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  1. C

    One Week as AC/DC... this is your goal (field report)

    Nope not me.. Classic Week...No sex, no numbers....What frustrates me is that I am funny and also good looking. But do I get random girls approaching me. Nope.
  2. C

    Master Disaster

    ethnomethodologist question? Do you have any advice for talking more clearly, like a professional tv reporter. I have problems sounding like a nerd when I talk. Thanks.
  3. C

    Master Disaster

    Not a problem.... First check this out: Warning: If your not funny don't try (post in high school forum) If you can't find it, do a search on this. This is my explaination on how to be funny. And if you have more questions, ask.
  4. C

    Master Disaster

    I was thinking I might be able to use somebody's help for a script I am writing I can give you my email, and then if you'd like you could submit some scripts, because I have connections to famous people. Also I need input on a script I am writing. Part of the story is about an AFC...
  5. C

    Master Disaster

    Have you ever thought of doing improv comedy or stand-up comedy for a living? I do this...for fun... Maybe you could try this out. It is quite fun. I would also be willing to even give you some advice... I am decent at stand-up....People have said.
  6. C

    New Trend: Random/funny

    Or another... I just recentely hit a bear in my car...It's kind of odd that this report was actually in the newspaper...Apearentely, the bear stole some 6 cans of alchol from a picnic basket..
  7. C

    New Trend: Random/funny

    Class...calls your name. Ex: Teacher is taking attendance...Name is James. Teacher: James? James: (Pretend you are asleep... than all of a sudden wake up. Frantically). "Is this a dream? Am I naked or is this real?" (Pinch yourself, then walk around like a zombie..) Moan. But...
  8. C

    Couple questions...

    Now that I think about it again. The fact girls seem to be natural dj's, and most guys AFC's. The fact that girls follow emotions, does that have anything to with thier ability to be natural at attraction?
  9. C

    Couple questions...

    Thanks. Yeah, I guess if you think about it girls just like romance.
  10. C

    Couple questions...

    1. If a girl shows her tongue when talking to you, does that mean she is interested? 2. What does it mean when a woman follows her emotions? Why are women like, "He just doesn't get it." Why don't they just follow logic like guys. A woman answered the question but not really giving an...
  11. C

    being funny

    Look up ****y & Funny DJ Bible explains on how to be funny. Look it up there.
  12. C

    Mixed Signals

    Anybody with advice???? I just don't get it, why would this girl act like she possibly likes me, then reject me? 1. Could have screwed up the url. 2. Just not interested. 3. I did tell her I could submit her music to somebody, so she might have not wanted her music to be submitted...
  13. C

    Warning: If your not funny don't try cut off. If people don't like your joke then sc**w them. If you don't try you will never improve.
  14. C

    Warning: If your not funny don't try

    Humor can be practiced by trail and error. And analyzing. Why wasn't it funny? Was it because I said it at a stupid time? I learned that by trial and error, what people find funny and what people don't find funny. And if people don't like what they say then
  15. C

    Warning: If your not funny don't try

    You analyze jokes because it brings self-improvement. Ex: A guy walks in sleepy to class and another guy says "Or did you take too many sleeping pills or something?" This is funny because, it pokes fun at him, makes in look like he has ADD or something. However analyzing a joke brings...
  16. C

    Warning: If your not funny don't try

    It's funny how your humor attracts people. Me...told I am naturally good looking. People have told me I am freaking hilarious. Yet when it comes to women, it doesn't win me much. Are you sure you aren't doing something else that is attracting them? Certian way of thinking? I'd like to...
  17. C

    O' Brother

    One more thing... You may be liked by most people, but most likely not everybody. What is happening here is that girls see other girls that like you and that causes attraction. Ex: A HB 10.0 walkes by people the guys are like man...would I like to bang her...Or man she is the hottest woman...
  18. C

    O' Brother

    Or if you wanted to be an azzhole... Say you don't live up to my standards. Or you are not my type. I don't date losers like yourself.
  19. C

    O' Brother

    First off, you need to start assuming. If you want less girls to ask you dance, start assuming they will ask you to dance. Girls in general don't like it if people assume, and they will be less likely to ask. Also, what do you wear? Abercrombie & Fitch? Start by worsining your appearance...
  20. C

    Warning: If your not funny don't try

    More...Learn from others. I used to and still do watch Jay Leno, and the way you learn about jokes is to get the idea of the joke, not actually reuse it. Such Jay Leno talking about stupid product such as fart machine. Well the fart machine idea is taken but the idea is still there. Idea...