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  1. F

    Do all women cheat?

    I believe everyone has their price. I think girls are more likely to cheat due to the fact that they are more likely to have guys fawning over them to the point where eventually they just feel like they could use the additional attention. But either way, depending on what someone wants or...
  2. F

    What do you do during your free time?

    Other than meeting girls and spending time with girlfriends or what not. I'm stuck in the city of my university this summer with a potential job, although it'd only be part time. I was just wondering what normal people (ie people who aren't losers like me and spend all their time in their...
  3. F


    I get that you'd just want to know out of curiosity. But if the voice mail had a guy's voice, I seriously doubt it's your ex. Either she didn't delete her contacts as 1800 said, or it's an actual coincidence. Somehow. I don't know how you butt-dial an entire number then send a blank text.
  4. F

    How an alpha should be

    Yeah. At first it seems like he's 100% alpha, dominating her, literally telling her what to do. He tells her to get on the floor and look for his shoes on her hands and knees. She says it's right there, and he says to do it anyway. I was so taken aback by this, but by the end, when she says she...
  5. F

    Anyone here smoking cigarettes

    I've heard the one-a-day or even two a day won't hurt, especially if you're physically active, cardio being the best. I smoke, have been for about two years (4-5 daily?) and my cousin that smokes swears 1-2 a day won't hurt. Personally I don't believe it. The crap inside is still going in, and...
  6. F

    Girl has HPV, Herpes and Not Jewish! Advice needed....

    I'd always say that if you have to ask, the answer is probably no. You seem really doubtful. On another note, she doesn't seem too concerned about the fact that she issues...that are quite contagious. She doesn't care that she has them, and she doesn't seem to care that she could...
  7. F

    Alcohol and erections

    I've noticed (obviously) that whenever I drink, I can't maintain an erection, nor can I get completely hard. I figured it was just any type of alcohol, but when I told my friend this today she said that certain types of alcohol really affect erections, like beer and whiskey. Since that's...
  8. F

    How an alpha should be

    Mad men is my number one favourite show. Don Draper is the ultimate alpha. But if you watch through the series, you'll realize, he gets with ANY woman he wants, with minimal effort. He sits at a bar and women approach HIM. He can get with any woman in the show that he chooses. But notice what he...
  9. F

    Death of another AFC?

    I saw ishallsurvive's post and it's funny that I should see that post now. I'm going to do the same. In the second year of university, a friend entered the university I'm attending. I had spoken to her only through MSN at the time but we were kind of close. When we met up for the first time, we...
  10. F

    How often do you watch porn?

    I watch it way too much and I think one thing it does is gets me too fixated on the visual aspect of sex, like watching a girl take her clothes off, watching her naked, etc. Which is problematic if you're in a room with a girl with the lights turned off. I figured her touching me would be enough...
  11. F

    How to mind fvck a woman

    Pretty sure it's borderline personality disorder, or bipolar, basically when the girl acts crazy and you can't tell what the hell she wants from you.
  12. F

    Female sex toys = competition?

    Just curious, because I admittedly only recently lost my virginity and I don't know many females who talk about this. If a girl uses sex toys like dildos that are...really large...would they not be as pleasured by an actual man? I mean I know there's obvious advantages with an actual human being...
  13. F

    some of you guys are sick PERVERTS. good riddance sosuave

    Sigh, one post and people start arguing. Yeah it's a shame, yeah it might be gross, and yeah it makes the rest of the guys here look bad, but as was said before, you ARE on a board of this nature. Either way, guys don't fight over a girl. Moral of this thread: don't send a photo to anyone who...
  14. F

    Advice NEEDED ASAP

    Do you really want to go? I think that if you're concerned about the overpaying, then your desire to go might not actually be that strong. I'd say you should just apologize and say "Sorry, I don't have enough money to finance that right now". You can also just mention "I might've been if I had...
  15. F

    The Faces Behind the Username

    He did post a picture but I guess he edited his post and removed it. :(
  16. F

    Video of me smiling, please criticize the hell out of me

    It doesn't look like a natural smile really..kind of like you're forcing it, so what brownbear said. also, maybe girls think you're going to walk up to them and hit on them right away? you have a johnny bravo type look when you smile, like pretty much what you'd see on tv of a guy about to hit...
  17. F

    Messed Up Situation

    Going to the bar/club in an hour or so, going to jump right into this and remove my approach anxiety once and for all. I shall post if anything interesting happens although from some stories I've seen on here I doubt it'd match up...we shall see :)
  18. F

    FR: Finally landed myself a date after 2 months of straight flaking.

    Wow. Read this whole thread and I gotta say it's been interesting. On one hand, Sage, realize that people here are going to be saying you're making a wrong move because didn't you start the cold approaches and what not simply to AVOID something like this? Or more specifically, the fallout of...
  19. F

    Messed Up Situation

    Yeah you guys are right. I went to lunch with her a few hours ago, and some friends came by visiting her (two girls). I knew they were going out later and it was implied I wasn't invited (I wouldn't have gone anyway), but we drove around, I got some alcohol from LCBO so it wasn't a total waste...
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    Messed Up Situation

    Sorry for the double post...I forgot to mention, I'm seeing her in about 30 minutes. We're to have lunch, but then some friends of hers are visiting so she'll be partying with them tonight and probably her boyfriend too (since she didn't invite me). I was thinking of going out tonight and trying...