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  1. F

    Is "beta" synonymous with "ugly"?

    I'm one of those people that swore I could never gain weight. 5'5, and my tiny ass was stuck at 110 lbs for years. Eating fast food 3 times a day and still no changes. But somehow in a few months, I ended up at 130lbs. So yeah, if you think you can't gain weight it's bullsh*t. protip: make...
  2. F

    Is the brad pitt/Channing tatum test to harsh

    For certain questions, if you have to ask, you may already know the answer.
  3. F

    Tip to make it easier to approach

    This. So, so true. While I've personally never been able to muster up the courage to approach a girl, this one time in a bar I was with a friend, and he was acting shy, but he liked this girl. I was sober, and I was able to talk to friends of the girl he liked, get into the whole group of...
  4. F

    To buy or not buy a drink?

    As I've heard from female friends, some girls talk to guys just to get drinks out of them (which should be common knowledge here), but worse yet, some girls try to get a guy to pay for the girl AND her friends. Whatever you do, don't be that guy.
  5. F

    Waterloo Ontario

    I'm doubting this but are there any DJs in Waterloo Ontario?
  6. F

    Practicing cold approaches in another city

    Never thought of that...sounds good, thanks!
  7. F

    Practicing cold approaches in another city

    I'm actually okay with that. I've never done approaches at all and I want to get accustomed to doing it so that when I get back to Ontario and back into my university town, I'll be more comfortable with it. Thing is I'll mainly be in malls, and at night since it's a family trip we all...
  8. F

    Practicing cold approaches in another city

    Hey guys, quick question. I want to practice cold approaches as I've actually never done them...and I'm visiting Buffalo today with the family for shopping. I'm usually left alone and I figured I'd might as well start practicing approaching in a different city where there's pretty much no...
  9. F

    Girlfriend dancing with guys etc

    There's two sides. Being insecure, but also being wary. As was said above, if she wanted to cheat she'd find other ways, but if you say no, she might be less satisfied with the relationship. On the other hand, greater opportunity leads to a higher chance of a behaviour - it's like a crime of...
  10. F

    Girls are pathetic

    You pretty much summed it up, she's pathetic. I'm not a fan of grouping women together collectively and calling them all pathetic or crazy, because it's the same as them saying all men are pigs - we're not all the same. In that case though this chick is a child. Telling on the leader? Did she...
  11. F

    How to put serious one-itis behind you?

    Yeah. In this case I'm honestly torn...I know NC is the best way to go, but me and her help each other out with very serious emotional issues. But I mean that does not sound healthy at all, being emotionally tied to a one-itis. I just have to stop being a little b*tch about it. I don't know...
  12. F

    How to put serious one-itis behind you?

    She has a boyfriend. And she said she only cheated on him with me, but like the DJ bible says, listen only to a girl's actions, not what she says, or something along those lines. And sometimes it kills me when I think she's sleeping with another guy, or even with her own boyfriend. And on a bad...
  13. F

    How to put serious one-itis behind you?

    Personally, I think it sucks when the emotional connection was strong for a one-itis, but it's extra worse when you've done things with them. I've had oneitis with girls where nothing happened and the oneitis I have now is the girl I lost my virginity to. It sucks more when you've done things...
  14. F

    How to put serious one-itis behind you?

    There are some days when I can go out and try to better myself. Lately, on those good days, I'm getting more into what I can do in terms of self improvement. But there are some days where the drastic clutch of a one-itis makes me feel like I can't go on without that specific b*tch. I think this...
  15. F

    Need advice from DJs to deal with neediness

    To be honest I also suffer from neediness, to an extreme level. I'd love to get involved in these types of martial arts. My only question is that, I'm 21. I know people who've done martial arts since they were 10 to 13. Would I need to take another, more basic form of martial arts like karate or...
  16. F

    What to do when at a bar or club during downtime?

    I had gotten to the town my university is in late, and there was nowhere to buy alcohol (Ontario - if LCBO is closed, you're out of luck on getting drunk at home).
  17. F

    What to do when at a bar or club during downtime?

    I mean when you're not talking to girls and you're alone. I went to a bar/club last night for the sake of getting drunk cheap ($2.50 shots and beers) and I realized that I was just standing around, probably looked like a loser. When you're not talking to a girl, what're some things you can...
  18. F

    90 day no fap journal.

    Sigh, I'm one of those porn addicts. I've tried to not fap but I can't help it. Probably a masturbating addict more than a porn addict. But I'll start this too. I think the last time I fapped was a day or two ago but I'll just start counting from right now. I hate the whole getting hard at...
  19. F

    STOP the Race threads

    As an Indian guy in Canada, Ontario, maybe I'm lucky to be in a very diverse city, but even without doing or saying anything I've seen girls checking me out. There is a lot to do with how certain races are seen, but not everything. I think that if there were a group of girls that had...
  20. F

    Fold these cards and wait for next hand?

    Could she have a boyfriend? I don't know how to tell per se, but does she seem much more interested in you when you're physically in front of her?