College ****blockers


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
I go to a small community college. Their is not a whole lot of people enrolled their. And in the middle of this community college is a student center, this is where we can play pool, pingpong, homework or just whatever.

But what I like to do in this student center is look for girls. Its a perfect place. They are always abundant here.

But.. the only thing is (remember its a small college) their are cliques. Say for instance the baseball players talk a lot with the softball girls and vice-versa.

It seems like everyone in their knows each other either from past schools or from sports or whatever. And I don't play sports, and everyone from my high school (other than me) are AFC's and dont do me any good.

So picture this.. I go in their and look around, hoping to find a good looking girl that I can talk to before my next class, well to my surprise everyone is sitting and talking with each other and all the girls are being hit on by all the other guys!!

It irritates the hell out of me!!! And when I do go and talk to a girl she just runs back to the guys she plays sports with or has known a long time and tells them about what just happened.

I feel like that I am the outsider. I don't want to look desperate but I want to try and make a decent conversation without some jock interrupting me by laughing or just whatever.

Maybe I am being shallow or insecure, but I mean I'm not the ugliest guy in there at all. I dress and act as good if not better than most of the guys thats there.

I need some damn advice


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
I can see what you're saying. My previous school was HUGE with cliques. I know it greatly reduces the effectiveness of DJying random girls, or can even seem pointless, but the only thing that works is either befriending her friends, or isolating (rather go for the latter). Bring them to your reality.

And if you are talking to a girl and she runs back to tell her friends... dude, that's some pretty immature shyt right there. Fine if you want to bang them, but are those the girls you want to hang out with?

Just a thought.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Chicagoland area
Those sports broads in their little cliques sound like, and they probably are, just a bunch of b****es , I wouldn't sweat them. No matter how good they look at school, just think of how sh***y they most likely look when they wake up, and picture how they'll probably look 25 yrs from now, barefoot and pregnant (again), waiting for you to bring home the bacon while they sit around, you know, watching Springer and soap operas. F'em. In other words, even though right now they look good, most of them won't last. We men have the biological advantage over them anyway. See, they can be really choosy and ****y up till they hit like their early 30's. Then, if they still haven't been married yet, and/or given birth, their biological alarm is going off so loud they have to do something, and that's when they start lowering their high expectations and coming down to earth about their choice of men. Whereas we can breed into our 70's , possibly later; all we need is some money stacked up and that attracts what will then be "younger" broads (30's, 40's, etc). I'm telling you time's on the man's side. And anyway these jock broads at this college you're talking about probably won't go for you anyway unless you're a girlfriend-approved member of a similar jock guy clique. So what I would do , given your situation, would be scope around there for NON-clique involved chicks, and try some of this DJ type of stuff w/them, and see what happens. ~Dino


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
I don't guess it wouldn't hurt to try and befriend some of these guys. I mean I know for a fact that I can drink any of them under the table.(if thats a good thing) Hahaha.

I think I might just go in their tomorrow and start talking to anyone I want to and not give a f*ck. I mean I have nothing to loose.

Appreciate the advice.

P.S. I do remember seeing some of those non-clique girls in the library........


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Chicagoland area
those non-clique girls in the library........

>>> B-Real : your target. ;)


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Try other places than the student center

You could try and go to the gym and meet girls there. Or go to the mall and try there. If there are night clubs, try that out. Or join a club, or organization.