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  1. H

    Attention seeking/**** test?

    gotcha! So just ignore it!
  2. H

    Attention seeking/**** test?

    Just wanted peoples thoughts! Good relationship with my girlfriend but she is abit insecure and low on confidence. She always has a picture of me and her as her facebook profile pic, hardly ever has posing pictures of her on her own and has told me in the past she dosent like photos of just...
  3. H

    shes worried I will end it

    girlfriend is worried and gets upset that I'll end the relationship over any little thing. (Only ended it once over something major I wouldnt tolerate, but she sorted it and we are fine now) Is her being worried that ill end the relationship over little things good? Does it keep her on her...
  4. H

    profile picture

    haha I just said to her its not a big deal, im not bothered and she can have what ever profile picture she wants!
  5. H

    profile picture

    Just a little background everythis is good with the girlfriend, high intertest level e.t.c. been together 6 months. Ive got bipolar so I tend to think into things - which I keep to myself and never let her know! Anyway I woke upto a text this morning from my girlfriend saying that she had...
  6. H

    Texting in a relationship

    I know when your first getting to know a girl texting can be a good thing... but when youve been in a relationship a while, and you have time apart not seeing each other for a few days, do you think its a good idea to keep in touch via text? I'm in two minds... 1) its good to keep in touch...
  7. H

    The Natural Progression of a Relationship

    Im at stage 3. last week I was really into my girlfriend and at the moment im abit unsure. I want more time to myself than I did in the begining I'm not as affectionate as I was in the begining and I dont think I feel the same way I felt in the begining... I still get pissed off if I think of...
  8. H

    Needing space

    can you send me the same presents please!?
  9. H

    Needing space

    yeah well lets see what happens! shes a great girl 100% girlfriend material. I need to man up and have my space when I want it and not spend allllll the time with her. she needs to be more secure, trust I will come back and also to let me come to her sometimes to keep that attraction going (me...
  10. H

    Needing space

    yeah totally get it! Thanks for the replys! At least ive realised what I need to do! Do you think ive ****ed things up big time? The idea of talking to her about it was because she is very insecure, and if I explained to her why I was doing what I was doing (not texting her as much, wanting...
  11. H

    Needing space

    yeah I get ya. Well I told her everything last night. I explained that the way she is makes me think she is clingy and insecure, and if it carries on she will push me away. She totally gets it and wants to change, which is great! id rather see her secure and happy than sad when she thinks...
  12. H

    Needing space

    lol I dont want to dump her. Shes a brilliant girl definetly... girlfriend material. Its bascially my need for space thats the only "PROBLEM" once ive had it im fine and things are back to normal. my gut instinct is telling me that we need to spend less time together and her to ease up on...
  13. H

    Needing space

    thanks for the replys so far! I dont feel like im bored with her or the relationship, and i dont really wanna go and bang other birds. Our sex is good our relationship is good. I think it might be a case of spending a little less time together and asking her to have abit more self control...
  14. H

    Needing space

    Been with my girlfriend about 5 months now. Everything is good! She is stunning, really nice girl, great girlfriend e.t.c. BUT when ive been with her a few days (maybe 3 or 4 with no time apart) I find myself getting distant, quiet, annoyed by little things, lack of sex drive....I feel I...
  15. H

    Girlfriend Smoking and Lying need advice

    I would try help her quit, but she has lied for months and months about it. First it was just on nights out, now ive found out its "about once every month" shes been smoking at college with her friends and they always smoke, so i doubt its once every month, more like once every day or week...
  16. H

    Girlfriend Smoking and Lying need advice

    I dont think im being overdramatic really, she knew from the start before we got together what i expected. No lies and no smoking. She agreed to it, so ive every right to be angry with her.
  17. H

    Girlfriend Smoking and Lying need advice

    Cheers for all the replys! She isnt a daily smoker or anything (to my knowing) and she always told me she only ever smoked on a night out sometimes! Im just really mad atm that she has lied to me for months. All sorts going through my head now....what else has she lied about, does she...
  18. H

    Girlfriend Smoking and Lying need advice

    Been with my girlfriend for about 5 months now and shes great in every other way. She used to be a social smoker but ive said to her if she were to start again I wouldnt be with her. I had a feeling just a gut feeling that she was smoking again but she swore to me she wasnt and turns out she...
  19. H


    oh yeah it seems to be stable at the moment high interest all the time lots of sex all the usual stuff. she is usually the one to initiate texting aswell but this time she said that. She still hasnt text me, but i suspect I will get a text today. Like I said maybe its a test to see if I'll do...
  20. H


    Just wanted some opinions... was texting my girlfriend today and got busy working and said "right babe need to sort some stuff out text me later on xx" to which she replied "no, you text me xx" My gut instinct is to not bother texting her. I see it as a kind of test to see If I will or...