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  1. H

    Grass is greaner and unsure

    haha Im 22, 23 in march. Im very grown up for my age as I had to move out at 17 so since then its been a steep learning cerve. I have done all the partying and shagging about, its not as if this is my first "long term" girlfriend either, but in the past they turned out to be total *****es. I...
  2. H

    Grass is greaner and unsure

    My girlfriend is great, shes everything a bloke could ask for in a woman, and she loves me alot. The only thing bad I could say about her is that she is abit clingy sometimes and isnt much of a challenge, but Ive spoken to her about it and she understands and is willing to sort it. Anyway, we...
  3. H

    Can girls be too nice? Do you lose attraction for girls that are too nice?

    again, what I come to realise I ment was: nice girls = good clingy, insecure, up your arse 24/7, always chasing you, never letting you seek them out girls = bad Alot of "NICE" girls do have that type of behaviour. That is the behaviour I mean and that puts me off.
  4. H

    Can girls be too nice? Do you lose attraction for girls that are too nice?

    Nice girls like nice guys have a tendency to be needy/clingy/insecure. I guess that's what I mean when I think about it. Being nice is fine, but if they are TOO nice and show them behaviours, that's what puts me off.
  5. H

    Can girls be too nice? Do you lose attraction for girls that are too nice?

    I find nice women attractive, I do! Who really wants a complete *****! I dont (anymore) Im just talking TOO nice. Like men who are "NICE GUYS" - Its a put off for women. So i deinfetly feel like a "NICE GIRL" is a put off for men.
  6. H

    Can girls be too nice? Do you lose attraction for girls that are too nice?

    Can girls be too nice? Do you lose attraction for girls that are too nice? For me personally, I think they can and I do. Being "A nice guy" if your a man is a no no. I think the same applys for women. Wether thats because at the start of my dating life I ended up in a relationship with two...
  7. H

    Do you find "Challenging" women more attractive?

    The way I see it is: women LOVE men who are a challenge when something is too easy...too effort chance of losing them - its natural to take it for granted. It loses its appeal and it gets boring. Thats why women love men who are a challenge. I think the same...
  8. H

    Do you find "Challenging" women more attractive?

    I dont mean them being b*tch and making you jump through hoops like some b*itch.... Just things like: Not ALWAYS wanting to be around you, or at least having other things to occupy her time Letting you initiate sometimes, wether its SMS, call email or in person Letting you wonder what they...
  9. H

    Flirting LTR

    2 question I thought I'd throw out there! Should you still flirt with your girlfriend like you did in the begining if your in a LTR together?! Should you be/can you be the man you were at the begining throughout the LTR?! With my LTR girlfriend I keep things fun, tease, compliment SOMETIMES...
  10. H

    Insecure Girlfriend

    Its crazy isnt it! Sounds to be very very similar! She isnt a nut case about it and dosent go crazy, but its like you say it just wares you out. She cant be truley happy if she thinks im doing stuff behind her back can she?! I know I wouldnt be if it was the other way around. Perhaps the...
  11. H

    Insecure Girlfriend

    Ok gotcha! Something I forgot to mention... She has family issues. Her mum is a selfish ***** (luckily she isnt anything like her mum) and she isnt happy when shes at home. Her mum isnt interested in family time or anything else, something my girlfriend is really into. Her dad never seems to...
  12. H

    Insecure Girlfriend

    I wont change my behaviour. She told me about the phone thing and I said well thats something I wont change just because you get insecure about it. I have always done it wether Im single or not. I have nothing to hide, so trust me and deal with it. I dont really want to fix her because I have...
  13. H

    Insecure Girlfriend

    Our relationship is great, we have been together 9 months. We almost always go out and do things and try new things. I keep things exciting. The sex is great, shes very loyal and caring. We share alot of the same views and morals and are very compatible. So all in all shes a really decent girl...
  14. H

    "We dont talk as much anymore"

    hmm thats a shame cos shes a good girl definetly girlfriend material. nothing I can do to turn it around? Recently I havnt really been texting her and talking to her as much cos ive been busy so could it be that she genuinally just wants me to pay attention abit more like I did in the...
  15. H

    "We dont talk as much anymore"

    What could I do to sort the problem out if this is the case?
  16. H

    "We dont talk as much anymore"

    Im 22 mate! What do you mean talking TOO much? How can I be talking too much when she says "we dont talk as much as we used to anymore" ?! In my mind I think the best thing to do is cut out all the unnessary texting and talk to each other when we see each other, and possibly spend a...
  17. H

    "We dont talk as much anymore"

    Been with my girlfriend about 7 months, was seeing her for 3 months before we got together. Things are really good shes a great girlfriend and treats me with respect! Today she said "I feel like we dont talk as much anymore" Logically we do. we text throughout the day, we talk on the phone, we...
  18. H

    Girlfriend insecurity

    My girl today said that she gets it in her head sometimes that I might be texting and messaging other girls. I've given her no reason to think that what so ever, always been totally honest and our relationship is great (and I havent been messaging other women) She isnt being a ***** about...
  19. H

    Attention seeking/**** test?

    how do you guys pass **** tests normally? Just ignore it? Unless its something that needs addressing then and there