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  1. C

    Warning: If your not funny don't try

    Me Being funny in my opinion is like being a DJ. Like being a DJ, I think being funny comes part natural, and some you can develop. The natural part you can't control but the non-natural you can control. I wasn't born funny, I just learned it on my own. The reason why most people can't...
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    DOn juan techniques...WHY DOES IT NOT WORK FOR ME

    Read stuff in the DJ Bible First love yourself, because why would girls love you if you don't love yourself? Second, on being funny...Look up Being ****y + Funny. That is the correct type of humor you should be using, not impressions, you are not doing stand-up.
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    Warning: If your not funny don't try

    I totally disagree. People have told me I am freakin' hilarious. I think it can be learned. You just have to think about it in a certain way.
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    Can Goodlooking Guys Get Away With Being AFC?

    My opinion Some can 1. First depends on how AFCish you are. 2. Second depends on how good looking you are. 3. Third depends on social status.
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    Mixed Signals

    There is a girl I met in my voice class, and she seems hot, however I am not sure if she is interested. I started talking to her on the bus, she seemed to smile frequentely. So I thought at least she is interested in me. Later, I saw her in a cafe in the school, I approached her(she was in...
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    Friends are overrated

    The Master Disaster Tell me the situation, what were you doing and what where they doing. You need to tell me all of the details so I can tell you what you need to do. Your friend, CrossBoss
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    Friends are overrated

    ethnomethodologist Question: were you this good with girls your whole life? I mean with me new people rarely speak to me. It's me who has to do this. Tell me your story.
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    Friends are overrated

    To ignore and piss someone off is easy. All you have to is completely blow them off, after you have shown them you are somewhat interested in them. What ticked somebody off was when I was talking to this girl at this swing dance. I asked her to dance and then I kind of thought I would never...
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    How to be outgoing and definition.

    Yeah your right. I've read some of the bible but not all, but yeah, at some point I will, if I have time. Wait...I will read the bible, and will have time.
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    How to be outgoing and definition.

    One more thing, confidience. I kind of get what confidence is, not afraid. But how do you get it. I mean I hear, you can't tell yourself to be confident because it won't happen. How do you do it?
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    How to be outgoing and definition.

    That kind of clears things up. How about friendly, is it good is be friendly to girls? Or is it taking away from you being a challenge? Also how does it tie into being outgoing? Also, if friendly is good, how do become friendly?
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    Crushing on celebrities

    What i would say. Ex: She always talks about how hot Brad Pitt is, and how she would rape him when she see him. Tease her: Young lady, you are so inappropriate to talk about this. Didn't your parents teach you to not do this? It's funny how girls always complain about guys talking about...
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    How to be outgoing and definition.

    What does it mean to be outgoing? I always hear this and I don't get it. Is it you go out a lot or something? Thanks, Any help apprecitated.
  14. C

    Friends are overrated

    Some more tricks. Act desperate, act based on verbal communication not non-verbal communication, try to win women over, act like a total moron. Before you know it you will be an AFC, like me. But, I suggest you think this over, because is it really worth to be disliked by people?
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    Friends are overrated

    If I were you I'd be glad. Somebody told me that the reason why I don't have as many friends as I could have is because I show cold body language. There are more tricks that you can use such as, completely ignoring them, blowing them off, if they want to hang out say, I'm just too busy for...
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    Friends are overrated

    In terms of not having as many friends. If you want less friends, show cold body language. Such as crossing you arms when sitting, looking down when walking. Slouch when you walk.
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    Friends are overrated

    So how do you do it? How do make it that everyone likes you?
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    Girls should be coming to you...not the other way around.

    Thanks. It makes sense now.
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    Girls should be coming to you...not the other way around.

    What I don't get. I have read in some posts that girls say that the reason why they don't approach, is because they were intimidated. If that were the case, why do chicks always throw themselves at celebrities and big names in hollywood? I mean don't you think celebrities would be more...
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    Girls should be coming to you...not the other way around.

    The Real Story I have been shy all of my life always thinking well what if they reject me, what if they don't like me, etc. Earlier I mentioned in a post that I was pretty good looking and that girls never approached me. However I was only refering to certian part of my life, saying this...