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  1. C

    Please help me on bullying!!!!!

    problem with laughing at him, is that he will take offense. He might say "Don't talk **** to me, nerd." "You didn't mean what you said. Or did you?". Don't give in to him. You can't all of a sudden turn into a wimp. I suggest only trying this if you stick by what you say.
  2. C

    Please help me on bullying!!!!!

    Telling him he is a loser. Probably will only work for some people. The problem is that if you fear him, the bully will just act tougher. He will say something like, "what the hell did you say to me, nerd? Did you call me a what?". If you are afraid you will just back down. It might work...
  3. C

    Please help me on bullying!!!!!

    You will have to do a lot of convincing. You may or may not convince the other nerds. But screw them if the are wimps. If all else fails, just fight back. Even if you lose the fight, he will probably see you as a man with guts....and you never know, he might back down.
  4. C

    Please help me on bullying!!!!!

    I see your point. I do think combacks are good. The problem is coming up with the comebacks. You need a have a certain way of thinking. Otherwise, comebacks that are poor might not work. But, hey nothing wrong with trying.
  5. C

    Please help me on bullying!!!!!

    Do you want to be picked on for the rest of your life? Get guts and stand-up for yourself or you will become the loser he says you are.
  6. C

    Please help me on bullying!!!!!

    Good point above. Don't dress dorky, get in shape. Or this will probably happen again. Come up with funny combacks.
  7. C

    Please help me on bullying!!!!!

    Okay... The reason why he is picking on you is because he believes you won't do any thing about it. He feels he is dominant, that's why he gives you ****. Ever notice, a wolf pack. The dominant wolves, can give ****. The lesser wolves don't fight back. If you stick up for yourself...
  8. C

    Please help me on bullying!!!!!

    Does he bother other people? If he does talk to other people and team up to kick his ass.
  9. C

    how to get my g/f to want sex

    Although I am no expert. I think you should wait it out. Eventually time should work.
  10. C

    Please help me on bullying!!!!!

    Okay be specific, what kind of things did he do? What are the things he constantly says?
  11. C

    Warning: If your not funny don't try

    1 more thing. Yes, you may need a little help. That nerd who was a so called "loser" in high school. Always considered " a loser", girls want to get away from the nerd. That's because he didn't get help. I not saying that you can't figure it out for yourself. I did figure out how to be...
  12. C

    Warning: If your not funny don't try

    True. However, this stage is temporary. Most things in life involve pain, to get somewhere. The change does not happen overnight. You may look desperate at first...Look into the future. Those *******s who think you were an attention freak, find out that now you are even funnier then they...
  13. C

    Warning: If your not funny don't try

    That's funny I almost forgot how to be funny too.
  14. C

    Warning: If your not funny don't try

    My theory on being funny: In my opinion, being funny is similiar to a thinking process. Certain people are born with this skill, other lack. Like thinking, you can develop it a certain point. If you get the right kind of help though, you may get far. Most people can't explain being funny...
  15. C

    Warning: If your not funny don't try

    Member requested more funny advice so here it is: Observe and remember what people's jokes throughout the day. Make a note of them. Think about, analyze them. Why was it funny? What did they do to come up with the joke.
  16. C

    Elena Solomon

    Read what women want by Elena Solomon. What do you think about her theory of attraction. I do agree about the part of being dominant. The rest of the stuff I don't know. What do you think?
  17. C

    girls will not smile at me.

    Maybe you assume they don't like you or won't smile. I am good looking by most peoples standards. I had the same problems as you. I was handsome and funny, yet nobody ever seemed to be interested in me. Although, I would yet call myself a Master Don Juan. I am starting to get some concepts...
  18. C

    I think women only like me for my body.

    Yes, I am David Deangelo. No fool, I am not David Deangelo. And even if I was, do you think I would be stupid enough to admit it?:crackup: