Friends are overrated

The Master Disaster

Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
I'm talking about the friends who you only talk to at school.

It just gets to a point where you go crazy when you walk down the halls saying hi. I mean the people don't realize that you've been saying hi for the last 5 minutes. Like its getting out of hand. I envy the people who can just walk down the hall without someone getting mad that you didn't say hi. I mean come on. It gets out of hand.

Like i go to school than like 30 people say that they saw me driving WOOPDY DO!

Like i'm out of school alright and I go to Chick-fil-a with friends now the cashiers say hi to me people in the resturaunt say hi to me. JESUS! I get out of school with a buddy and i'm like i'm getting sick of people saying hi to me and speak of the devil a car stops and says hi to me.


i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
I'd feel like a loser if everyone ignored me and no one said hi. Gotta spread the love...


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
LOL, I've freaked out a few times over the same thing... Means your popular:p You can now pull off the mystery player. No strings speech required.

I get the same feeling sometimes walking around. I have random people, some I don't even remember, telling me stories of things I've done.

The thing that bothers me, is I know nothing about them, and I can't return the 'favour'.

The Master Disaster

Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by ethnomethodologist
LOL, I've freaked out a few times over the same thing... Means your popular:p You can now pull off the mystery player. No strings speech required.

I get the same feeling sometimes walking around. I have random people, some I don't even remember, telling me stories of things I've done.

The thing that bothers me, is I know nothing about them, and I can't return the 'favour'.
i don't think i'm popular its just i have too many_people who want to hang out with me.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
lol...thats the same **** man...people want to hang out with you because you are popular.

The Master Disaster

Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by jlazz
lol...thats the same **** man...people want to hang out with you because you are popular.
but i don't consider myself apart of the popular crowd. I mean I don't go to there parties because of their drugs and alcohol, but they sure do get mad at me when i don't go or at least make an appearance, but i'm not apart of the popular crowd.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
lol, is this a joke? people would kill for that. luckily for me, i have that too. i walk down the hall and i realize, i know a lot of people. thats just a side-effect of being a dj, u meet people, and people like you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
So how do you do it?

How do make it that everyone likes you?


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2005
Reaction score
Re: So how do you do it?

lol while i don't have EVERYONE saying hi to me at school i do get quite a few hello's walking around campus.. but the city is just too big for ppl to know me when i'm at the mall, plus i Just moved here 2 years ago so I dont' know anyone in highschool

Originally posted by crossboss
How do make it that everyone likes you?
haha how do u do it? it's not something you can really teach, you just have to be outgoing, humorous, but don't force it go out whenever your invited by ppl, talk to people that you sit beside in class REGARDLESS of their social status. I don't give a **** who it is i'll still talk to them, i'm not above anyone :D


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: So how do you do it?

Originally posted by the_reader
lol while i don't have EVERYONE saying hi to me at school i do get quite a few hello's walking around campus.. but the city is just too big for ppl to know me when i'm at the mall, plus i Just moved here 2 years ago so I dont' know anyone in highschool

haha how do u do it? it's not something you can really teach, you just have to be outgoing, humorous, but don't force it go out whenever your invited by ppl, talk to people that you sit beside in class REGARDLESS of their social status. I don't give a **** who it is i'll still talk to them, i'm not above anyone :D
I feel for you. I just moved to a new school this year. It really messes with things when you have to meet the whole entire school over again.
As for making awesome friends, he's about right. There's a book call "How to win friends and influence people".
It is the best book I have ever read. It is like the best way to become popular with everyone.

I can send you a copy of it if you want. Just PM me.
Doesn't really help you with game, just with being successful.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
In terms of not having as many friends.

If you want less friends, show cold body language. Such as crossing you arms when sitting, looking down when walking.
Slouch when you walk.

The Master Disaster

Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: So how do you do it?

Originally posted by the_reader
but the city is just too big for ppl to know me

I live in atlanta...

I've tried doing cold body language and it just doesn't work. They just leech on to me. "So you wanna hang out this weekend" is like an hourly thing for me. The women at my school dont impress me so i usually don't go out with women. I'm just one sick freak i guess.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
If I were you I'd be glad.

Somebody told me that the reason why I don't have as many friends as I could have is because I show cold body language. There are more tricks that you can use such as, completely ignoring them, blowing them off, if they want to hang out say, I'm just too busy for this right now. If they ask for your number give them a fake. Don't smile back when they smile. Say you just aren't cool enough to hang out with me. If you are funny, try to not make jokes.

It's not that hard, because in my case, I am an expert in this. People almost never approach me, ask for my number etc.

Feel free to ask more questions, but could you help me do the opposite, I mean if you read the main discussion board, there is a post talking about girls should be approaching you. I've said that i've had problems getting girls to really be aggressive to me. I have had only 1 girfriend, and am 21. Never had sex, so I would appreciate if you teach me some tricks.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Some more tricks.

Act desperate, act based on verbal communication not non-verbal communication, try to win women over, act like a total moron.

Before you know it you will be an AFC, like me.

But, I suggest you think this over, because is it really worth to be disliked by people?


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Well, if you want people to stop asking to hang out with you, stop advertising. Maybe you could stop being so cool, or something.
But be careful, you might overdo it, and regret not taking the chances you have right now.

The Master Disaster

Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
thanks for the advice but i really don't wanna be an *******.

I'll try to think of what i do but it just comes so natural to me that i don't realize what i do, but i'll try to think why people like me so much.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Re: If I were you I'd be glad.

Originally posted by crossboss
Somebody told me that the reason why I don't have as many friends as I could have is because I show cold body language. There are more tricks that you can use such as, completely ignoring them, blowing them off, if they want to hang out say, I'm just too busy for this right now. If they ask for your number give them a fake. Don't smile back when they smile. Say you just aren't cool enough to hang out with me. If you are funny, try to not make jokes.

It's not that hard, because in my case, I am an expert in this. People almost never approach me, ask for my number etc.

Feel free to ask more questions, but could you help me do the opposite, I mean if you read the main discussion board, there is a post talking about girls should be approaching you. I've said that i've had problems getting girls to really be aggressive to me. I have had only 1 girfriend, and am 21. Never had sex, so I would appreciate if you teach me some tricks.
LOL non-juan natural!! Go crossbow!

If you want to become known do this as well, lots of EC, and than pull this jazz. The girls love it:p

Just go over the top, and than lkearn how to tone it down. I got a sudden rush from reading one of pook's posts the day before I went on vacation. I've been a different man since.

Heck 20 minutes ago some girl called my place, got a forward number to my work. Got one of my coworkers, and he said call back in fifteen. When I finally spoke to her, she said thanks for the cigarette the other night:p I was too loaded so I gave her my number and said call me on my day off. F*ck me, I get a call out on Sunday:(

Go Seattle Seahawks, we're going to watch the game at her friends place:p Just be social, in any way you can.

You sound like a non-juan to me, well a natural in the non-juan theory. Look up some of his posts, and pull them all of confidently, like you don't give a **** that you're wrong. Even though deep down you do. This is going to be your measure as truth seer. You are going to know what is wrong with you, by KNOWING that you are wrong.

Good luck chump, come back when you's a champ.
Now I get a question:D

How can you show somebody that you are IGNORING the hell out of them? Like you want to make them angry with how bad your NOT paying attention to them?

I think ignorance is a virtue, but one that I dopn't have, I feel so nicey nicey when I feel like I have to talk to EVRYBODY that says hi to me. When I sit down in some of my more popular hangouts, I can't go for more than two minutes TRYING to avoid people. I sit with just one friend, and we sit and have coffe, or a drink, and people bombard us, taking our seats that we had our bags resting on. The f*ckers plop down right beside us and start asking questions, making jokes, talking about girls, and parties. We've got more important things to talk about.

How do I tell them, without words, that I am ignoring them. I want to be able to teach my friend the same thing.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Paradise (with rain)
Re: Re: If I were you I'd be glad.

Originally posted by ethnomethodologist
How do I tell them, without words, that I am ignoring them. I want to be able to teach my friend the same thing.
Punch them in the face:box: Thatll get them away fast.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
To ignore and piss someone off is easy.

All you have to is completely blow them off, after you have shown them you are somewhat interested in them. What ticked somebody off was when I was talking to this girl at this swing dance. I asked her to dance and then I kind of thought I would never see her again. Appearently, I was with a friend and I saw this chick again. My friend actually happened to know this chick and then I acted like I hardly knew her. My friend started talking to her, I completely acted oblivious to her presence. She was pissed!!!

Thats kind of how you do it. I also had started talking to this girl on a regular basis(so I seemed interested), and she started talking to me and I didn't respond to her. The next time I saw her she was pissed!!!

Well, hope this clears this question up. Questions on how to be and AFC, just ask!


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score

Question: were you this good with girls your whole life? I mean with me new people rarely speak to me. It's me who has to do this. Tell me your story.