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  1. C

    Girls should be coming to you...not the other way around.

    Message to Tha Realnezz Yeah, you might be right. You put out some good points there. I never really had a lot of friends. Also you would never really consider my friends to so called 'cool' crowd. I have also had problems making friends recentely. Recentely I have been approaching...
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    Should I give up?

    Good Points Yeah, it sounded kind of fishy. I will try and call her this weekend. Thanks.
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    Girls should be coming to you...not the other way around.

    Tell me is this. I will say I am a good looking guy. I also did sports in high school, so I was defineltely in shape. However, girls never approached me, rarely said hi to me, never touched me or said I love you or anything like that. So far to this day I have never had sex. I don't...
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    Should I give up?

    A girl a kind of started dating a little bit, just kind of gave me the classic LJBF on me. She said that when I put my arm around her on the first date she didn't like it. She thought that on the first date, you shouldn't be doing it. She felt she was just trying to get to know me. So I...
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    How to not be Anti Social

    Being Nice Can you be nice without being a nice guy? I always hear people say to be nice. However, I hear nice guys finish last. What's the deal.
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    i can't speak properly

    Pratice with a tape recorder If you don't have a tape recorder, use your answering machine. Learn to think before you speak, and take pauses. Also think of words you have trouble with speaking, look them up in the dictionary and practice pronuncation. I believe there are places online or...
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    Having sex with a Christian Girl.

    Is it alright to try and have sex with someone who is Christian? I go to Christian organization meetings and I believe so of the girls there are attracted to me. Like someone I never meet approached me twice, and then tried to set up a time to see her, saying that she'd love to see me. Also...
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    Idea for beginners.

    I think talking to cashiers is an easy way to go for newbs to start out. Since most cashiers start by saying "How are you doing?" or "Hi!" you can easily start up a conversation. Also you don't need to always go for a number close, you can talk for the heck of it, not just making it a goal...
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    Talking to girls

    Yeah this method works. I ended up talking to this girl, just for the heck of it. She started talking about people in the dorm room **** each other all the time. I said "How inconsiderate, you are bring the topic of sex up already?" It got a big laugh, and she started smiling a lot...
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    Bookstore Approach

    Bobbyj Hey, you seem to be pretty funny. Do you think you could put a post on how to be funny? Just do a search, "Building Blocks of Being Funny" Post there. Hope to hear some your input.
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    College ****blockers

    Try other places than the student center You could try and go to the gym and meet girls there. Or go to the mall and try there. If there are night clubs, try that out. Or join a club, or organization.
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    Building Blocks of Being Funny

    More Humor "Humor+Personality" Do a search on this if you want for advice on how to be funny. I posted stuff on humor. Interesting advice on it. And yes, please post more stuff on this this catch.
  13. C

    I think girl might be flaking out on me.

    Anybody have any advice? Appearently J.R.G.G thinks there is possibility between me and this girl. What do you think? Please write a suggestion if you think there is hope on what I should do.
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    I think girl might be flaking out on me.

    I don't know whether she liked me or not. I am guessing she was at least interested in me since she started out the conversation. However, she may, or may not have liked me I don't know. So what should I do now? I don't agree however that if a girl liked you she would remember you no...
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    I think girl might be flaking out on me.

    Your right That's kind of thought what the answer was. It was stupid to wait so long. Thanks for the advice.
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    I think girl might be flaking out on me.

    I meet this attrative girl a couple of weeks ago who said hi to me at McDonald's and I talked to her. I said I might give her a call. I finally called her recently and she didn't remember me at first. So, I reminded her about who I was and she said she kind of remembered me. However, it...
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    She likes someone else

    Please read the dj bible before posting This and other questions are answered in the DJ Bible. Such as finding out this 'dream' girl doesn't feel the same way you feel about her. Instead of figuring out why she doesn't like you move on. I used to have the same problem, liking only one...
  18. C

    Do women give good relationship advices?

    Relationship advice I think for the most part girls s**k at giving advice. However I do think 'wanted' 'hot' girls that get approached all of the time by guys, maybe have some insight. I use the word 'maybe' because the advice they might give may be for thier own benefit. So I just suggest...
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    I agree with you that it is all about trying things you learn out on girls. But I am only using tests as an aid, not using as a guarantee you will be successful with girls. I think it will help your confidence by passing a test.