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  1. C

    I think women only like me for my body.

    Something to learn from this. I think I just learned one of my problems. I treat women like I want them to be my trophies. Actually, it is the other way around you should act like you are their trophy. If this girl introduces Realnezz to her friends, this sounds like this is a good thing, right?
  2. C


    You gave me a lot to think about.. I will take time to think this stuff over. Hopefully, then will I fully understand the concepts. Cool.
  3. C


    I appreciate all of the help. I feel I am a better person, because of your help.
  4. C


    Yeah, I see where you are comming from. I didn't think of the consequences. I took some bad advice. 1. People always said: Go with the flow. 2. My dad said: I like it simple. So, now I see where I went wrong. Let me know if you need help on how to be funny.
  5. C


    Thanks. The problem is actually forcing myself to do things. I find it difficult to do things. Like talking to girls. The problem was I was afraid, I now talk to at least 3 day. Hopefully more. Could fear be an issue?
  6. C

    How to get invited to parties.

    I agree that not taking **** from people is important. I don't quite get the anger part. Do you think anger can be used in a good way?
  7. C


    I have problems with doing stupid things. Such as not thinking. Or no common sense. I know people think naturally but for me, this is an issue. I am smart, but I can be an airhead.
  8. C

    How to get invited to parties.

    Thanks for your help. I can really see things in a new perspective. The way I was looking at life was negetively.
  9. C

    How to get invited to parties.

    Answer to your questions I prefer hanging out with people that are not uncool, but do not necessarily have to be cool. Also people that have something to offer, such as good at certain things. Also, the kind of person I am is tendency to be a jerk at times but kind of easy going. However...
  10. C

    How to get invited to parties.

    Yeah, complaining about it does no good. So basically, I need to act like I enjoy life, and not bicth about it. How do you show you have some value?
  11. C

    going to a club by yourself

    So what's you're explaination? Einstien. What's your theory?
  12. C

    going to a club by yourself

    I know from what I read. Quote: "*memo to self* extrapolate this AFC concept" The hell do you believe that for fool? I got this concept from reading, what other people have thought.
  13. C

    How to get invited to parties.

    Quote: No such thing is constant, don't be assumptious! Just be patient, and seriously consider the liqour thing. You're probably right, I like to assume.
  14. C

    going to a club by yourself

    I think that the chicks think you are a loser. When you admit to them that you are by yourself, you look like you have no friends.
  15. C

    READ THE DJ BIBLE now what???

    Try harder. Just think about it. There are plenty of places to meet girls, clubs, sporting events, cafe's, lunch tables....
  16. C

    How to get invited to parties.

    How do you make friends? Like, I don't have many. Most people are not interested in me. Even if I make jokes, they just don't like me.
  17. C

    One Week as AC/DC... this is your goal (field report)

    AC/DC is probably right about banging friends. I have read, that a good way to bang girls, is through friends.
  18. C

    How to get invited to parties.

    What do got to do to get invited to parties. When I am walking around campus, usually if there is a party, I can walk in and join. However, I rarely get invited to parties. I see this as a good place to pick-up chicks.
  19. C

    One Week as AC/DC... this is your goal (field report)

    I usually approach at least 3 girls a day. I have gotton numbers, just none of them really got anywhere. Most of the time I don't ask.
  20. C

    Okay- this is beginning to piss me off

    Possible Analysis.... Is it possible by sending a rose to this chick you come off as a nice guy? Possibly she insults you because she thinks you can take **** from her. Don't take her crap, stick-up for yourself. Don't appear as an AFC.