I must admit, this pretty much sums it all up.

To the OP, I understood your whole point of view, so I can't give you a TL; DR. If you wanna win the lottery that bad, buy out every combination. It can be figured out by this formula (assuming that there are 5 balls that go up to 50): 50*49*48*47*46. If you figure that out then buy them all.

39k a year is one thing but this millionaire is hardly replaceable. You are replaceable on the other hand. I think you can meet some quality women if you become a realtor.

This woman, however, had "GOLD-DIGGER" written all over her. If the millionaire isn't boring, she'll be happily ever after with him. If the millionaire is boring, she'll suck him dry. This girl really wasn't worth it. The fact that you left her ass shows that you have alpha in you somewhere.

I will tell you that a millionaire is guaranteed a girlfriend, no matter how old, short, boring, or ugly he is. Here again, millionaires are not easily replaceable. He was just higher up on the food chain than you. Those men have it a lot easier for obvious reasons.

I'm working on getting my first million and you should definitely do the same.

Case closed.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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The girl marries the millionaire while she fvcks the DJ. I don't see anything new here.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
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fuzzx said:
I have no idea wtf this forum is turning into... a bunch of fags who believe money trumps game??? Are you serious? Then another camp who actively engages low quality gold diggers... you guys are hopeless.

Roman God: I shop at value village bro and my gf belongs to a super rich family. Get over all that money bs.

Yeah! Yeah! If a hot chick has a choice between a bum with no job and a lot of game and an AFC with no game and a lot of money she'll surely choose the bum. I get it now.

I think you're onto something. Money has no bearing on who a woman chooses. I'm sure you buy her gifts from Value Village and she's delighted.

Speaking of fags, you're from the fag capital of Canada. Don't bend over.



Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Young cute women have many different men for many different reasons.. Get the idea of possessing a woman and having her all to your self out of your minds now.. just be glad you had a chance to stick your D in her.. Women, especially young cute ones have very little reason to be loyal or committed... with the over population of males we face today they can switch men every day if they want an never run out.. Things are so bad for men now that even older previously unwanted women in their 40s and 50s (milfs and cougers and sugar grannies) are back in the game and having more fun than most men.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2008
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in the west currently, males slightly outnumber females in each age bracket eg 20to 25 yrs old , until the age of 40.
after which men start dying off (overworked for little sex ;-) and only having one x chromosome) , rapidly producing a big surplus of women


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2009
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backbreaker said:
go back to how you started the post.

you have already conceded that he is 'better' than you.. the 'handsome millionare'. it's like you are stating that you know you dont' stack up and in your mind i don't think you think you deserve her over him

that's more of a problem than anything?

you think that just beucase he has a few extra breaks in life she gets the benefit of toying with you? you think that becuase he's 'rich' it's okay?

you need to move on. you aren't ready mentally to handle her first and foremost. you have self esteem issues. you have a defeatest mentality.

you ovbiously don't know my story, becuase i AM a millionare and the girl that brought me to this site is married to an AFC camera guy for a little rock TV station and is as happy as a punk in the pen.

money is a factor. Definatly doesn't hurt. it's not THE factor.

Well, i understand where you're coming from. And i think i do have a bit of a complex about it now.

My first "love" who i was with for 5 years left me because she graduated college and started a decent paying job and she felt like i was still going to be in the same spot 10 years from now. I like my spot though. I have a small house, and a very organized life. I'm not living in poverty or anything, and im not jaded enough to believe that was the "only" reason she left me. But it was something she could point at and say "ah ha"...

Then i go a few years of 10 or so other flings, and this girl comes along and again, money and success become an issue...

Am I personally displeased with my financial status? not really, it could be better, but i get by fine. I guess never graduating college, and being content with a job because it's what i know - is regarded as being undriven in life?

But other than that - i believe im d@mn good with women. And d@mn good at swallowing emotions and moving on to the next.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
detroitnative said:
But other than that - i believe im d@mn good with women. And d@mn good at swallowing emotions and moving on to the next.
which is why you typed in "how to get girls" online and found this place. beacuse you were beatin em off wtih a stick before you came here

1. cut off contact with her
2. read the dj bible
2. read the dj bible again
3. apply what you learn hoere
4. learn to accecpt you and like you before dealing wtih women

whenever you get around a woman who you perceive to be as "better" than you you choke up. you probably do okay with women you think are of lesser quality. I've been there. I'd mop up with women who I knew i had an advantage over, but a woman who had her pick of the litter.. i'd become a raving AFCoholic.

the key is not to become good with women. the key is to become good with high qualty women.

the key is to be able to pick adn chose, not be chosen and be accecpted.


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2009
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romangod said:
Yeah! Yeah! If a hot chick has a choice between a bum with no job and a lot of game and an AFC with no game and a lot of money she'll surely choose the bum. I get it now.

I think you're onto something. Money has no bearing on who a woman chooses. I'm sure you buy her gifts from Value Village and she's delighted.

Speaking of fags, you're from the fag capital of Canada. Don't bend over.

They'll "choose" the AFC with lots of money and no game and then spend his money on a bum with no job and a lot of game.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
romangod said:
Yeah! Yeah! If a hot chick has a choice between a bum with no job and a lot of game and an AFC with no game and a lot of money she'll surely choose the bum. I get it now.

I think you're onto something. Money has no bearing on who a woman chooses. I'm sure you buy her gifts from Value Village and she's delighted.

Speaking of fags, you're from the fag capital of Canada. Don't bend over.

I ROTFL'd at that post!

fuzzx argues that women love the thrift store look and the poor man over the rich man any day of the week. Bullsh*t.

I wish men would wake the f**k up and accept the fact that all hot women are materialistic to a degree. Wealth is one way to easily get attractive women. It's all about realizing whether she wants you for you or your goddamn money.

This case is one where she dates a millionaire and f**ks the bad boy. Point. Blank. Period.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
romangod said:
Yeah! Yeah! If a hot chick has a choice between a bum with no job and a lot of game and an AFC with no game and a lot of money she'll surely choose the bum. I get it now.

I think you're onto something. Money has no bearing on who a woman chooses. I'm sure you buy her gifts from Value Village and she's delighted.

Speaking of fags, you're from the fag capital of Canada. Don't bend over.


Bums are in that position because they have low self esteem etc so cannot be used as an example.

It all depends how you make women feel. If the good feeling of being around you outweighs the good feeling of money then she'll go with the best feeling.

Many women wouldn't want to be with wealthy guys if the guys themselves are AFC's. The woman here is different and we have a specific name for her kind, a golddigger.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2009
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
which is why you typed in "how to get girls" online and found this place. beacuse you were beatin em off wtih a stick before you came here

1. cut off contact with her
2. read the dj bible
2. read the dj bible again
3. apply what you learn hoere
4. learn to accecpt you and like you before dealing wtih women

whenever you get around a woman who you perceive to be as "better" than you you choke up. you probably do okay with women you think are of lesser quality. I've been there. I'd mop up with women who I knew i had an advantage over, but a woman who had her pick of the litter.. i'd become a raving AFCoholic.

the key is not to become good with women. the key is to become good with high qualty women.

the key is to be able to pick adn chose, not be chosen and be accecpted.
part of the reason i dislike forums is because people jump to conclusions about people based on their "problems".

I found this site in 00 or so, i believe i found it while searching for more information on David Deangelo; not while searching for "how to get girls". I found David Deangelo because i was trying to figure out how to "seduce" women. Not pick them up. Just to be able to turn them on so wildly with just a glance. To be a romeo of sorts. That's no longer my goal - but it was back then. I didn't just want to be another guy getting women - i wanted to be a legend in their memories. Zorro and Don Juan (im talking corny, but that's what i saw in my mind - i wanted that movie star magic)....


I'm not sure anything you said was neccesary and just made you come off like a d1ckhead.

1. As i stated in my intro - i've been on this site for a long long long time. it's just i leave it and come as i experience new things in my life; but i never remember my user name - or if i do - i can't remember my password, or the email i registered with - so i have to create new user names.

2. i don't need to read a bible again; i've read it and many very insightful posts - i was around long before most of the people in it were posting on here.

3. I attribute this site and a few others for why i AM GOOD with women. your whole assumption of how i get around women who are "better than me" paints YOU as some hollier than thou @sshole. i was in the army for 4 years, and had live bullets being shot at me - the last thing i am is scared to approach a woman. nerves are almost non-existent with me; and i don't put women on pedestals. i date and fvck attractive women; not just any old woman i can find. i do this using mostly principals i've learned on this site, and on my own. YES i have a complex now because 2 straight women have made the same point to me. And i do believe it's something i need to look at. Do i hate myself? No. Am i unhappy with myself? No. Am I corny, lost, desperate? no, no, and no. I am no sex god, and im not able to get ANY woman i want. But im hardly who you are trying to paint me to be.

you generalize me based on the fact that i fell for someone who chose money over me? im sorry im human god.

but the fact you just spouted a lot of misinformation about me tells me that you're just going to believe what you want. go for it...


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
Relax man.

I've been called everything from the worst of names to the best of names on this site. In real life, im somewhere in between that.

People will always generalize other people based on what they post on a forum. Since most of us don't actually know one another - that's all we have to go off of.

It's taken me a little while to learn this. I once engaged any person who talked "down" to me or said i was "this" or "that".

I'd bet most of us would get along quite well if we knew each other in person. But when all you're judging someone off of is their words and stories - well, people are going to come to assumptions about you.

Just the way forums work.

On here - you post that you're cheating on or with a woman - "OMG - you're a low quality man who gets low quality women."

But - then i'd do the same thing back "OMG - you're one of those godly self-help guru moral police bastids!"

And the thread would turn into discussions about morals instead of about whatever it was it was originally talking about. - - - So, i've come to the conclusion that you should just let people believe what they want. Just try to find the humor in them being completely wrong.

Anyway, any contact yet?


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
detroitnative said:
part of the reason i dislike forums is because people jump to conclusions about people based on their "problems".

I found this site in 00 or so, i believe i found it while searching for more information on David Deangelo; not while searching for "how to get girls". I found David Deangelo because i was trying to figure out how to "seduce" women. Not pick them up. Just to be able to turn them on so wildly with just a glance. To be a romeo of sorts. That's no longer my goal - but it was back then. I didn't just want to be another guy getting women - i wanted to be a legend in their memories. Zorro and Don Juan (im talking corny, but that's what i saw in my mind - i wanted that movie star magic)....


I'm not sure anything you said was neccesary and just made you come off like a d1ckhead.

1. As i stated in my intro - i've been on this site for a long long long time. it's just i leave it and come as i experience new things in my life; but i never remember my user name - or if i do - i can't remember my password, or the email i registered with - so i have to create new user names.

2. i don't need to read a bible again; i've read it and many very insightful posts - i was around long before most of the people in it were posting on here.

3. I attribute this site and a few others for why i AM GOOD with women. your whole assumption of how i get around women who are "better than me" paints YOU as some hollier than thou @sshole. i was in the army for 4 years, and had live bullets being shot at me - the last thing i am is scared to approach a woman. nerves are almost non-existent with me; and i don't put women on pedestals. i date and fvck attractive women; not just any old woman i can find. i do this using mostly principals i've learned on this site, and on my own. YES i have a complex now because 2 straight women have made the same point to me. And i do believe it's something i need to look at. Do i hate myself? No. Am i unhappy with myself? No. Am I corny, lost, desperate? no, no, and no. I am no sex god, and im not able to get ANY woman i want. But im hardly who you are trying to paint me to be.

you generalize me based on the fact that i fell for someone who chose money over me? im sorry im human god.

but the fact you just spouted a lot of misinformation about me tells me that you're just going to believe what you want. go for it...

Backbreaker has a point. You said:

detroitnative said:
romangod asked "Did you really think that 39k/year had a chance against a millionaire?"
When she first told me her ex was who he was - i was amazed. When she told her how she was raised - i was even more amazed. Amazed that i was sitting down with her and she was even willing to humor the idea of us dating. I guess my ego got really inflated by that. Here's a woman who had a BF with it all, and she was raised to want a BF with it all - and yet, she seemed willing to ignore my lack of $ and success. I never acted too amazed by the fact, to not give away any excitement over my ego exploding. But i did ask her plenty of times how she could go from that lifestyle to one much less than that. and she said something like, "i've been everywhere in the world. i've been to the best restaurants and not had to worry about anything that costs money. But... i've never been this happy. You've shown me that money does not buy happiness. You've shown me happiness on a level i never thought i'd experience in my lifetime." <<< - - - stuff like this is exactly how i became addicted to her i believe. She was giving away her soul to me, breaking down every emotion she felt towards me. And i was feeling like a KING! (minus the gold coins)

You really have her on a pedestal. Even from the first time you met her she was on a pedestal because of her background.

You say you act like its no big deal but acting is not believing. Do you really believe you're higher value then her? Because if you don't it could be the real stumbling block.

The trouble with acting is keeping it up. Eventually peoples true self shows up.

Theres no doubt you have something that she likes but maybe its that small lack of belief thats holding you back?


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2009
Reaction score
Bukowski - fair enough. but i post on other forums, and people don't judge people as bad as they do here. i understand people like to be a little tougher here because of the large number of people who "just cannot do it", but i am not one of those people. and i don't appreciate someone assuming im some newbie to all this just because my post count is low for this particular user name. but, you are right. arguing over if i am or am not good with women or if i will approach any woman as if she was no better than the next - is pointless.

Slaog - Point taken. And, yes i was amazed, but it wasn't like "wow, im amazed that im talking to this hot woman", it was, "wow, this girl really doesn't care about money." which impressed me about her. lots of things impress me about lots of women. people in general impress me. yet, im not going to be some walking compliment machine. shall i not be impressed by others actions? shall i not take things as compliments?

But my main gripe with his post is not that i feel im perfect. But particularly this line: "whenever you get around a woman who you perceive to be as "better" than you you choke up." there's no "probably" in there; or, "i bet", THIS GUY is actually telling me how i am. And he's basing it on a few paragraphs and some self-reflecting im doing on this board. I can't get down with someone judging me like that and telling me what i am based on a few paragraphs.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2008
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The World
you will never win this one. you can't give her what she wants.

she even said she wants her children to have the best shot.

do you know what that means?

it means a father who is super attractive and LOADED.

this guy is a model and he is a millionaire.

you are an average dude making 39k a year.

game will get you laid and you can even brainwash her but you cannot provide to her the deep desires she has. she wants a man who would give her good looking kids who have a better chance at success in life. she doesn't want some average kids with an average life.

she sees this millionare boy as a way out of mediocrity and the gate to success and wealth, living the life of the elite.

maybe he sucks in bed. that's why she needs you. she uses you as a toy to make herself get off because he can't get the job done.

but he provides for her, and he takes care of all her needs.

she won't feel passion for him but at the end of the day she will always go back to him over you. he can give her that dream of having beautiful perfect looking children and a lot of money.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Many women wouldn't want to be with wealthy guys if the guys themselves are AFC's.
There are two problems with this statement:
1) There are women who will marry the wealthy AFC to use him for his money (and go have sex with the DJ, as is the case here apparently).
2) Most guys have a mix of traits. Not everyone who has failed to study the seduction community is 100% AFC. He may have some AFC traits but he may have some confidence too, especially in certain situations. And he may have realized his wealth gives him a certain amount of value, which gives him confidence. The wealthy guy could be funny. He could be good at sports. He could have lots of firends.

Here on the forum everyone seems to want to divide the world completely into two camps, AFCs and DJs. The real world isn't that black and white.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Since this sh*t is still going, I'll break it down for the OP.

Metaphysical said:
you will never win this one. you can't give her what she wants.

That is correct. Keep reading.

she even said she wants her children to have the best shot.

You can't compete in this league yet as evidenced by your income.

do you know what that means?

I sure as hell do. That's why I'm after making mad money.

it means a father who is super attractive and LOADED.

If the man is LOADED, he can get plastic surgery if he's ugly or flawed in some way. He can pay 25K and then go buy a S-550 without breaking a sweat or the bank. You cannot do this kind of spending.

this guy is a model and he is a millionaire.

FTW!!! But what came first?

you are an average dude making 39k a year.

That's Latin for you are easily replaceable.

game will get you laid and you can even brainwash her but you cannot provide to her the deep desires she has.

That's Greek for you are not Mr. Right. If any f**kin' attractive woman had a chance, they'd marry a millionaire. Extra points if he's sexy. All them stories that girls tell you about millionaires and rich guys being boring, are just COVER-UPS FOR THEIR INABILITY TO DATE A MILLIONAIRE OR LOSS THEREOF. These girls are just compensating for the fact that they cannot find a sexy millionaire so they just gotta settle for a knock-off. But if they could find a millionaire who's sexy and got it going on, they'll dump you in a New York second.

she wants a man who would give her good looking kids who have a better chance at success in life. she doesn't want some average kids with an average life.

ALL attractive women are like this. Read the above paragraph.

she sees this millionare boy as a way out of mediocrity and the gate to success and wealth, living the life of the elite.

A successful man is one who has obtained more money than his wife or girlfriend can spend. A successful woman is one who has found such a man. Any woman would see a millionaire like this. Millionaires are guaranteed the elite life; access to exclusive clubs, carte blanche to get p*ssy effortlessly/ a girlfriend, Black cards, Condos, elite parties, uber real estate, invites to buy exotic cars, the best of sex, etc.

maybe he sucks in bed. that's why she needs you. she uses you as a toy to make herself get off because he can't get the job done.

Even so, she'll go right back to Mr. Millionaire. OP, maybe you can keep her a f**k buddy. Maybe this is why women say millionaires are so boring, they are always wheelin' and dealin' to make even more money and have very little time for sex. I say it's those who are CEO's as opposed to those who are in the entertainment business because the CEO's are working 80+ hour weeks. That equates to about 88 hours of private time, 56 hours spent sleeping, leaving you only about 32 hours actually. But that's a tangent.

but he provides for her, and he takes care of all her needs.

That's French for you need to get on this level. This millionaire guy is hardly replaceable. YOU, with 39k a year, are SO Goddamn replaceable.

she won't feel passion for him but at the end of the day she will always go back to him over you. he can give her that dream of having beautiful perfect looking children and a lot of money.

Not only that, he can leave her at the drop of a dime and have another HB10 with him in a New York second. When you are able to give girls this dream of having beautiful perfect children and a lot of money, your p*ssy rate will skyrocket. Until then, you just have to take average girls until you make your first million. Then you'll have the power to leave a girl at the drop of a dime and have another HB10 waiting for you.
Read bet-Oh, just do it!