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  1. H

    How to put the spark back into a LTR

    Me and my girlfriend have been going out for about a year and a half. Long story short we have spent alot of time together (probably an issue), and she is the type of girl who always wants to see me. Always! Gives off big signs of still being interested plenty of sex, sex drive, ringing me...
  2. H

    Signs your being taken for granted? What to do?

    What are some of the signs your being taken for granted by a girl/girlfriend? I have a feeling I MIGHT be She seems to "expect" certian things from me now, as opposed to understanding I do them because I want to and not because I "have to" and if I dont do them she will be abit "off" with...
  3. H

    Dealing with bad behaviour / arguments

    Just interested in peoples opinions on how to deal with bad behaviour from your girlfriend? Especially on nights out. Do you tell them directly - look I dont like "XYZ" when you do that, it puts me off you. Put some distance between you both and go abit cold with her. Just "a look" of...
  4. H

    **** Birthday

    Exactly! The cake she made was a fruit cake it literally takes less than half a hour! Just pisses me off that she didnt plan anything or save money up for ONE DAY OF THE YEAR. I made her birthday special, so youd think someone whos close to you would want to do the same!
  5. H

    **** Birthday

    She is good in all other ways, a few jealousy issues but she is actually doing well to resolve them. I may be getting close to over reacting, it just pisses me off. I mean, one day of the year, and she cant save some money for it? Come on! If this was the other way round she would not be a...
  6. H

    **** Birthday

    Well I just had a ****ty birthday! Girlfriend didnt really make much effort in my opinion. The present she got me didnt arrive in time (which isnt her fault) she didnt make me a nice meal, or even take me for a meal anywhere (because she hadnt saved any money up, even though she has a job and...
  7. H

    LTR Issue? Unsure

    but yeah getting off topic there haha: just wanna know: Is this normal when your in a relationship going thru a ruff patch? How do you know if things just arnt the same anymore/lost attraction vs Temporary Phase and things will get back to normal. Am I right in thinking that time apart would...
  8. H

    LTR Issue? Unsure

    Thanks for the replys. I get what your saying about its a good trait but... The jealousy issue is a problem because it effects our night outs regulary. Girls who I know will come up to say hello to me ( and her) and she is very off and distant with them and makes things uncomfy. This is not...
  9. H

    LTR Issue? Unsure

    Been with her a year and she is a nice girl, really good looking, used to get on great, still do but not as much because she has issues: Jealousy issues Needy and clingy I broke up with her recently about it, as I made it clear I couldnt be with someone like that. We spoke about it and she...
  10. H

    Valentines Day - Vagina Day! What do you think? I agree completley. I agree with opening doors, carrying bags...when you want to. Man things. But not BECAUSE your SUPPOSED to do it.
  11. H

    Great Relationship...BUT (Codependency?)

    You may be right. Her dad isnt much of a dad in my eyes. Never rings her, never texts her, dosent come over to see her, dosent give her any money, dosent seem interested at all unless she makes the first move. Gives her silent treatment when she dosent do something he agrees with (even if it...
  12. H

    Great Relationship...BUT (Codependency?)

    I didnt break up with her to play games, I broke up with her because I dont want to be with a girl who acts like that. Ive explained that to her before so I had to go through with it. I would get back with her if she sorted herself out. I dont mind her being upset or disapointed if she...
  13. H

    Great Relationship...BUT (Codependency?)

    Me and my girlfriend have been together a year and its going really well for the most part. She is a great girl, I'd say about a 8 out of 10...would be a 9 if she got some issues sorted. Im begining to think she is abit Codependant. We spend alot of time together (which is fine by me) but...
  14. H


    Its definetly petty things that arnt worth arguing about. They arnt massive arguments but they are disagreements. I think perhaps because we hardley ever had a corssed word up until this point, it might have made her wonder if its normal. This is her longest relationship and she has only had...
  15. H


    Yeah, well shes been texting me today and said that she didnt have doubts about being with me, but doubts about wether its normal to have arguments or bicker/disagree in a relationship sometimes and she realises it is going to happen sometimes. By the way thanks for your help mate
  16. H


    Well thanks for your replys and not giving me **** that dosent help me haha! Yeah we have great sex and everything else is absoloutly fine. Still calls and texts and wants to meet up. The little things we argue about are insignificant. I couldnt even tell you what they were, just bickering...
  17. H


    Bit of a "ruff" patch with my girlfriend of 11 months. Shows high level of interest all the time everything else is good. We have been arguing/bickering recently, not loads but more than we have ever done, and my girlfriend told me that sometimes she has doubts about our relationship because of...
  18. H

    Women and alcohol

    women tend to get *****y when they have something to drink, would you ever forgive a woman for kicking off when shes had a drink if she had never ever been like that before?
  19. H

    Girlfriend of 5 years cheated (99.9% sure)

    Im 100% sure she did something bad that you wouldnt agree with. Perhaps she let someone slap her ass, or touched someones **** or played strip poker with someone, who knows! It COULD be something and nothing, but I really doubt that. If its big enough for her friend to ask her about a guy and...
  20. H

    Grass is greaner and unsure

    Yeah I might just do that. I dont want to finish her then regret it later!